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Chapter 81 My Next...First Love

Chapter 81 My Next...First Love

The two of them didn't go to other places. Ji Shu took him to dinner, and then wandered around casually. It was already past eight o'clock.

On the way back to the apartment, a phone call came. Ji Xiaoyuan, who lived in the old house, was a little worried about her, and asked her eagerly when she would go back.

Ji Shu looked at the boy sitting beside him, "Sister, I'll be back soon, go to sleep when you're tired."

Ji Xiaoyuan's spirit is not very good, and Ji Shu is still a little worried about her thinking that she has been waiting for her to go back.

"I'll wait for your return, Xixi."

Ji Xiaoyuan's voice on the other end was gentle, and Ji Shu responded to her softly, "Sister, I'll be back soon."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Yin asked her, "Are you going back?"

"Well, I sent you to the apartment, and I went back. I will come over early tomorrow and take you out. You don't want to sleep late, you know?"

"Understood, the little comb is really annoying." Weiyin muttered, he ran all the way here, and the little comb didn't spend much time with him, and he wanted to drive him away so quickly, he felt very wronged.

Ji Shu just smiled and didn't speak.

When they got downstairs to the apartment, Ji Shu and Wei Yin came out together.

"You go up, I won't go up, go to bed early at night, don't lose your temper, it's not like I won't play with you after you finish the exam."

"I see, the little comb is so boring."

"For your own good, student Weiyin, if you want me to praise you well, just be obedient. After the exam, even if I don't have time, I will make time to play with you."


"The premise is that you have to be serious and do well in the exam."

"Then don't worry, don't look at who I am, how could I fail the exam."

Seeing the boy's proud look, Ji Shu didn't hit him either.

"Go up, call me if you need anything."

"It seems as if I'll call you and you'll be here right away." Wei Yin couldn't help but reply her.

Ji Shu was also quite depressed, with her sister who just came back on the one hand and a brat on the other, she didn't know what to do.

"Ji Shu?"

Hearing the familiar voice again, Ji Shu was able to face it without surprise.

Xiao Zike and Ye Feng got out of the car. After the two of them had dinner, Xiao Zike thought about coming over again, but unexpectedly saw Ji Shu again.

He came over, "Why don't you go up?"

"I'll have a few words with him, and I'm going back soon."

Ji Shu has gotten used to it because he has seen it too many times in the past two days.

Ye Feng stood beside Xiao Zike, "Zike, why don't you introduce me?"

Ji Shu looked over, Ye Feng had a pair of charming peach blossom eyes, charming and affectionate, giving people the feeling of a flirtatious playboy.

Wearing a floral shirt and black trousers, the height of 1.8 meters will not give people pressure, and he seems to be the type to get along with.

He looked at Ji Shu with a smile. After Ji Shu took a second look, Wei Yin poked his arm.

"This is Ye Feng, my friend."

He continued, "This is Ji Shu, my next... first love."

After saying this, he realized that he shouldn't have spoken.

The three of them looked at him with different expressions, but his expression remained the same, "In the next play, Ji Shu will play my first love."

Ye Feng looked at him, and I knew what he meant in his eyes.

To make Xiao Zike look so stupid, it must be his heart.

Now, Ye Feng looked at Ji Shu with seriousness in his eyes, maybe this is his future sibling.

 Silly Xiao Zike is online, let's spread flowers????
  I left a message for a little cutie in the comments before, and it will be specially for the little cutie's sixth update. I don't know if the little cutie has passed the exam, so I will realize it today (keep my word, am I great? (^з^))

  The May Day holiday has begun, try to pass the time for you as much as possible every day

  (Say it silently, dancing is really difficult, if you know how to do it, you can’t do it well╯﹏╰)
  I hope everyone's exams will go well, and my physical examination will also go smoothly.
(End of this chapter)

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