Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 54 Inexplicable Ambiguity

Chapter 54 Inexplicable Ambiguity
Ji Shu practiced for another hour in the small training room. It was almost five o'clock. She was going to go back early. She was a little excited to pick up Ji Xiaoyuan home tomorrow.

Originally, I wanted to go to the master's lounge to talk and leave, but I didn't expect that there were four people in the room.

Su Qing heard the voice and saw her come in.

"Xiao Zike has something to do with you."

He didn't say much, and continued talking with the dance teacher after finishing this sentence.

Ji Shu opened the refrigerator. He wanted to get a bottle of Coke, but after thinking about it, he took mineral water.

She walked to the sofa, looked down at others and looked down. She sat down and said, "I don't have a photo with me now, can I give you an autographed photo when we meet next time? Xi's autograph, I can ask my senior sister for a poster."

Xiao Zike also looked at her with a smile, "Of course, the next time we meet, is it tomorrow?"

After he finished speaking, he felt that the question was a bit abrupt, and wanted to make up for it, but Ji Shu had already answered it.

"I have something to do tomorrow, so I may not come. I can deliver it to you. Is it still the address?"

Because Xiao Zike said that he took the previous ones, Ji Shu can probably guess that the parent who called her that day was Xiao Zike.

"No, it will be very troublesome. I can bring it when Miss Ji meets next time."

Ji Shu nodded, then smiled again, "Miss Ji sounds awkward, you can just call me Ji Shu."

Xiao Zike naturally had no objection, "Then you can call me Zike too."

He was embarrassed to say that Mr. Xiao also sounded awkward.

He always felt ambiguous when Ji Shu called him Mr. Xiao.

If it is not thick-skinned, it may even blush and heartbeat.

"I call you, so I'll call you Teacher Xiao, or Senior Xiao?"

Because they are all from the entertainment industry, Xiao Zike is usually called like this.

The name Zike was too close for her to call out.

"Now I'm learning dance, speaking of it, I should call you teacher or senior."

Ji Shu also smiled, "Then I will call you Senior Xiao in front of people, and your name in queens."

"it is good."

Lu Yi looked at the way the two were talking, and always felt that he was inexplicably dazzling here.

It seems... quite bright.

"Then I'll ask my senior sister for a poster, and I'll be back soon."

"it is good."

Because the voices of the two of them were very low and they were not close to Su Qing's place, Su Qing was too involved in talking with the dance teacher, and he didn't know how harmonious the atmosphere between the two of them was just now.

When Ji Shu went out, the two senior sisters were still training. When they saw her coming out, they stopped.

"Are you going back?" Lin Nuan asked her.

"Go back soon, senior sister, do you have our poster, I want one."

"I still have some in there, what are you going to do?"

"It must have been sent to the fans. Senior sister, are you stupid?" Wei Ling yelled at her.

"You are stupid, idiot, don't you know how to respect Senior Sister?"

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Ji Shu quickly called a stop.

"I'm in a hurry, senior sister, bring it to me quickly." She pleaded with her mouth flattened.

"Okay, okay, here you go."

"I'll get it, you wait for a while."

"Hmm." Ji Shu nodded vigorously.

"Ji Xiaoshu, Ji Xiaoshu."

Ji Shu looked back and saw that it was the third senior brother.

"what happened?"

"You and Movie Emperor Xiao, hehehehe..." Before he finished speaking, he laughed, and his laughter was a bit mean.

Ji Shu wanted to cover his head.

"It doesn't matter, I'll ask to beat you again." Xiao Bao's temper finally came out, she raised her chin with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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