Actors want to make public every day

Chapter 76 Embarrassing, Embarrassing

Chapter 76 Embarrassing, Embarrassing
As he is now, if he is not in love with the other party, then he is stupid.

"I'll take him shopping."

Ji Shu didn't know why Xiao Zike rushed over to talk to her when he saw her at his friend's place, but the other party had already come down, so she couldn't drive him away.

Ji Shu had already taken off her mask when Xiao Zike came down. Under the night, the girl's face had a charming innocence, and the two very different feelings seemed to suit her very well.

That face was too bright, but the eyes were indeed clear and clean, which was extraordinarily attractive.

Xiao Zike looked at the young man beside Ji Shu. The young man was still wearing a mask. He was thin and had exquisite eyebrows and eyes. Looking at him, he seemed a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Zike felt that he might be wrong.

"Is this your brother?"

Ji Shu looked at the people around her, met the young man's gaze, and smiled lightly, "That's right."

"It's so late, where are you going?"

Ji Shu felt that the actor Xiao might be particularly talkative, and his management was quite lenient.

"I'll take him shopping."

Xiao Zike's cell phone rang twice, probably because Ye Feng was sending him a message, but he didn't care, but continued to speak with a stern face.

"It happens that I also have something I want to buy. There happens to be a 24-hour supermarket in this neighborhood. Can I go with you?"

"By the way, what do you want to buy?"

Xiao Zike felt that his skin was thicker, no, it should be gone.

He doesn't want it anymore.

"Underwear." He spoke with a clean voice belonging to a young man. He is learning to sing, and his voice is naturally very pleasant. With his throat slightly pressed, it is no longer the boyish voice he used to be.

Xiao Zike was stunned.

"What?" He subconsciously asked again.

Ji Shu covered his face, feeling really embarrassed.

"Does this gentleman know Little Comb?"

Xiao Zike has already heard two other names for Ji Shu.

Su Qing called her Xixi, and now there is another small comb.

Not to mention, it's all very smooth.

"Yeah." Ji Shu responded, and their current relationship can be regarded as acquaintance.

The boy laughed, his eyebrows curled up.

"Sir, are you going to the supermarket to buy something?"

Xiao Zike nodded subconsciously.

"That's just right, little comb, don't you want to go back early? I'll just go with this gentleman. You can go home quickly. It's already late. Didn't you say that you have something to do tomorrow and you have to get up early. "

Ji Shu looked at him, then at Xiao Zike, feeling a little worried about her.

Isn't this guy always ignoring strangers?
"Little comb, I've grown up, don't worry about me, just give me some money, I don't have my mobile phone." Weiyin took off his mask and smiled at her.

Only then did Xiao Zike know that Ji Shu was going to leave.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

Like a promise.

Ji Shu didn't think it was a matter of taking care of him or not, she just wanted to know what this guy was going to do.

This guy doesn't think Xiao Zike is trying to strike up a conversation with her, does he?
She looked at Wei Yin suspiciously, and Wei Yin smiled at her obediently.

In the end, Ji Shu agreed.

She dragged Wei Yin to the car, Xiao Zike didn't follow, turned on the phone, and it was indeed a message from Ye Feng.

Xiao Zike looked at it, and it was Ye Feng who came to gossip, but he didn't reply, and installed his phone again.

(End of this chapter)

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