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Chapter 78 Tsundere Weiyin

Chapter 78 Tsundere Weiyin
As expected, Ji Nuo finished the game within 5 minutes and went back to the room. Ji Shu, Ms. Shu and Ji's father said and went back.

Waking up early the next morning, Ji's father went to the company, Ji Nuo went to school, Ji Shu and Ms. Shu went to the old house.

Grandpa and grandma are already ready, as well as Ji's uncle and Ji Yu, everyone will go to pick Ji Xiaoyuan home together.

Uncle Ji's family is very nervous. He is a gentle and serious person on weekdays. He is facing his blood relatives and picking up his daughter home again after going through so many things. His nervousness is seen by everyone.

Grandpa Ji didn't say anything. He came to his side and patted him on the shoulder.

A group of people set off in a mighty way, went to the hospital to pick up their relatives.

Since Ji Shu and the others went to see her last time, she has been working hard to receive treatment. Although she is not fully recovered, she is much better than before.

Ji Shu is also very happy to see Ji Xiaoyuan gradually getting better, but she hasn't forgotten that there is still someone in her apartment.

Stayed at home for a while, talked with Ji Xiaoyuan for a while, seeing that Ji Xiaoyuan seemed a little tired, everyone came out to let her rest.

"I have something to do. I have to go out for a while. I won't be back at noon." Ji Shu checked the time after he came out, and it was almost eleven o'clock.

"Go out now?" Ms. Shu was a little puzzled, didn't this girl have been anxiously waiting for Ji Xiaoyuan to come back, why did she want to go out as soon as Ji Xiaoyuan came back?

"Yeah, I have something to do, I'll be back in the afternoon." Ji Shu smiled helplessly, "It's getting late, I have to go."

After saying goodbye to everyone, Ji Shu left.

She went to buy some clothes for Wei Yin first, and then packed some meals. Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, she drove over in a hurry.

What this guy said was what he said. If he said he didn't eat at noon, it was really possible. She didn't put food there, and I don't know if this guy went to the supermarket in the neighborhood to buy something to eat.

When Ji Shu arrived at the apartment, she opened the door and went in. Wei Yin was sitting there watching TV, and the table was clean.

"Little Comb, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Why didn't you go to buy something to eat?" Wei Yin looked up arrogantly, "I said, if you don't come, I won't eat lunch, hum, I won't eat breakfast, I just want to see if you feel bad. "

"What's wrong with me? If you're hungry, you're hungry. If you're uncomfortable, you're uncomfortable. I don't have anything to worry about." Ji Shu scolded him while putting away the food and clothes he bought.

This guy thought he was very important to her. Of course, Ji Shu had to prove with the truth that you were a younger brother.

Hmph, what about the unimportant brother?

Hearing what Ji Shu said, Wei Yin couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his head, "Little comb."

Menacing, very domineering appearance.

Ji Shu just sat down, listened to him, and looked at him directly.


Weiyin's voice was light and fluttering, with a rising end, coupled with that indecipherable and unpredictable expression, Weiyin fell silent.

"Little comb, I'm hungry, what should we eat?"

The younger brother is really cute and cute.

Ji Shu smiled helplessly. This guy has no guts to be arrogant to her, and he doesn't even think about whether he can be arrogant.

As for her, Ji Shu, there is a way to cure arrogance.

"It's not that you can't eat spicy food, I'll buy you mild ones."

(End of this chapter)

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