Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 66 Familiar people

Chapter 66 Familiar people
"Why do you have to go back so early? It's not ten o'clock yet. Let's play for a while." The man's voice was sloppy, with a wine glass in his hand, and he was about to pour another glass for the other party.

"If I stay here for a while longer, you will get me drunk." Xiao Zike leaned on the sofa with a slight smile on his face.

He looked at his phone again, "The driver should be here soon. I'm staying at the old man's place these days. It's not good to go back too far. Who knows if the old man will wait."

"I thought I could get you drunk, Xiao Zike, next time you can't come out so early, you said you are filming every day, and you have to deal with company affairs, is it easy for you to come out for a gathering? After all, brothers You have time, you have to go back after coming here for an hour, and you can't drink well."

"I will have a good get-together with everyone when I have time. Let's forget this time. I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't drink any more."

Xiao Zike rubbed his temples, "It's been a long time since I've had a drink like this, I can't stand it."

"It's okay, I'll let you off this time, say hello to the old man for us, and let's go and see his old man when we have time."

"Okay." Xiao Zike also smiled, poured a glass of water and drank it, and stood up after drinking.

"I'm leaving, do you want to play for a while?"

"No, that kid Lin Lang drank too much, Ni Shiyang and I will send him back."

"Is anyone coming to pick you up? Let me see you off."

"That's okay. I'll call the driver and tell him not to come. Someone will come to deliver it. I wish for it."

Xiao Zike smiled, "Fortunately, the three of you are now in the same community, otherwise I don't know when I will be able to go back."

"Then you said it all, even if you go around the whole city, you still have to send us back, don't you?"

Ye Feng called Ni Shiyang, "Brother, come here and do me a favor, pull this guy up."

Ni Shiyang heard the words and came over to help.

"This guy, he doesn't hold a lot of alcohol and he always likes to drink. I don't know when he can be as self-disciplined as Xiao Zike, or else he can drink as much as Ni Shiyang and I do." Ye Feng complained, and helped the person to him, Helped him.

"Oh, let me go, Lin Lang is getting heavier and heavier, next time he must not let him drink too much, I can't support him anymore."

His voice woke up Lin Lang who was asleep. Lin Lang seemed to be a little dazed, so he rubbed his eyes.

"I have a headache."

As the youngest of the four, Lin Lang is the most active of the four, sometimes quite childish, and all three treat him as a younger brother.

"Are you awake?" Ye Feng looked at him.

"En." His voice was still a little vague, but he was awake.

"That's fine, you go by yourself." After finishing speaking, he put Lin Lang's arm down without any delay.

Lin Lang was still in a daze, but suddenly lost his support, he still swayed.

"How long have I slept?"

"Not long, just ten minutes."

"Zike..." Lin Lang looked around and saw Xiao Zike in another place, "You haven't left yet?"

"I didn't leave, I'll take you back."

"Are we going now?"

"Hmm." This was Ni Shiyang's answer.

He rubbed his face again, "OK, let's go."

Although Lin Lang was still a little drunk, he was able to walk, and with Ni Shiyang helping him, walking was no problem.

The four of them stopped staying and prepared to go back directly.

As soon as he went out, Xiao Zike saw a familiar person.

(End of this chapter)

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