Chapter 1 Hacked Again

"Ji Shu, you're on the hot search again." The woman rushed in with her mobile phone and just said this, her expression was not surprised, but also a little distressed.

"Isn't this normal? Why are you making such a fuss. Sister Zhang, don't worry, it's all trivial." The girl named Ji Shu was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, and only looked up when she heard the sound.

She gave birth to a good skin, and she is also a top-notch appearance in the entertainment circle full of beauties.She is not the classical beauty in the traditional sense of Huaguo, with bright features and compelling beauty.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, "Sister Zhang, your mental quality is not good, not as good as mine, you need to improve it, you know?" She didn't care about the so-called hot searches, and couldn't help laughing after she finished speaking.

"Sister Zhang, don't look at me like that. It's so funny when you're angry, you know, I can't help but want to laugh when you stare at me like this."

"Ji Shu." Sister Zhang looked at her, a little angry.She stood next to Ji Shu and stared at her.

Sister Zhang is Ji Shu's manager. She has been taking Ji Shu with her since she entered the entertainment industry. She thinks that her artist is pretty good. She doesn't cause trouble, her acting skills are good, and she looks so good-looking. It's only time before she becomes popular question.She is not a very good agent, and Ji Shu is the only one under her staff. She is very dedicated to her work. She tried her best to lead Ji Shu to be a good actor, but she didn't expect Ji Shu to become popular very soon.It's just that this red is not what she thought. Ji Shu was hacked all the way, and now he has become a frequent searcher on the Internet.

This time the hot search was still hacked.She didn't know what was wrong with her as an artist. She was a pretty good girl, but she just wasn't likable.

"Sister Zhang, don't be angry, don't be angry, your body will be bad if you get angry, come here, drink a glass of water." Ji Shu stood up and poured a glass of water, handed it to Sister Zhang, comforted her, and told her to sit down .

Sister Zhang glared at her before sitting down.

She wondered why this person has such a big heart. She debuted for almost a year, either being hacked, or on the way to being hacked, she felt aggrieved for Ji Shu.

"Why do you say you don't care? You are relying on me to spoil you. Otherwise, who would care about you."

"Yes, yes, Sister Zhang is the best. Our Sister Zhang is kind-hearted. It's my fault that made Sister Zhang unhappy." Ji Shu followed her heart to coax her.

Sister Zhang looked at her, and Ji Shu smiled at her.Her eyes are very bright, and when she smiles, there seems to be light in her eyes.

With such an appearance, Sister Zhang couldn't help being in a daze for a moment after seeing it for so long.The parents are good-looking, and can attract a lot of fans. When they are hacked, there are fans who can help them speak.Thinking of this, she became even more depressed. There were too few fans who really liked Ji Shu. Before she became popular, she began to be blackmailed.She has only acted in two plays in total, both of which are villains, and she hasn't attracted many fans who like her acting skills, nor has she attracted many fans.Now there are only a few million fans on Weibo, and more than half of them are black fans and zombie accounts.

"Sister Zhang, I know you feel wronged for me." Ji Shu is the only artist under Sister Zhang. She has no job and hasn't found an assistant yet. In the past six months, Sister Zhang has been taking care of her life while worrying for her... She knew that the other party was sincerely kind, so she felt a little guilty towards Sister Zhang.

"You know you didn't see you helping me." Sister Zhang rolled her eyes, "At first I thought the company treated you well, and I would arrange a gold agent for you as soon as I signed in. Help you with public relations, now the two of us have almost nothing to do with the company."

Ji Shu glanced at her, coughed twice, lowered his head, and said nothing.She touched her nose, feeling a little guilty.

"You said why you didn't follow that person at the time. I'm not good at business. If you followed him, it wouldn't be like this now."

Sister Zhang was talking about a gold medal agent in their company. She was just an ordinary agent. At that time, the artist in her hand had just changed jobs, and she didn't want to do this job anymore. Unexpectedly, Ji Shu refused The company's arrangement turned to her.

The gold medal agent brought out two film kings, one superstar, with unbelievable business ability, and she didn't know whether Ji Shu was stupid or what was going on, why he came to her.

"Because I like Sister Zhang. When I saw Sister Zhang, I thought you were very easy to get along with, so I followed you." Ji Shuyang raised his head and winked at her again.

"Don't be poor with me. If you don't get angry with me, I will burn incense. Don't say you like me. You still like me. Don't let it be the scapegoat." Sister Zhang was so angry that she ignored her lazily.

It was the first time she had seen someone as Buddhist as Ji Shu, and she was scolded like this, and she was still cheerful every day, her smile was never hazy.If it weren't for Ji Shu's graduation certificate from the top 1 university in the country, she would really think that this man is a little fool.

Optimists can't even describe her, this person is probably a fool.

Miss Zhang couldn't help sighing.

Seeing that Sister Zhang ignored her, Ji Shu was not in a hurry, and went to the refrigerator to get a bag of potato chips in her slippers.

Seeing Ji Shu walking over while eating potato chips, the long white legs in shorts were dazzling.

"Why don't you bring me a bag?" Sister Zhang couldn't help but asked.

Eat, eat, eat, know how to eat, but don't know how to get it for her after eating, the little girl is really annoying.

Ji Shu shyly bowed her hands to Sister Zhang, "I'm sorry my sister, I thought you were going to lose weight."

Before Sister Zhang came to Ji Shu to give her some, but in order to maintain her figure, Sister Zhang reluctantly ate.She doesn't have a physique like Ji Shu's who doesn't get fat no matter how much she eats. For a person who can get fat after drinking water, such a physique is really enviable.

"Hmph, I'm not angry with you."

"My fault, my fault, come here, sister Zhang eats potato chips, let's drink happy fat house water together." Ji Shu put two cans of Coke on the table, handed sister Zhang a bag of potato chips, and opened it again A can of Coke.

Hearing the sound of the coke can opening, Ms. Zhang was tempted.She hasn't drank Coke for a long time, because she is afraid of gaining weight, but who makes her unhappy today, just drink it, let's talk about getting fat.

Thinking of this, Sister Zhang opened the coke can and had a drink with Ji Shu.

The two of them ate and drank, and Sister Zhang's mood improved strangely. Looking at her phone again, Ji Shu was still in the top [-] most searched lists, and she was not so angry anymore.

"Look, just one action can get you hacked to such an extent, do you think you are unlucky." Sister Zhang pointed to the trending search on the phone and said to Ji Shu.

Ji Shu went over to take a look, and it was true that she didn't read Weibo, but only heard from Sister Zhang that she had been hacked, and she didn't know why.She looked at it, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with her, she was just a little sleepy, so she rubbed her eyes in the crew?
"Look, if it's another artist, fans will definitely say that my sister is too tired, and they will feel very distressed, and you are different."

Ji Shu continued to look down, even if she had such a big heart and such a Buddhist temper, she also felt wronged.Even if she just rubbed her eyes, she could still be said to have seduced the actor of the same crew. How could she be so miserable?
"Sister Zhang, I think I've been wronged." Ji Shu ate potato chips and rubbed against Sister Zhang for comfort with a bitter face.

"You just know, I'm about to die of anger." Sister Zhang said with indignation on her face, "Do you think this is seduction? Is this seduction? The film king is three meters away from you, and no one even looks at you. How could it be seduced?"

"Yes, I was very wronged and wronged." Ji Shu put his chin on Sister Zhang's shoulder, followed what Sister Zhang said, and looked at herself on Sister Zhang's phone.

That photo was taken secretly. Although it was a bit blurry, the girl's face could still be seen clearly.Ji Shu has an overly gorgeous face, and her beauty is too aggressive. Although she is the type that can be remembered at a glance, she doesn't look easy to get along with.The girl on the phone screen opened her mouth slightly and rubbed her eyes with one hand. For some reason, Ji Shu felt a little coquettish in such a normal photo.

"Sister Zhang, don't even mention it, I also think it's weird when I look at it, why do you think this person is so good at taking pictures, it made me yawn and rub my eyes to give off a coquettish feeling." Ji Shu said while watching Sister Zhang pointed out, "Look, even if it's a paste, it's a very artistic paste."

Sister Zhang glanced at her, "You are quite good at boasting."

"No, Miss Zhang, what I mean is, if this person took a picture of me yawning with my mouth wide open after rubbing my eyes, maybe I won't be on the hot search list." Ji Shu looked at her sincerely .

"You mean, someone blackmailed you on purpose?" Sister Zhang felt a little strange when she heard her say that.

It's not surprising that Ji Shu was hacked and searched. In the past six months, she has been searched five or six times because of being hacked, and she can still see a lot of Hei Jishu's posts.But she was also puzzled, Ji Shu didn't take many roles, didn't have any endorsements, and didn't appear on variety shows, so she didn't seem like someone in this circle, so how could someone try to blackmail her?What is the basis for this?

Sister Zhang looked at Ji Shu with a face full of incomprehension.

"You are a little [-]th line, why do you have so many things?"

Ji Shu felt that this was not bad because of some things, but he didn't understand, "Could it be because I'm so beautiful?"

"When do you think you can get rid of your narcissism?"

"I'm not narcissistic." She touched her face and raised her eyebrows, "This is a natural beauty that cannot be abandoned."

"No matter how beautiful you are, I haven't seen you have many fans." Sister Zhang didn't look at her, and flicked the screen of her phone, worried.

"Sister Zhang, don't worry about it, the heat is not very high anyway, and it will drop soon." Ji Shu said nonchalantly, "Go home and see the children, isn't Xuanxuan going to have an exam soon, you go back Tutor her to study well, I won't accept work during this time, so you don't have to worry about things online."


"All right, all right, it's really fine, Miss Zhang, go back." Ji Shu put the potato chips and coke cans on the table, pulled Miss Zhang and sent her out the door.

"I'll give you half a month's leave, go home and have a good rest, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, she closed the door without waiting for Sister Zhang to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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