The lucky star of rebirth

Chapter 89 The real murderer

Chapter 89 The real murderer
Cheng Huaijin was also silent for a long time as if thinking of something.

Ji Yi felt that it would be a little bad to ask further, so he changed the subject with a smile: "I was not in good health before, so I didn't thank you, but today I invite you to come to the house to say thank you formally, although Not saying thanks, but not saying a word is not the way of a gentleman, you saved my life, in the future, apart from the matter of Song Xian, if you have something to say, just say something, and the Ji family will do their best to help."

Ji Yi didn't talk too much, and chose Ji Songxian out, calling Cheng Huaijin a little funny, and said with a sullen face, "Don't worry, I won't hurt Axian no matter what happens."

When Ah Xian called, Ji Yi almost lost his temper, and immediately pulled his face down.

When Ji Gang came back, he entered the door to greet Ji Yi, and then saluted Cheng Huaijin: "The Commander of Chengda came to the humble house, it is really flourishing."

"Why are you being polite, speak humanly." Ji Yi glared at Ji Gang: "That's not an outsider."

Ji Gang sat down with a smile and asked: "I asked someone to prepare food and wine, and we'll have two cups later. It's been a while since I saw you, so let's catch up on the old days."

Ji Yi sneered: "There is nothing old to talk about."

The smile on Ji Gang's face couldn't hold back anymore, he stood up and bowed to Ji Yi: "The son can't speak, so it's better for the father to treat him as a commander."

"Cough!" Ji Yi coughed, "I'll go to the garden and chat with your younger selves."

After speaking, he got up and left. Cheng Huaijin couldn't help laughing seeing their father and son getting along, and there was a bit of a smile on his face. Ji Gang smiled and expressed his humility to Cheng Huaijin: "I'm sorry, my father is That temper, if you say something unpleasant, don't take it to heart."

"No." Cheng Huaijin waved his hand: "My elders should be right no matter what."

Ji Gang touched his nose, thinking that it was no wonder his father was so angry, eyes are not eyes and noses are not noses, but it turns out that the source is here.

"Yes, yes, they are all from their own parents." Ji Gang had a good temper and was not angry. He sat down again and asked someone to serve tea, and talked with Cheng Huaijin for a while. The brothers also came to accompany them.

After drinking for three rounds, the Ji Zhen brothers started talking about learning, since they will have a scientific examination next year, it is understandable to discuss these things, and Ji Gang also started talking.

There was a smile in the corner of Cheng Huaijin's eyes, knowing that this was a blow from his brothers. The Ji family brothers probably thought that he had some martial arts skills as the commander of Jinyiwei, and they were afraid that he would not succeed in writing.

Even if this brother loved Xian, he would not say a word, drank a few cups of wine and sat on the sidelines listening to the brothers talking. After a while, Ji Zhen asked Cheng Huaijin a question. , and Ji Yi, a man who has read poetry and books for decades, explained that it was not bad, but the policy theory was a little lacking, and Ji Zhen asked about policy theory.

Even if someone asked, Cheng Huaijin was not afraid, and immediately quoted from many sources, talked about the past and the present, and used a lot of words to block the brothers of the Ji family.

Without waiting for the brothers of the Ji family to say anything, he said it first, one person fighting against seven people, it was like fighting a group of Confucians with words, and really suppressed these seven people.

After the banquet, Cheng Huaijin got up to say goodbye, and the brothers of the Ji family saw off Cheng Huaijin. After Cheng Huaijin was sent away, Ji Gang looked at Ji Jiang, and then at Ji Zhen: "This Cheng Huaijin is capable, why is he so thorough? Poetry, it seems that you know the world, why don't you take the right path to participate in the scientific examination, and take the slant to take the position of commander? After all... no matter how high-ranking officials and rich salaries are, they are not as good as those who have passed the scientific examination. Respect."

Ji Zhen also said: "If he was a decent candidate and Jinshi, father would not look down on him like that, nor would he stop my sister from interacting with him."

"Well, people have their own aspirations, you can't force it." Ji Jiang was the most open-minded, and waved her hand: "Since my younger sister has eyes for him, it's not good if we always make things difficult for him. If he gets angry, it will be bad if he becomes a bitch when his younger sister gets married."

"He dares." Just as Ji Yi came back, he immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and walked over a few steps and pointed at Ji Gang: "You guys have to remember me as brothers, don't care about your sister You have to be protected by Lao Tzu, how about getting married? It’s okay to be wronged at your in-law’s house if you’re married, and if he dares to make a fool of your sister, he’ll bring you home immediately, can’t your eight brothers support one of your sisters?”

Brother Ji Gang immediately said seriously: "That's right, it's nothing to worry about."

It happened that Ji Songxian came over and wanted to see if Cheng Huaijin had left, and when he walked to the gate of the courtyard and heard such a sentence, his heart felt sore and uncomfortable, and his eyes turned red for a while.

She lowered her head and wiped the moisture from her eyes with a handkerchief, and smiled slightly, how fortunate she was to be able to protect her family like this, her father and brother's love for her was not mixed with any interests, and they really cared for her wholeheartedly.

Ji Songxian is not a real little girl. She has experienced all kinds of things in her heart and she understands that if a woman wants to live a peaceful life in this world, it depends on her father and brother. Although the mother and sister-in-law are also very important in the back house, the key still depends on the man. Only when father and brother love and maintain, can they truly live without worries.

She stepped into the door with a smile, put the food box in her hand on the table, and smiled at Ji Yi: "I just cooked some porridge, father will eat some first, and there are some other fruits, brothers also try Have a taste."

While talking, Ji Songxian brought out the porridge and handed it to Ji Yi: "It's still hot, father, eat it quickly."

Ji Yi smiled, took a sip, and sighed: "This porridge tastes good, it's not greasy at all, and it's delicious, sweet to eat."

Ji Songxian had already put the fruit on the table, Ji Zhen tasted one and smiled: "This fruit is good too, it looks small and exquisite, the pattern is good, and the taste is even better, how did the girl make it? It's hard for you to have such a clever idea."

As soon as he said it, Ji Gang and the others also tasted some, and all of them praised it.

Ji Songxian covered his mouth with a smile: "It's not what I thought, I don't have such exquisite thoughts, in fact, this porridge and fruit are all learned from Commander Cheng, he has good cooking skills, and the food is beautiful and delicious Eat, I learned a few things from him in my free time, and I made it for you to try, if it feels good, I will learn more from him."

Ji Yi didn't feel good after drinking the porridge, and the plum blossom-shaped fruit in Ji Gang's mouth almost fell off. Ji Zhen choked and coughed violently: "Cough, cough, learned from a married boy? He... he can still These."

"Yeah." Ji Songxian nodded heavily, and his smile became sweeter: "Yes, he once cooked it for me. I thought it was good to learn it. Speaking of it, he is better than his brothers. Not only is he good at both civil and military skills, but also Cooking food and making utensils, I asked him what he can’t do, and he said that except for having children, he can do other things.”

"Nonsense." Ji Yi slammed his face down: "Could it be that he can also knitting girl red, so what has he become?"

Saying this, Ji Yi is really guilty. Cheng Huaijin is extremely talented, and the world is hard to compare. Cheng Songxian is right. Not only is he versatile in both civil and military affairs, he also knows astronomy, geography, yin and yang, and can also cook for Ji Songxian. Vegetables are extremely rare. When he said this, he was a bit picky, and he deliberately picked a thorn.

Unexpectedly, Ji Songxian nodded with a smile: "Yes, I asked the same question, but he didn't say anything else, and turned back to embroider flowers with needles and thread."

One party said that Ji Songxian and his party pulled out a piece of handkerchief from their arms, on which a peony was embroidered vividly, just like it was embroidered by an embroiderer who had been doing needlework for many years: "Look, Dad, this is what he embroidered, really It's better than my daughter's embroidery, and I feel ashamed in front of him."

This sentence, Hao Xuan choked Ji Yi to death, he stared at it for a long time, but he couldn't find anything wrong, so he could only stop talking: "What are you ashamed of, isn't there one thing he is inferior to you."

What this means is that Cheng Huaijin can't give birth to a child, but Ji Songxian can.

This old man is really interesting, so cute, Ji Songxian had a smile on his face: "My daughter also thinks the same way, but I think of it with my father."

While talking, Ji Songxian was busy patting Ji Yi's back: "Daughter sees him as inferior to Daddy, not as reasonable as Daddy, not as loving as Daddy, and most importantly, not as good-looking as Daddy."

Then, Ji Songxian looked at Ji Yi's earlobe flushed, and coughed a few times: "It's obviously not easy for you to say these words, and my father didn't love you in vain, he is indeed not as good as my father."

Ji Gang, Ji Jiang, Ji Wei and Ji Zhen brothers hid out and laughed.

"Yes, yes." Ji Songxian flattered in a low voice, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

It is only said that Cheng Huaijin left Ji's house, thinking of the dark faces of Ji's brothers, and how Ji Yi and Ji Gang got along with his father and son, he couldn't help but shake his head in a funny way, turned on his horse and galloped out, before returning to Jinyiwei. Then Gong Qianhu came forward and said, "President Xian, what you asked the little ones to investigate has been found out."

"Speak." Cheng Huaijin hurried to the public house, Gong Qianhu followed, and said in a low voice: "It was the Jiang family who ordered the assassin to assassinate Ji Xiang. Over the past few years, Ji Xiang has helped His Majesty do a lot of things, many of which are not good for the Jiang family, or for the aristocratic family. If Ji Xiang is not as good as Ji Xiang, the Jiang family will do such things as assassinate Ji Xiang, originally thinking that once Ji Xiang is gone, Ou Gong will be able to take over, and when the time comes, His Majesty will have to tie his hands and feet, so that the Jiang family can profit."

Gong Qianhu hurriedly finished speaking, and then said: "We have several people working in the Jiang family, and one of them has gained the trust of the head of the Jiang family and often advises the Jiang family. He found out the news. .”

Cheng Huaijin raised her hand: "I see."

After entering the public room, Gong Qianhu retreated carefully, Cheng Huaijin turned around and went to the bookshelf, pressed the switch, and entered a secret room. After a while, he came out of the secret room, holding all the records about the Jiang family's sect in his hands. Scroll, while watching, Cheng Huaijin sneered: "Jiang's family, very good."

(End of this chapter)

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