The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 720 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [14]

Chapter 720 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [14]

Frowning and thinking for a while, Pete seems to have made up his mind, and he simply followed Tang Tang's example, holding a resurrection stone in his hand, and piercing his heart with a sword. After rebirth, Pete's life value, The mana value, and the most important soul value are also restored to full value!
"Weapon spectrum!"

After finishing all this, Pete suddenly shouted, and at the other end, the weapon spectrum heard Pete's cry, hesitated for half a second, and the pages of the book quickly flew up, and every time a page was turned, it flew out. A mouthful of weapons, and after those weapons flew out of the weapon spectrum, all of them immediately gathered on Pete's head.

"The Realm of Sword and Stone!"

All the weapons were suspended above Peter's head, buzzing, and densely gathered together, like a rain of swords suspended in the air!

"Hey, I'm starting to play Magical Artifact!" Tang Tang said, "Won't you think I'm not?"

Tang Tang spread his palms together, and Samsara Fengqiuhuang turned back into two swords, falling back into Tang Tang's palms!

"Life and death!" Tang Tang raised the two swords above the top, bringing out a bloody red light, and then pressed down on the ground: "The realm of reincarnation!"

The red light swelled instantly and spread towards the surroundings, and where the red light passed, everything seemed to stand still in an instant!
The surrounding wind suddenly stopped, the lizards on the rock wall suddenly stopped crawling, and even the fallen gravel was hanging in the air strangely, everything around seemed to stand still in an instant!


On the other side, the weapon spectrum urged Pete, and suddenly, the tens of thousands of weapons suspended in the air stopped moving in an instant, and surging sword intent emerged from Pete's body, almost transparent, but as if it had substance, quickly They opened towards the surroundings, as if creating an independent space, and then collided with Tang Tang's opened red light, pushing and competing with each other!

This is the sword realm, the most incredible thing!
In Soul Domain, everything can be explained by data. Monsters have health points, characters have attributes, attacks have damage, and even sacrifice a thing. Some players who are good at this can also figure out a set of their own. The rules, such as from what time period to what time period is the most reasonable to sacrifice, before you really sacrifice what you want, you need to take a few things at the bottom, or you need to take the things you want to sacrifice after failing several times in a row Go to sacrifice.

Although these data are not completely scientific, and many of them are even superstitious, it has to be said that many things in Soul Domain can be proved by a bunch of data for various reasons.

However, Sword Realm can't!
It was a feeling that couldn't be described by statistics at all, and it was also an extremely powerful ability. However, there was only one thing that was undeniable. When Pete and Tang Tang chose to use the Divine Weapon Artistic Conception at the same time, it proved that they had stepped into the It's a life and death battle!
Peter's Sword and Stone Realm is a realm of swordsmanship, fighting intent, and killing intent all kneaded together!
Killing, dignified, depressing!
Pete's Sword and Stone Realm seems to be all the negative emotions kneaded together. The emphasis is on the killing intent, ferocity, cruelty, which makes people feel a sense of heaviness that can't breathe!

Tang Tang stood in it, but he felt like he was standing on an ancient battlefield, surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood, remnants of soldiers and skeletons, and countless people in armor holding weapons, striding over in front of him frantically, holding their weapons high, Roaring, whining, and slashing at the enemy with a knife, Tang Tang felt extremely depressed, and even breathing was difficult.

Seeing the people all around slaughtering and killing each other, corpses were piled up one by one, and in the distance, the mountain of skulls piled up in a line was even more shocking. Even if he knew it was fake, Tang Tang still felt The urge to retch.

Relatively speaking, Pete felt much better, but the surroundings were terribly quiet. The moment Tang Tang's red light opened, everything around him seemed to be still for an instant. Except for his own breathing that proved that he was still alive, Pete He even wondered if there was anything alive around him.

After a moment of confrontation, Tang Tang patted his cheek fiercely and said, "Illusions, illusions, all are fake!"

And Tang Tang yelled loudly to remind himself, but he also brought Pete back to his senses, and Pete was also shocked. Just as Tang Tang almost fell into the murderous atmosphere, he almost fell into it. Falling into Tang Tang's sword realm, the silent world also makes people palpitate. People, after all, are social animals. This feeling of being quiet for a moment is very stressful.

However, after realizing it, Pete didn't take any breaths, and quickly changed his hands rapidly, continuously condensing out the hand formula.

"The sword, the murder weapon, the swordsman, the murderer who holds the weapon, the sword is the heart blade, kill it, the murder weapon, protect it, it is a soldier, kill and protect with one thought, I worship the sword with my heart, the sword comforts my heart with my spirit, hold the sword in my heart, Everything in the world can be turned into a sword!"

Pete slammed his hands together and condensed them into sword fingers. The blade suspended in the sky gave out a sword cry in an instant. The duration was short, the rhythm was clear, and the long flow was long. A sword stone with a height of more than ten meters suddenly gushed out from the ground, criss-crossing and rushing towards her from all directions around Tang Tang.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong showed the body of a weapon and soul beside Tang Tang, and urged: "Hurry up, do it!"

Tang Tang said with a mournful face, "How can I do it? I don't know how to do it. Do I want to be like him, like a eulogy?"

"Stupid!" Ning Rongrong said anxiously, "How did you kill Xuanwu last time?"

"That's in the world of Feng Qiuhuang's sword body!" Tang Tang said: "That world was created by you, of course I can do whatever I say, and everything is up to me, but he has opened the sword state, and I can't use it The realm of life and death pulled him into the sword."

Xiao Wu said: "Then you can treat this place as the world in the magic weapon!"

Ning Rongrong urged: "Hurry up, Jianshi is coming."

"Okay, okay, I think!" Tang Tang closed his eyes and spit out foul breath. After closing his eyes for a while, he opened his eyes in distress and said, "I can't think of it. I want a tree, but there is no tree here either!"

"Why are you so stupid!" Ning Rongrong hurriedly kicked Tang Tang and said, "Can't you think of something else?"

Xiao Wu stopped Ning Rongrong, and said calmly: "Calm down, recall that feeling, imagine, everything you comprehended in the cycle of life and death!"

Tang Tang has the most difficult point, that is, if someone else holds a magic weapon, their sword state must be compatible with the magic weapon. However, although Tang Tang's sword state has the same meaning as Feng Qiuhuang, it runs counter to it. The realm of Qiuhuang is life and death, which represents the cycle of life and death, and the meaning of everything in the world is dry bones, but Tang Tang is not. She is not as indifferent to life and death as Xiao Wu asked her to be, which is why she cannot use the sword realm perfectly. The biggest reason, in fact, after comprehending the realm of life and death, Tang Tang hadn't really used it in the first place. In Xuanwu's time, he was more forced to come out because he was driven to the shelf.


Taking a deep breath, Tang Tang closed his eyes again.

She began to reminisce, reminiscing about the feeling she experienced in the realm of reincarnation, the experience of sinking into the reincarnation of life and death, the experience of a lifetime, and the feeling of being inexplicable!

Pete was still obsessed with attacking, giant sword stones poured out from the ground one by one, and his soul value was also consumed a lot!

The Realm of Sword and Stone!

No matter judging from the name or the flying swords floating in the air, so dense that no shadow can be seen at all, everyone will think that the world of swords and stones will be a world of swords, but the world of swords and stones is actually a sword-only world. realm!

All plants and trees are swords!

In the realm of swords and stones, everything can be turned into a sword. It can be rocks, birds, trees, grass, and flowers. As long as Pete is willing, even breath and hair can be turned into swords. sword!

This is the Realm of Hundred Soldiers, a sword realm where as long as one is alive, one must suffer damage!
In fact, before the sword stone rushed to Tang Tang, Tang Tang's HP began to drop, and it started to drop HP inexplicably, because even the breeze blowing from Tang Tang's side, To Tang Tang, it was as sharp as a sword.
Xiao Wu stood quietly by Tang Tang's side, always with that indifferent expression on her face, ignoring everything, including life.

Ning Rongrong turned around in a hurry, every time she wanted to urge Tang Tang, but Xiao Wu stopped her with her eyes.

Not far away, Tang Taro and Tang Xin looked anxious at the two of them. The others were not in a hurry. They were already out of the game. After being defeated by Pete, their magical weapons and treasures were also taken away, and they put them in awe. After entering the formation pattern of the magic altar, those divine soldiers and treasures no longer belong to them, and they can no longer get them back. Everything in front of them has nothing to do with them. However, everyone is curious about the final outcome of this scene. Will fall short, who will be crowned the top!

Tang Xin took out the paper talisman and burned it, then frowned and said, "The little girl has less than 20% of her health left."

When Tang Xin said this, the surrounding swords and rocks had become densely packed. Even if Pete didn't do anything, Tang Tang would die from continuous injuries. However, Pete was still ready to use the huge sword Shi gave Tang Tang a heroic final blow, and wrote this final elegy for him!

Time passed, but at this moment, Duanmu Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

"This is the world, this is reincarnation!" Tang Tang suddenly opened his eyes, said something inexplicable, and then pointed to the surroundings: "A thousand years later, are those flowers still there? A thousand years later, are those rocks still there? A thousand years later , Are those people still..."

Tang Tang didn't seem to care about his lost health, even if he was already on the verge of death, because...

The moment Tang Tang's words fell, his health instantly recharged to full!
"This is also reincarnation!" Tang Tang pointed at himself with a smile, and then pointed to the cliffs on both sides: "Then, after a thousand years, will that towering rock wall still exist?"

Boom, boom...

As soon as Tang Tang's words fell, the rock walls on both sides suddenly made a huge roar, and then, surprisingly, they began to close slowly!
No, maybe it should not be described as closing, the rock wall has never moved, but those rocks seem to grow out in an instant, making the rock wall created by the cracked ground seem to be closing again.

It feels like everything has returned to the original point. The growth of the rocks is so natural, jointed, close together, without the slightest gap, just like the original appearance of the crack, but all the time phases are reversed, so that Little by little, the crack returned to the state before it cracked.

(End of this chapter)

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