Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 14 The Little Liar

Chapter 14 The Little Liar

Ji Shu didn't know what Xiao Zike was thinking, and when she finished answering, she was going to hear what Xiao Zike said about how to deal with it.

Anyway, this kind of thing is easy to solve, isn't it just a matter of posting a Weibo saying that you can swipe and like it?

The two of them didn't know each other at all, or even met each other.

Xiao Zike himself does not stir up scandals. He has been an actor for so many years, and he has always relied on his own efforts to attract fans, and some fans should be because of his face.

It's also because Xiao Zike is usually very serious. As long as he says it's hand skating, basically fans will believe it. No matter how much they think about it, they slowly realize that the two of them have nothing to do with each other, so they won't say anything.

As for Ji Shu, she doesn't care. In fact, as long as she doesn't find a marketing account to hype this kind of enthusiasm, it will be nothing.

She is not popular in the first place, this kind of popularity may attract some fans, and may also attract more sunspots, she doesn't really care.

The key is Xiao Zike's popularity, she really doesn't want to rub it.

She, Ji Shu, came to this circle, although she wasn't serious, but it wasn't for the sake of being popular.

She has already decided that starting tomorrow, she will be a serious and responsible actor. She doesn't know how long she will stay in this circle, but she has fans who really like her and have been fighting for her. She can't Always make them sad.

If she didn't explain the previous things clearly, those little fans must be very sad.

Ji Shu feels that if she likes herself, these little fans can still persist, and she can't let them down.

As everyone said, they could have helped their sister in other ways.

What's more, she hasn't been hacked for a day or two. With so many black fans, even if she starts to be serious, she will still be hacked.

Ji Shu didn't know what was going on with him. He was crying just now and wanted to continue his current life, but suddenly wanted to work hard.

It may be that conscience has discovered it.

Ji Shu felt that he was quite fickle.

No wonder everyone can't do anything about her.

She cautiously turned her head to look at her mother and cousin. They seemed to be talking about something. The two got together, but the voice was very low, and she couldn't hear it at all.

You can't be sorry to fans, and you can't be sorry to her family.Big
For her, the family really spent a lot of thought.

Now that he has made up his mind, it is better to end the like accident with Xiao Zike as soon as possible, and it is best to explain clearly tonight.

Xiao Zike didn't speak for a while, but Ji Shu gave another strange hello.

"I'm here."

Ji Shu asked again, she felt that this matter could be ended in a few words, why did Xiao Zike keep silent.

Her mother and sister are still waiting for her to chat.

"Then I'll just give it a thumbs up, do you think it's okay?"

Ji Shu felt that the aloof actor Xiao was particularly easy to talk to, and seemed to be quite gentle.

"Of course." Ji Shu bent his lips and said again, "After all, we don't know each other. It would be great if we could explain clearly tonight."

Her tone is sincere, and tomorrow she will tell her family that she wants to be an actor in this circle.

It can't be the first thing to do is to remove the trending search.

Now the trending search for her seduce the actor has come down. When I saw it just now, it was already at the end of the trending search. There are so many things emerging in this circle. Both the protagonists and fans of this matter are not very good. The popularity is very fast. It's gone.

You can't suddenly give her a black material to seduce the actor Xiao.

Thinking of this, her expression is very serious.

This is not the first time Xiao Zike has been on the hot search with others.

In fact, at the beginning, there were always people who tied him up with rumors that were vague or unfounded.

At that time, his family members were dissatisfied with his entry into this circle and wanted him to go home and inherit the family business. He could only clarify on Weibo while trying to improve his status.

Before, there were people who vilified him because of these things. Later, he became more and more excellent, with more and more fans, and his combat effectiveness became stronger and stronger. Everyone knew that he hated gossips the most, so they gradually faded away.

This time, it was because of his mistake. I didn't expect the other party to be so eager to get rid of him.

Xiao Zike silently praised her in his heart.

She is indeed the favorite goddess of Xiao Ziyang and Song Zixiao.

"Okay." He replied.

Ji Shu cheered up and was about to say goodbye to him, but Xiao Zike spoke first.

"Miss Ji, I have two people here. They are your fans. Can you talk to them?"

Xiao Zike looked at his nervous and expectant siblings, and finally said.

How should I put it, he felt that if he hung up directly, according to the love these two people had for Ji Shu, he would probably be written down in a small notebook by these two people for a long time.

He just made Xiao Ziyang feel ashamed of himself, so he can't make people anxious again right away.

He was not very well received among these younger siblings. It was a rare opportunity, but he could make the two of them so happy just by helping out with a few words, so why not do it!

Ji Shu was also very happy to hear that Xiao Zike had two fans of hers by her side. She hadn't spoken to the fans in reality yet.

And being able to see his own Weibo in the first time, and let Xiao Zike read it, and even like it with his hand, these two people must have a close relationship with him, and most importantly, they must also pay attention to him.

"Of course." Ji Shu's voice was involuntarily lighter this time.

Ms. Shu and Ji Yu glanced at her. Ji Shu was standing by the window sill. He seemed to be in a good mood now, with some smiles on his face.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what the other said to make Ji Shu so happy.

He also said that he didn't know him. Does this seem like he doesn't know him?

If you really don't know each other, how can you smile so happily?
What a little liar.

The two looked at Ji Shu, and Ms. Shu frowned very gracefully.

"Auntie, what's wrong?" Ji Yu asked seeing this.

"This little liar even told me that she and Xiao Zike don't know each other. I should ask her to ask for an autographed photo for me."

Ji Yu: "..."

She thought that her aunt was worried that Xixi would be cheated by other men, but she was overthinking.

I didn't expect that my aunt is still chasing stars, it's because she is ignorant.

Ji Yu is usually busy with work, and she doesn't like to watch movies and TV shows. She usually finds variety shows to relax her mind, or she plays ball, waters flowers, drinks tea, and lives a rare old life.

She looked at Ms. Shu's displeased expression, and suddenly realized that she didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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