The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 705 Chapter 708: Divine Bow Winner Tianzhu Reappears

Chapter 705 Chapter 708: Divine Bow Winner Tianzhu Reappears
"Divine Art. Golden body protection!"

Facing the crowd's siege, although Gou Mang looked very weak, he didn't show the slightest anxiety. He suddenly spread his wings and brought out a crackling golden thunder. Immediately afterwards, the dazzling golden light erupted suddenly from Ju Mang's body Coming out, like a solid wall, it was pushed around in an instant. Except for Tang Tang who had already retreated, everyone else was knocked away by the golden glow!
"Grass mud horse!"

The golden glow didn't hurt, it just pushed everyone away as if there was any substance, but in the next second, everyone either cursed or slandered in their hearts!

The reason is very simple, a huge number popped out of Gou Mang's head, calculated in five digits, but the number was not red, but emerald green, which was extremely eye-catching.

Everyone knows that red represents damage, while green represents blood recovery!

That Gumang's health instantly returned to 80%!
The hard work that had been fought for nearly an hour collapsed in an instant, and anyone couldn't help but want to yell, isn't this tossing people!
"Divine Art. Thunderbolt Explosion!"

However, Gou Mang didn't give them any chance to breathe. With the flapping of the wings on his back, he shot out a row of golden thunderballs, flying towards the front, and then made a roaring explosion sound, exploding one by one, spreading across a large area. position, this time, no one chose to step forward, but retreated one after another. Jumang's thunderstorm was not very fast, and did not bring them any harm. Everyone retreated lightly, but , Gou Mang's return of blood dealt a greater blow to everyone, morale and confidence dropped suddenly, even Tang Tang was no exception, and he felt a little bit of a jitter in his heart. No matter how powerful an enemy can be defeated, it is not enough to make people lose their minds. I hope, but if Jumang does this every time he dies, when will he be able to kill this damned birdman?

Of course, it is also possible that the golden body armor has a very long cooling time, and maybe it can only be used once, but it still makes people lose confidence in trying to kill Gou Mang again.

At this moment, Tang Tang retreated while defending against the scattered electric current, but suddenly saw the Sun Shooting Bow standing alone on the octagonal stone platform, exuding a seductive Qiongguang.

In an instant, Tang Tang had a flash of inspiration.

"Apple!" Tang Tang shouted impatiently, "Grab the bow!"

Qingqing Applexiang froze for a moment, but still reacted quickly, and quickly ran towards the Sun Shooting Bow, facing the exploding thunderbolt, Qingqing Applexiang suddenly lowered her body, He scrambled through the thunder and lightning, ran straight to the octagonal stone platform, and stretched out his hand to grab the Sun Shooting Bow.

Unfortunately, just when Qingqing Apple Xiang was about to touch the Sun Shooting Bow, it was still a step too late.

A pair of big hands suddenly rushed ahead of Qingqing Applexiang.

Yumian Luosha used the earth escape technique to directly pass through the coverage area of ​​the thunder and sky explosion from the ground, and jumped out of the ground suddenly before Qingqing Apple Xiang. Grasp it, but...

The moment the jade-faced Luosha was about to hold the Sun-shooting Bow, he felt his palms were burning hot. The hot jade-faced Luosha almost couldn't help letting go of his hands, but he still gritted his teeth and held back the Sun-shooting bow. He held it firmly, but his perseverance did not get any rewards. The flame pattern of the Sun Shooting Bow suddenly emitted a strong red light, and then, a mass of crimson red light mixed with billowing flames shot out from the bow. The body exploded, and the jade-faced Luo Sha was swept away by the flames almost without resistance, and was carried into the air, then fell heavily on the ground, rolling to extinguish the flames, his whole body became scorched black.

This incident immediately made everyone a little dumbfounded, even Qingqing Apple Xiang, who was very close to the Sun Shooting Bow, stared at the jade-faced Luosha being blown away by the Sun Shooting Bow.

Tang Tang immediately shouted loudly again: "Take the bow, quickly take the bow!"

This yell brought Qingqing Applexiang back to her senses. For Tang Tang, Qingqing Applexiang naturally trusted Tang Tang completely, and she didn't even think about whether she would end up in the same fate as Yumian Luosha. , took a step forward, ran up to the octagonal stone platform, and reached out to grab the sun-shooting bow on the stone platform.

"Bold!" Jumang shouted angrily, "Mortal, how can you wait for ants to defile the artifact!"

As the words fell, Gou Mang pointed to the sky with one hand, and the golden lightning around him quickly flew towards Ju Mang's fingertips, forming a thorny purple gold sky thunder on Ju Mang's fingertips, which made people unable to open their eyes.

"Divine Art. Sky Splitting Thunderbolt!"

Jumang pointed at Qingqing Applexiang, and the purple gold lightning surged out from Jumang's fingertips, and then expanded violently, turning into a dragon-like purple gold lightning, completely engulfing Qingqing Applexiang.

"Damn birdman!"

Tang Tang and Tang Mei jumped up at the same time, swearing and rushing towards Jumang.

But, at this moment.

The purple-gold lightning rushed over Qingqing Applexiang's body, but Qingqing Applexiang was still standing there intact, even he himself was a little strange, he opened his hands, looked at his body, and finally confirmed that he was indeed Did not suffer any harm.

"A clear person of the third generation?" Gou Mang pointed to Qingqing's apple fragrance and said, "Mortal, do you want to be the master of the Sun Shooting Bow?"


Qingqing Apple Xiang obviously didn't realize why she was hit by a delicious pie all of a sudden, she looked a little dumbfounded.

"Idiot!" Tang Tang shouted, "Hurry up and agree!"

"Mortal!" Gou Mang immediately pointed at Tang Tang and said, "Shut up, I won't allow you to yell in front of this god!"

"I'll go! This damn birdman!"

Tang Tang scolded Gou Niang in his heart, wishing to pull Gou Mang down and beat Hai Bian again, and he didn't know who was beaten like a dead bird just now.

However, such an interruption from Tang Tang brought Qingqing Apple Xiang back to her senses, and hurriedly said: "I am willing, I am willing to be the master of the Sun Shooting Bow, I want this bow!"

"The king of the gods has the training to move across the six realms, and everything has a destiny. Ordinary people look up at the sky, there is no bright moon lurking, and the four seasons change. In the dark, everything follows the cause and destiny, and the eternal one is the way of heaven!" Jumang pointed to Qing. Qing Apple Xiang said: "Since you are a clear person of the third generation, you are a predestined person for the Sun Shooting Bow. From today onwards, the Sun Shooting Bow will respect you as the master. The amount of power you wield depends on the master, do you understand?"

Qingqing Applexiang immediately nodded and said: "Understood!"

"Since the Sun Shooting God Bow has an owner, the god's duty can finally be fulfilled!" Gou Mang's figure gradually faded, like circles of halos, only the indifferent voice echoed in the hall: " If you die, the artifact will return to the Fengshen Mausoleum!"

When the words fell, Ju Mang's figure completely disappeared.

Tang Tang walked up to Bloody Lin Bo and smiled, "It seems like we didn't win."

Bloody Limbo said indifferently: "It's just a trick."

Bloody Lin Bo is undoubtedly very personable, and the others have no intention of attacking Qingqing Apple Xiang. It is very simple. The jade-faced Luosha is a lesson from the past. That sentence also sounded the alarm for everyone. The Sun Shooting Bow is different from other magic weapons. If Qingqing Apple Xiang dies, then the Sun Shooting Bow will inevitably fall, but it will not fall in place, but directly to the In the temple, wouldn't it be necessary to play Jumang again?
Forget it, I feel my scalp numb just thinking about it!
Riding Pig Zhuyue was very unwilling. He could also pick up the Sun Shooting Bow, but it was obviously too late to grab it now. Besides, would he be able to grab it?After Qingqing Apple Xiang held the Sun Shooting Bow, he was obviously no match. Secondly, if he dared to attack, he would definitely be hacked to death by Tang Tang and Tang Mei's random swords.

The situation is set!

But at this moment...

A gust of black wind suddenly came in from the doorway, bringing with it dazzling black sand. The man couldn't open his eyes, so he couldn't help but cover his eyes. Taking advantage of the gap, a man in black suddenly jumped out of the black wind. , taking advantage of Qing Apple Xiang's unawareness, she landed on his hands, raised her foot and kicked Qing Qing Apple Xiang's knee, and pushed her to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the man in black stretched out his hand, and a picture scroll flew out of his backpack, flying in mid-air, and thirty or forty men in black fell down in an instant. At first, it was only the size of a palm, and then it became like a normal person. It is generally the same, and quickly surrounded Qingqing Apple Xiang, drew out his weapon and confronted the others.

"Tianzhu!" Tang Tang came back to his senses, and immediately said angrily: "You fucking let me go."

"Hey, how do you know it's mine!"

The man in black with the picture scroll laughed loudly, and then took off his veil, it was indeed Heavenly Punishment.

"Your uncle's." The man said: "You took out that broken thing, who doesn't know it's you."

The scarlet mercenary group can come in many people because they have the Konoha fantasy city created by the seeds of the god tree. Breaking off the branches can be a trick, but the black shrine can come in many people, it is debatable, even eight spirit beads can It is used to enter the mausoleum, but there are only eight people, and Tang Tang has seen more than this. Of course, there may be things left in the world of the gods in the shrine in black, but the things in the world of the gods are so special. valuable?Can there be so many?And now the answer appears!

Because of Tianzhu, because of the map of mountains and rivers!

At the tomb of King Guge in the Kunlun Shrine back then, Tang Tang had seen Tianzhu use the map of mountains, rivers and lands, which was able to put all the people in the scrolls. Players from the tribe, just played the trick of praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind. I think this time I also used the map of mountains and rivers to put people in, and then entered the mausoleum from Tianzhu, and brought other people in by the way. up.

"I didn't expect you to be a member of the Black Clothes Shrine, tsk tsk, but it's no wonder, hiding your head and shrinking your tail, doing shady things, you Yaozu and the Black Clothes Shrine happen to have the same style, and it's a good match! "Tang Tang sneered with his mouth curled up, then pointed at Tianzhu and said: "You can't get the Sun Shooting God Bow, I advise you to let him go quickly, or don't blame me for taking your sacrificial sword."

(End of this chapter)

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