Douluo: I fight for Bibi Dong

Chapter 260: Going around in Soto's Great Soul Arena

Chapter 260: Going around in Soto's Great Soul Arena

Bibixuan opened the door, saw Ye Lingling who was dressed a little differently and asked, "Lingling, what's wrong?"

Ye Lingling explained, "Teacher, I have thought clearly. I don't want to be Dugu Yan's burden. Please let me improve my strength."

Bibixuan smiled and said, "Okay. Then, let's seize the future."

[Repeatable tasks can be completed.Ye Lingling was blessed by the Demon God.Obtained in the harem, Ye Lingling.Ye Lingling's martial soul evolved into Nine Gods Begonia. 】

Ye Lingling could clearly feel that her abilities had undergone tremendous changes.

She couldn't wait to summon her martial soul, and saw the evolved martial soul.

It was still a crabapple flower, but the original pink and white petals had turned purple-black.

Bibixuan asked, "How?"

Ye Lingling dared to move and shed tears and said, "Very good. Thank you."

Bi Bixuan shook his head, "You're welcome. When you reach the silver fighting spirit badge, you can also set off for the Wuhun Academy."


After Ye Lingling's martial soul evolved, she obtained two more soul skills.

One is the group shield soul skill, as long as the strength is lower than hers, it cannot be broken.

The other is a group attack soul skill, turning flower petals into sharp blades.

It is somewhat similar to Ju Douluo's sixth soul ability.

A month later, all four of them successfully obtained the Silver Fighting Soul Badge, and the group left Tiandou Academy and went to Wuhun City.

It's just that when they went to Wuhun City, they deliberately detoured and went to Soto City in the former Barak Kingdom.

The reason for coming here is very simple, to take another harem and go around.

Bibixuan explained, "You haven't trained for a long time. Suotuo City is the closest city to Wuhun City, and has a big spirit arena. So you can practice here later. We will start again tomorrow morning. I have something to take care of."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

Bibixuan went to the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena, which was very empty at this time.

No one was there except some cleaning staff.

A man in a gorgeous costume noticed Bibixuan coming over and asked, "Sir, the Great Soul Arena doesn't open until evening. I don't know what you want?"

Bibixuan explained, "I'm here to find one of your staff."

The man wondered, "Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?"


The man was taken aback and asked, "What do you want from our host?"

Bibixuan said lightly, "Just take me to find her. You don't need to ask any more questions."

The man frowned. As far as the case is concerned, he shouldn't have done this.

But Bibixuan in front of him exuded a terrifying aura all over his body, which showed that his strength was extraordinary.

And such a strong person, I am afraid that only the Wuhun Empire can have it.

"Please come with me." After finishing speaking, the man took Bibixuan to a VIP room in the Suotuo Great Soul Arena, and asked him to take a rest inside, and he went to call for DouDou.

After a while, a young girl in a white skirt came into the room.

She is just going around.

It was really beautiful.

Doudou asked, "Mr. I don't know why you are looking for me? We don't seem to know each other, right?"

Bibixuan smiled and explained, "You really don't know me. But I know you. At your age, you shouldn't be here, right? You should go to college or something."

Doudou explained, "You are right. But my martial soul is a white dove, and I think this kind of work is more suitable for me."

Bibixuan asked, "Then, do you want to work in a more advanced place? For example, Wuhun City?"

Doudou asked in surprise, "Wuhun City? I'm afraid I can't do it with my aptitude?"

Bibixuan smiled and said, "There's nothing wrong with it. How about it? Do you want to follow me?"

Doudou asked, "Then. What should I do here? I signed a five-year contract with Suoto Dahun. There are still four years left. I can't afford the liquidated damages."

Bibixuan smiled and said, "Since I plan to take you away, I will pay the money. If you agree, we can terminate the contract now."

"Okay." Doudou asked, "Why are you helping me like this?"

Bibixuan smiled and said, "Of course it's because you are beautiful."

DouDou didn't know what kind of person Bibixuan was like, and his face turned rosy after hearing this.

Bibixuan stood up and said, "Let's go. Take me to your supervisor."


After leaving the VIP room, the man who had entertained Bibixuan was waiting at the door.

The man asked, "Sir, I wonder what you're talking about?"

Bibixuan explained, "I want to take Doudou away. Listen to her, she signed a contract with you or something?"

The man was taken aback and explained, "That's right. She signed a five-year contract. There are still four years left."

Bibixuan asked, "How much is the liquidated damages? I want to take her away. I will pay the money."

"This..." the man explained, "The liquidated damages are [-] gold soul coins a year."

"No problem." Bibixuan took out four black cards from the soul tool, one of which contained [-] gold soul coins, "These are for you. Doudou is mine now."

The man took the black card and replied, "No problem."

Bibixuan looked at Doudou and said, "Doudou, let's go."

"En." DouDou replied, and followed Bi BiXuan out of here.

The man looked at the backs of the two of them and sighed.

I didn't expect that someone would spend so much money to take away a person.

Walking on the road, Doudou asked, "Sir, I haven't asked what your name is yet?"

Bibixuan introduced, "You can call me Xiaoxuan just like I am a wife."

Doudou was stunned for a while and asked, "You already have a wife?"

Bibixuan smiled and said, "What? I heard that I have a wife. My attitude towards me has changed."

DouDou immediately shook his head, "No. Since you are willing to pay so much for me, I naturally won't have any objections."

Bibixuan asked with a smile, "Then, shouldn't you not express it?"

"Ah." Doudou was stunned for a moment, and asked a little shyly, "Sir, are you in such a hurry?"

Bibixuan smiled and said, "It's okay. I won't force you. Tonight, my students will fight spirits in the Great Soul Arena. Then we will set off for Wuhun City tomorrow morning."

Doudou asked, "Are you a teacher?"

Bibixuan thought for a while, "It is, and it is not. Being a teacher is just a way of entertainment for me."

"Entertainment method?" Doudou asked in confusion, it was the first time she had heard of such an entertainment method.

She doesn't know what the rich man's world is like.

Bibixuan replied, "Yes. My real identity. You will know when you arrive in Wuhun City."

(End of this chapter)

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