The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 722 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [16]

Chapter 722 The Disaster of the Tang Sect: The Battle of Gods and Demons [16]

This is a matter for your Tang Sect..." Yumian Luosha got up from the ground and ran away: "I will not participate as an outsider. "

As soon as the words fell, the jade-faced Raksha quickly fled to the ground, and the whole person dived into the ground and was about to escape.

"I want to run!" Mo Luo snorted coldly, landed on the ground, slapped his hands on the ground and said, "Seal of Earth!"


The ground suddenly cracked, and a huge rock surged up, directly pushing the jade-faced Rakshasa out of the ground, smashing heavily on the rock wall, and then rolled to the ground, throwing the jade-faced Rakshasa to the ground. Basu!
"You are so stupid!" Tang Tang urges the sword to shine, and said to the jade-faced Raksha, "Go and tell him, you are not from the Tang Sect, will he believe it?"

Tang Tang's words are not so much mocking the jade-faced Raksha, as they are for other people to hear. Mo Luo clearly wants to kill them all. He doesn't care if you are a disciple of the Tang Sect. Those who appeared, he treated them all as disciples of the Tang Sect. Besides, if they wanted to invade the human world with the Yasha clan, they would still have to be killed if they were not disciples of the Tang Sect.

Therefore, Tang Tang wanted to remind others that even if they lost the magic weapon and had no chance of ascending to the holy world, they still had to think about their own lives. With their high level of over [-], it would take less than ten and a half days to die once. If you can't come back from training for a month, it can be regarded as a serious injury.

Of course, Tang Tang didn't have any good intentions, she only spoke out of the idea that more cannon fodder would be good.

However, there are always people with solid eyes in this world, like the Seven Shrek Monsters of Tangmen, like Tang Taro!
As one of the seven monsters, Taiwu is very brave and responsible. One of them is not afraid of death in his old age. He grabs a broken sword on the ground and goes towards Moluo. It's the first form of the sword god!
Taiwu's cultivation is no longer as good as Tang Xin and Tang Yukuang's, but Taiwu Sword God Yishi is stronger and more accomplished than Tang Xin and Tang Yukuang's. The understanding of the way of the sword, and the use of swordsmanship, the sword energy flying across, but not messy, but more subtle, moving towards Mo Luo's two blue tornadoes, but it is a cover, in front of the blue tornado Scattered towards the sides, but avoided the tornado, and went directly towards Mo Luo himself. Only because Tai Wu can accurately control the direction of countless sword qi, it can be seen that his skills are extraordinary!
"Hmph!" Mo Luo sneered, and casually made a formula and said, "Yan Gang!"

The surrounding rubble suddenly surged up and joined together around Mo Luo, turning into a huge stone ball to envelop Mo Luo. Even the gaps can't be cut!
Taiwu gritted his teeth, and changed the sword formula in his hand: "Sword God Second Style!"

All the sword energy flew into the air in an instant, condensed into a large imaginary sword, and slashed downward. It hit the stone ball and penetrated three inches, shaking off a pile of stone dust, but it still couldn't shake it. Mara's rock curse!
"Sword God Three Forms!"

Tang Xin and Tang Yukuang seem to have only learned the second form of the sword god style. This set of sword formulas is extremely powerful, and it is not so easy to learn all of them naturally. However, Taiwu is naturally a plenum, and the sword The third form of God is...


In an instant, the thousands of sword qi condensed into the imaginary great sword exploded at the same time, making a loud roaring noise, exploding, and with a bang, Mo Luo's stone ball was blasted out abruptly. A gap.

Mo Luo exposed half of his body, and his face was quite angry. He obviously didn't expect that his rock gang would be broken, snorted coldly, and suddenly condensed a formula and pointed forward.

"Demon Flame!"

A burst of flame suddenly shot out from Mo Luo's fingertips, hitting Taiwu's chest directly, and sent Taiwu who was about to release the fourth form of the Sword God into the air with a single blow. But at this time, Tang Taro suddenly rushed out from the side, opened the wall of the wind, and blocked the flames of Mo Luo, spread his palm, and a huge blue-fanged wind blade condensed in the palm of his hand!

"Feng Lan roars!"

While drinking, Tang Taro smashed the wind blade in his palm down!


After the remaining half of the stone ball suffered a blow, it finally completely collapsed into countless boulders.

Mo Luo looked a little embarrassed, his clothes were stained with dust, and his face became more angry. He roared at Tang Taro, and then threw a blue wind blade at Tang Taro!
Tang Taro's abilities can be said to be on the wall of the wind, and Mo Luo used the Qinglan wind blade. Tang Taro was naturally resolute and fearless. After a hard fight, he raised his hand and threw a large wind blade However, Mo Luo is obviously experienced, seeing that the wind spells are almost ineffective against Tang Taro, he quickly changed the spells and put his hands together in front of his mouth.

"Devil flame kills!"

Mo Luo suddenly spewed out a black flame, completely covering Tang Taro!

It took a while before Tang Taro rushed out of the flames relying on the wall of the wind, but Tang Taro's head was also constantly floating with damage!
The wall of the wind that has been almost incomprehensible has been broken, and the way to break the wall of the wind is also simple and shocking, that is continuous damage!

The Wall of the Wind can resist all attacks and transfer the damage to the mana, but if it is continuous damage such as burns, poisoning, and disability, the Wall of the Wind can't help it.

Moreover, such continuous damage doesn't have a big impact on other people, but it is still quite fatal to Tang Taro. In order to maximize the strength of the Wind Wall, his equipment is also based on the mana value route. So much so that her mana is terrifying, and the more mana, it is also the foundation to support the wall of the wind, but the corresponding price paid is that Tang Taro's life is extremely low, only in the early 3000s, needless to say, with the weapon soul master In comparison, even the wise soul masters belong to the weak type!

Regarding this, Tang Taro was quite helpless, and had no choice but to retreat, because the continuous damage was burns, not fire poison, and the antidote could not be cured, so he could only rely on the medicine to continuously return blood to survive the duration, thankfully It was Jin Lingdong who was not far away, and cast Tang Taro a continuous blood recovery spell, which also saved Tang Taro's life to An Ran.

At this time, the Seven Shrek Monsters immediately besieged Mo Luo again, each of them was desperate to attack Mo Luo continuously!
Mo Luo was also not very bothered by being messed with, he folded his hands on his chest and closed his hands!

"Boundless Lightning!"

A black thunder ball appeared in Mo Yi's palm, making a whistling electric sound. After Mo Luo pressed his hands tightly together, the thunder ball suddenly exploded, turning into a black thunder circle and blasting towards the outside. Without exception, all the seven lake monsters were hit, and when their chest felt tight, they vomited blood, and were all blown away by the lightning.

Tang Tang patted his head in pain from behind, people in Tang Sect are so brain-dead, why are you fighting, let others be cannon fodder, it would be better for us to pick cheap ones in the back, but fortunately, there are still smart people, at least Tang Tang Xin and himself should still have a common language!
"Sword God One Form!"

Just as Tang Tang thought about it, Tang Xin, a passionate young man, yelled and urged his sword forward. A burst of sword energy flew across the air, and then he rushed towards Mo Luo, surrounded Mo Luo, trying to kill Mo Luo. strangle!

Tang Xin will not be as weak as the Seven Sages of Shu Mountain. Although the Seven Shrek Monsters are the best in the world in terms of soul skills and spells, there is really a big gap between the cultivation bases of the Third Tribulation and the Second Tribulation. Therefore, Tang Xin Although the sword god's first move was not as exquisite as Taiwu's, it bent Mo Luo's knee slightly with its might.

But, that's all!

"Sword snow is like frost!"

Mo Luo resisted the sword aura of the first form of the sword god with one hand, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab it in the void, condensing out a mouthful of almost transparent sword aura, swung it hard, and rolled out a piece of golden sword wind, vigorously releasing Tang Xin's sword aura To blow away.

Tang Tang slapped his forehead directly, and even Tang Xin went up, so he was naturally embarrassed not to go up, so Yu Qi Chengguang went up to meet him.

Mara is tough, very tough!
Wind, thunder, water, fire, earth, light... the qi sword doesn't seem to be bad. In this way, he is proficient in all kinds of spells, and at the same time can use gold-type spells to condense the qi sword, which makes the basic attributes, Mo Luo can restrain almost anyone. Of course, it is also unavoidable to avoid the common fault of Dharma cultivation, that is, it is slow and fragile at the same time!

Tang Tang stretched out his hand and pinched the void, and the ground under Mo Luo's feet suddenly grew up, sticking to Mo Luo like vines, completely wrapping him in gravel, and turning him into a stone sculpture, but it only lasted for a moment, those A trace of electric current suddenly emerged from the cracks in the rock, and with a bang, it shattered the rock and burst out of the ground.

"Flood Rock Slaughter!"

After Mo Luo broke through the rocks, he immediately reached out to touch the rocks, emitting a faint brown light, and the rocks immediately rose into the sky with the light, forming a rock dragon, ferociously baring its teeth and claws, coming towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang was not surprised that the realm of life and death did not have a very good effect. He is a devil, and so many people on his side are just trying to ascend to the two realms of the holy and the devil. In the devil world, but like to run to the human world, I don't know if it is cheap.

Therefore, Tang Tang was not surprised at all that Mo Luo could break through the rock. When the rock jellyfish was condensed, Tang Tang had already retreated early, opened a distance of more than [-] meters in the air, and quickly Get out a picture book!
"Sun and Moon Reincarnation Banner Formation Diagram!"

Tang Tang opened the soul formation, and the stars in the picture suddenly emitted bright silver light, and countless sun and moon reincarnation streamers flew out suddenly, sticking together tightly, like a black dragon, constantly ramming towards the rock dragon , even though the sun and moon reincarnation flags were constantly being knocked into the air, every piece of the sun and moon reincarnation flag could cut off a small piece of rock from the rock, and after adding up, the rock dragon became shorter and shorter, and finally completely It was broken up by Tang Tang with the sun and moon reincarnation banner.

At the same time, Tang Tang touched the Sun-Moon Reincarnation Banner Formation, and immediately adjusted the position of the Sun-Moon Reincarnation Banner, re-condensed into a sword dragon, and swooped down towards Mo Luo!

However, when he was three meters in front of him, the magic energy on Mo Luo's body suddenly exploded, bursting out with surging magic power, and simply using spiritual power to forcibly block the sun and moon reincarnation banner.

(End of this chapter)

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