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Chapter 59 Are You Serious?

Chapter 59 Are You Serious?
Seeing Xiao Zike playing with his mobile phone, Lu Yi felt that this was not very good. After all, seeing him slowly mature from a middle school boy, if he really fell into it, he would be hit again at that time. It's terrible for a boy to become a little fool.

He didn't know much about Ji Shu, but he knew how succinctly, even cruelly, Xi refused.

It doesn't matter how long you like her, as long as you want to have a relationship with her beyond friendship, well, you're done.

Because the refusal was so cruel, even ordinary friends would be embarrassed to meet each other in the end.

He had seen a boy in his twenties cry heart-piercingly before.

How much you love her and how long you love her is not what she will consider, and she will not pay attention to whether her doing so will make the other party particularly sad. Even if in the end, the friendship is broken, she will not give herself a way out.

Lu Yi had already known Su Qing at that time, and he had also asked Su Qing why the apprentice was so cruel at such a young age, even if he refused, he could be more tactful.

At that time, Su Qing only sighed, and then said something cruel to refuse, so that it would not be possible for them to think.

Although Xiao Zike always speaks viciously about him, and still gets angry when he wakes up, which makes people very troubled, he is usually very good. He thought about Xiao Zike's confession after he fell into it, and the heartbreaking appearance of being ruthlessly refused to cry at the end. I feel like I can't think about it.

"Zi Ke..."

Xiao Zike was reading documents when he heard Lu Yi's voice and went to see him.

"Are you serious?"


"Are you serious about Ji Shu?"

"Who knows, Brother Lu, I don't know." Xiao Zike frowned, then stretched out, "I've never been in a relationship at my age, and I really want to."

Xiao Zike didn't hesitate and said it directly.

"..." Lu Yi remained silent.

"Then when you haven't confirmed that she also has a crush on you, don't let yourself fall into it completely."

Xiao Zike wondered, "What got stuck?"


"Brother Lu, don't worry, I know what I know."

Lu Yi felt that he didn't know much.

Knowing that the girl really doesn't want to be with him, she insists on chasing the butt of his car.

He said that he knew it well, Lu Yi was afraid that he would cry in the future!

Since there was nothing else to do, Lu Yi drove Xiao Zike back.

Ji Shu found through the rearview mirror that Xiao Zike's car finally stopped following, and she was also relieved.

I really don't know what's going on, this Xiao Yingdi's character collapsed too much, she couldn't stand it.

He obviously didn't know her, but his attitude towards her was too strange.

Arriving at the school gate, just in time for school to end, Ji Shu sent a message to classmate Ji Nuo, telling him where he was, and went to play with his mobile phone.

She hasn't decided what gift to give to fans yet, and she also wants to give money in a very tacky way, but it feels a little too insincere.

After such a long break, she still insists on liking the stories written by her. She feels that she should have some ideas about gifts.

It's just that after thinking about it for so long, until Jino came out and got in the car, she didn't have any ideas.

"Sister, what are you thinking?"

"Send a Gift."

"Send a gift? To whom?" Jino wondered.

"Fans for readers of several books."

Ji Nuo thought for a while, "Sister, I also commented, will I have a gift?"

Ji Shu squinted at him, "It depends on your luck."

"Okay sister." That appearance is really cute.

 I'm so sleepy, more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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