Chapter 21
When he was filming by himself, he was naturally very serious.Because he likes this industry, he has devoted a lot of energy to pondering his acting skills and every role he has played. Even if the role he plays is only on the scene for less than 3 minutes, he will think very seriously about the role of this character in any situation. What to do next.

He really respects the industry.

Over the years, the awards he has won also testify to his hard work.

However, he was still a little embarrassed to watch the movie he made with his family in private.

It's as if you just made something, and then your family will test what you made in front of your face.Even though he knew he was good, he was still a little nervous.

"I heard from Zixiao before that your acting skills are very good, and you have won so many awards before, why do you have such a face when I watch your movies?" Grandpa Xiao pretended to be upset, "Why, grandpa can't do it after watching it right?"

Seeing Xiao Zike's expression, Grandpa Xiao startled him by speaking suddenly.

"No, of course it's not Grandpa. I just think it's like you checking my homework when I was a child. Isn't that a little shy?" Saying the word shy made Xiao Zike feel bad.

It's better for him to say embarrassment than shyness, he is still shy even after being a man.

Why are you so shy? Really!
"You're still shy when you're such an adult. You never said you were shy when I checked your homework when you were a child." Grandpa Xiao was amused by him, and Xiao Zike helped him back to the house to go to the movies.

"Then I have a thin skin. If you watch my movie in front of me, don't I be shy. This is such an embarrassing thing. No matter how old I am, I have a thin skin." He replied with a smile.

"Are you still thin-skinned?"

"Of course, you have been with me for so long, how can you not know my character." Xiao Zike didn't know modesty at all.

"I don't know how thick-skinned you are, but I remember when you were five years old, I took you to the full moon ceremony of other people's children, and you kissed her in front of so many people, and insisted that I take that Bring the child back to be your wife." When Grandpa Xiao talked about this, he was still a little funny, "I said no, you won't come back after the banquet, and you will cry and insist on bringing your daughter-in-law home."

"You've lost all my old face." Grandpa Xiao is still smiling when talking about what happened at that time.

That day was a lot of fun, Xiao Zike stood by the baby's cradle and bed, he couldn't pull it away no matter what, he was clearly wearing a small suit, so exquisite that everyone praised him as a little prince, but he was like a little hooligan when he was cheating .

While crying, she wiped her tears and looked at the little doll.

Not long afterward, Xiao Zike was taken to the place of work by his parents. At that time, he and his wife lived in other places and did not go with them.

Xiao Zike graduated from high school in China, and then went to university abroad. After returning, he entered the entertainment industry.

"Ah, there is such a thing?" Xiao Zike didn't remember at all.

From Grandpa Xiao's mouth, he was a little ashamed and panicked when he heard the funny stories about him when he was a child.

"Then can I still lie to you?" Grandpa Xiao stared, "I took you home with great difficulty that day."

"You grandson, lose grandpa's face."

"If it wasn't for the fact that I have a good relationship with him, based on your rascal appearance, maybe he would be angry."

Grandpa Xiao remembered that the little baby had been crying in the cradle, and felt that his little face was flushed, and he seemed to be hungry.The mother of the little baby wanted to hold the baby to feed milk powder, but the baby insisted on stopping her, saying that no one could take his wife away.

While talking, he gently rocked the cradle to coax other people's little dolls.

At that time Xiao Zike was only five and a half years old, and he was rocking the cradle with his little hands, and he looked quite decent.

But the little baby cried, it was because he was hungry, no matter how long he shook it, it was useless.

Seeing the little baby crying more and more, he couldn't hold back, and was frightened to cry.

Later, a group of people coaxed the two children together, but Xiao Zike still held onto the cradle tightly and did not let go.

The milk powder is ready, and the baby's mother has no choice but to hold the baby and let Xiao Zike hold the bottle to feed.

This time, it's quiet.

That little doll is really pretty, with black and bright eyes, white and tender, like a little glutinous rice dumpling, no wonder Xiao Zike fell in love with it as soon as he saw it.

After eating and drinking enough, the little doll became happy and smiled at everyone.

This smile was incredible, Xiao Zike stared at him like a little fool.

At that time, alas, his old face was completely lost by this grandson who raised him with one hand.

"That should be really embarrassing."

Xiao Zike thought, his grandfather was always very serious when he was outside, and he was probably less than 50 years old at that time.

Xiao Zike didn't need to think about it to know that the old man should have a serious face at that time, he didn't greet people around him very much, and his face softened only when he met familiar people.

But the old man was very face-saving when he was young. He did such a thing at that time, and the old man could take him home because he really loved him.

If it was his father, he would definitely leave a sentence: I am leaving, will you follow me?

Then he will definitely follow.

The old man still had time to spoil him, Xiao Zike suddenly wanted to sigh, his grandfather really treated him better than he expected and imagined!

"Oh, that child turned out to be really good-looking. I still regret that you don't have a girlfriend until now. If I could take the opportunity to tell you about a baby girl, maybe you are married now." !” Grandpa Xiao sighed again when he mentioned this matter.

"You said you're almost 27, when can you find a girlfriend? I'm still waiting to have a grandson!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he really shouldn't be so shameless at that time. His grandson was crying like that. At that time, he wanted to drag him away. Why didn't he think about ordering a baby kiss?

It's all right now, since then, he has never seen Xiao Zike like a girl so much.

"Grandpa, you said it all. It was because I was ignorant when I was a child." Xiao Zike's face was filled with incomprehension, why do you think so, grandpa?
"Then you should find a girlfriend and come back. You are 22 years old. I said I am not in a hurry. I am 25 years old. I gritted my teeth and endured it. You are almost 27 now, and you still haven't found a girlfriend. You are just waiting." Be a bachelor forever?"

"Can't I?" Xiao Zike asked quite naturally.

"You really thought about it that way, you stinky brat, you... pissed me off."

"Grandpa, don't be angry, can't I find a suitable one?" Xiao Zike said hastily.

"Your grandson has high vision, why should you find someone you like?"

(End of this chapter)

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