Chapter 87
Birds and flowers.

The sun is good, the air is good, and the mood is good.

The person under the peach blossom tree stretched his body, stretched beautifully, and then yawned refreshingly.

Life, finally has a bit of good meaning, although I don't know why.

"Boom" what covered him?The world suddenly turned into night.

"Let go of me, let go of me"

Struggling desperately, he finally lost his strength, as if he was fainted by something.

The black bag was slowly picked up by someone, and quickly ran towards the palace gate.

"what do"

The guard of the palace gate raised his sword to block the man's way.

"Blind Your Dog Eyes"

Pull off the veil in front of her.

The guards were immediately dumbfounded, and timidly let them go.

The man ran out of the palace gate, turned suddenly, and disappeared.

In the dream, when I smelled the aroma of steamed stuffed buns, my stomach started to growl, making people around me burst into laughter.

"Laughing hair!" The person in the dream became angry all of a sudden.

Standing up, but——
There is a lip that is very close to her, thin, light pink, moist and clear, with distinct lip lines.

His heart skipped a beat, he was going to be evil again, and he hurriedly raised his head——Nangong Yan? !

What is this situation?

"Why do you always look like you want to eat me when you see me every time?"

The corners of her mouth curled up, her picturesque face smiled at her like a spring breeze in March, her smile was enchanting, her smile was—all the way, her heart was beating so fast.

Damn it, I have to bring up the embarrassing incident last night early in the morning?
She shook off his arm that was holding her, got off the bed, and walked out the door very unhappy.

In fact, it was to avoid his scorching gaze, uh~~ Take a second look, I'm afraid I'm about to commit a crime again.

"Hey, just kidding, don't go away"

He panicked and hurried to catch up.

The two walked side by side, but she ignored him.

As soon as I walked out, I opened my eyes wide, and the bustling market was right in front of me. What's the situation?
Seeing people coming and going on the street, all the people smiling, and all kinds of street juggling, the playful heart was suddenly aroused, and I couldn't believe everything in front of me, and turned to look at him questioningly.

"Happy? Morning gift."

"Normal--" He said lightly, for some reason, he didn't want to say that he was happy, even though he was so happy that he was dying.

"What about my morning present? What did you get me?"

Seeing that she was about to go forward, he was dissatisfied, so he pulled her over and asked her for a gift--
Now the sinful Hong'er could only see his lips, so she didn't want to talk anymore. In order not to make herself commit another crime, she decided to ignore him.

Turning around, he shook off his hand.

"No, then I can only choose myself."

Pulling her over again, he plunged straight into his arms, leaned over, and kissed her lightly on the lips.

Her breathing stopped suddenly, looking at the magnified handsome face in front of her eyes, she was drooling, and he wantonly absorbed all the beauty in his lips.

Suddenly, her tongue was sticking out so consciously. Before he had time, he was taken aback for a moment, and then bit the tip of her tongue lightly as if teasing.

"Rogue!" She suddenly came to her senses, and pushed the person on her back, feeling ashamed and angry.

Holding his breath, he strode forward.

"You mean water hooligans? Little wild cats?"

Hahaha, the people behind laughed wantonly, looking at her cute appearance, couldn't help but tease her.

In the blink of an eye, Hong'er disappeared, leaving only the crowd.


(End of this chapter)

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