Chapter 91 Redemption
In fact, Ji Xiaoyuan has always had a low self-esteem. Because of low self-esteem, she feels that the family background, wealth, and even the love of her family do not belong to her.

In Ji Xiaoyuan's mind, Ji Shu is the real proud daughter of heaven, the daughter of an excellent family, and her salvation.

She doesn't need any shares or money, and she doesn't need any, and that's all she has in her life. Instead of letting these shares be useless in her hands, it's better to give Ji Shu her salvation.

Ji Xiaoyuan really loves Ji Shu very much. Sometimes, she even thinks that Ji Shu is the meaning of her life.

One is the brilliant moon in the night sky, and the other is the dim fluorescent light in the abyss. If it wasn't for following the light she yearned for, Ji Xiaoyuan would not be the Ji Xiaoyuan she is now.

She's rotten and stinks, and Chaos gave her life, her dark childhood, her filthy adulthood...

She seems to be nailed to the suffering of this life. For Ji Shu, she can still hold on, hold on to live, and see how happy her girl is for the rest of her life.

Looking at her happy, it seems that I am happy.

Ji Shu is very distressed. She feels that the shares she owns are really too much. She has not paid anything to the company, but just occupied the position of a designer. If she accepts Ji Xiaoyuan's one percent share, she will In the company, it can almost be said to be a major shareholder.

Because of this, Ji Shu still felt very tired.

She persuaded grandpa for a long time, but grandpa still wants to give her some of his shares every year.The family members are also used to the old man liking her, and are used to giving her everything that is good.

As a junior in a family, with so many wealthy families, Ji Shu can still be said to be the most favored junior. Ji Shu has what many people want, at his fingertips.

Because of this, Ji Shu is also very helpless. No matter how much she squanders the assets she has now, she will never spend her entire life. Ji Shu... She deserves it.

Give too little, get too much.

Seeing Ji Xiaoyuan lost because of her rejection, Ji Shu was at a loss.

Accept it, she thinks it's bad, don't accept it, she can't see Ji Xiaoyuan sad, so she can only turn her eyes to other people for help.

Ji's family is controlled by the family, and it is also a top-notch family. A dividend of [-]% of the shares is a sky-high price. The shares owned by Ji Xiaoyuan are already very few in the family. Ji Shu hopes that she can keep it for herself. This is what she deserves due to her status. Yes, it will also be her confidence.

These people in Ji's family are not stupid, and they can probably understand why Ji Xiaoyuan did this. Naturally, they feel distressed, but Ji Shu's place, they don't want to wrong Ji Shu and make her feel uneasy.

Ms. Shu persuaded Ji Xiaoyuan a few words, saying that if she keeps the shares, she can use her own money to buy Ji Shu a gift for her. Compared with the shares, the gift she chooses is more meaningful.

Ji Xiaoyuan was moved by the words, she nodded silently, looked at Ji Shu beside her, and couldn't help but want to pat her head.

A long time ago, that little girl who had just learned to walk would obediently let her touch her head. It was soft and cute, and it was the warmth she had hidden in her heart that she hadn't said for many years.

Ji Shu is already grown up, and feels that being touched on the head is very naive, like a child. Among her peers, there are very few people who can touch her head.When my elder brother touched his head, she rolled his eyes, but when Ji Xiaoyuan touched her head, she was as docile as a little beast with its sharp claws closed, so well-behaved.

Ji Shu was touched on the head, but his heart was relieved.

What grandpa gave was different from what Ji Xiaoyuan gave. She could share what grandpa gave with her brothers and sisters, but what Ji Xiaoyuan gave could only be hers.

(End of this chapter)

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