Chapter 9 Narcissism
Looking at his cousin's expectant eyes, Xiao Ziyang felt that his crime was unforgivable.

He shook his head, "I'm sorry, cousin, I haven't read it."

As he said that, he looked at Xiao Zike's face, ready to comfort him at any time.

Although he didn't know how to comfort him.

For the rebellious teenagers in the second year of middle school, they don't need to learn to be mischievous. As for comforting others, forget it.

Xiao Ziyang thought, if Xiao Zike was really sad, he would just let him beat him up. Anyway, he is used to being beaten by his father, so he has nothing to fear.

If Xiao Zike didn't beat him up, he would be very sad, and there was nothing he could do.

Probably because Xiao Zike's acting skills and empathy skills are too powerful, Xiao Ziyang, who has never experienced the so-called acting skills, was so stunned.

He kept thinking in his heart that if his cousin was really sad and didn't want to beat him up, what should he do?

Song Zixiao, an unlucky comrade in arms, didn't even say to help him.

Seeing him embarrassed here, is she comfortable?
Thinking of this, he glanced at Song Zixiao again, this glance was full of resentment, Song Zixiao directly avoided his gaze.

It's a joke, can't you hide from me if you can't provoke me?Song Zixiao said so in his heart.

She has seen the movie made by Xiao Zike, not to mention, Xiao Zike's acting skills are really good, the character he played died, she thought her brother was really dead, and he died so badly, when the little princess was still ruthless He shed a few tears hard.

Now that she has grown up, is smarter, and knows a lot, of course she won't be fooled by Xiao Zike's acting skills like before.

Xiao Zike wasn't serious yet, she could tell, but it was obvious that the sophomore boy next to him, who had always been keen on various cartoons and idol dramas, felt that Xiao Zike was really looking forward to it.

Fool, don't you know you are lying to him?

The little princess wiped a few tears fiercely in her heart.

Sure enough, he is not afraid of god-like opponents, but is afraid of super stupid teammates.

When she was with her idiot brother, she felt that her life was miserable.

"That's it." Xiao Zike's eyes slowly lost, and he still pretended to be relaxed, "It's okay, if you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it, and I don't know how to tell you."

"It doesn't matter if you don't like watching my movies, as long as you like my brother."

When Xiao Ziyang heard what he said, he was even more moved. "Brother, why are you so nice?"

With a cry, he rushed over and hugged Xiao Zike, "I'm sorry brother, I will take a good look at it in the future, if you ask me again in the future, I won't let you down again."

Xiao Zike patted him on the shoulder with a light smile, "Brother believes in you."

The little boy felt that there might be tears in his eyes, "Brother, I've decided, from now on, you will be my favorite person besides Sister Ji Shu."

The little princess Song Zixiao looked at the two of them, and secretly thought that her brother was really good at acting, and Xiao Ziyang was really a little fool and could not be saved.

It was stupid of her to find such a little fool as an ally.

Song Zixiao covered his face, unable to look directly at the result.

"Sister Ji Shu, who are you talking about?" Xiao Zike has heard about Sister Ji Shu twice from Xiao Ziyang. What kind of person does Xiao Ziyang like so much?
Xiao Zike is really curious, his cousin is not a person who looks at his face, otherwise he is so good-looking, how could Xiao Ziyang not like him, and he still disliked him so much before.

Fortunately, Xiao Ziyang didn't know that he was so narcissistic in his heart. Seeing his cousin distracted again, he thought he was sad because of what happened just now, and felt even more guilty. He also seriously explained to Xiao Zike who Sister Ji Shu was.

So, Xiao Zike learned something from Xiao Ziyang, but Xiao Ziyang didn't say much, he only said that Ji Shu was an actor who just became popular a few days ago.

Yes, Xiao Ziyang called her an actor.

Although Ji Shu became popular because she was hacked, she is indeed an actress.

An actor who does not shoot variety shows, does not stir up gossip, and only acts seriously.

It's just that this actress is so good-looking, others are jealous of her and always blackmail her.

These were Xiao Ziyang's original words, and Xiao Zike suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Ziyang, why do you like that sister Ji Shu?"

"Brother, don't call her Sister Ji Shu, she is not yet 21 years old, she is almost six years younger than you." Xiao Ziyang was dissatisfied.

Xiao Zike's head was full of black lines, "Okay, why do you like that Ji Shu?" He gritted his teeth.

What does this kid mean?
Dislike him for being old?

He is obviously not yet 27 years old.

Xiao Ziyang didn't care what his cousin was thinking. Speaking of Ji Shu, he was very excited and serious, and Xiao Zike had to listen carefully, otherwise he would not be happy.

"Sister Ji Shu is so pretty, it's wrong not to like her." The young man's voice was quite reasonable.

"She's so beautiful. As soon as I saw her, I thought she was the goddess of my life, not to mention that Sister Ji Shu is still so good."

He counted for him with his fingers, "The acting skills are very good, the body is very good, not to mention the face, I thought Ji Shu could become a top-notch only relying on the face."

There was some regret in the boy's voice.

"I'm very angry at Sister Ji Shu's company. Sister Ji Shu has never done anything, but she has been hacked and searched several times in the past six months."

"Don't mention it this time. I just yawned during the rest of the crew, and I was scolded for seducing the actor of the same crew."

"I don't even look at what that movie king looks like, what my sister Ji Shu looks like. Sister Ji Shu seduced him? Is he worthy of him?" Xiao Ziyang became even more angry as he spoke.

Song Zixiao also joined in when he heard it, "Yes, he is not worthy at all. Sister Ji Shu is so good-looking, she should be seduced by someone else."

The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Obviously, because of this incident, they temporarily became allies again, and jointly fought against the enemy and foreigners.

Xiao Zike was amused, "Let me see the trending searches."

He was also a little curious.

Originally, some small stars in the entertainment industry would do anything in order to be popular.He has always disdain these things, but he will not say anything, as long as he doesn't offend him.

However, he was really curious to see the two younger siblings defending this person named Ji Shu in every possible way.

Xiao Ziyang has bad eyesight, Song Zixiao is very smart, even she likes her so much, Ji Shu should really have something special about him.

When Xiao Ziyang heard what Xiao Zike said, he turned his phone, and the heat had already gone down.

Originally, Ji Shu's only face and personality were badly hacked, but she was an inconspicuous little actor after all, and her current reputation was also hacked.

Some people don't want to care about her. Those who want to care about it will never be able to spend so much money to give her a top ten trending search. Basically, it is more than a dozen or 20 hot searches, which will soon be covered by other people's news .

(End of this chapter)

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