After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 102 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 102 Untitled Chapters

Ouyang Qin couldn't make up his mind.

What will these children do?

At first glance, it looks like a rich second generation who doesn't understand anything.

Because these children are too young.

The only oldest one is only in his 20s.

What can they give him?
He will serve those who want him to follow him with his life.

But is that lady his real bole?

He picked up a stone in his hand and looked at it, his eyes were dim.

Since he fell over a rock, he'll get up here again!
Since someone appreciated him, so what if he bet his life?
He's in his 40s and doesn't have much time left.

If he can make a comeback, he must avenge his wife and children!

This time may be an opportunity!
Anyway he wants to catch it!

"I will follow Miss faithfully and never betray!"

Ouyang Qin made up his mind, this time he trusted his intuition.

Gui Che smiled satisfied, "You won't regret your decision!"

He said silently in his heart, and he was glad that he followed her.

He will never regret it in his life.

He turned around and lay down on the sofa with his eyes closed.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Hahaha! Uncle, so we will be a family from now on?"

The two brothers Ming Ruofeng hugged Ouyang Qin's shoulders.

The corners of Ouyang Qin's beard-covered lips rose slightly.

Bai Guoer was also happy for Long Yao.

In the alley outside the hotel.

Long Yao stood in the middle of an alley blowing bubble gum.

The back alleys at night have almost no end in sight.

All I could see was someone smoking a cigarette in front of me, and the brightly extinguished sparks.

Lu Shang turned his back to her, staring at the person in front of him solemnly.

"Master, what should we do?" Sure enough, they were still being followed.

"Cold salad!" Long Yao said lightly.

"Zheng Biao, do you have anything to do with me in such a big battle?"

bang bang!The bubble gum in Long Yao's mouth burst.

A group of men in black blocked the narrow alley.

The entire alley was blocked by people.

Zheng Biao laughed, "Little girl, how about hanging out with me? I really need your talent for picking stones."

Zheng Biao exhaled a puff of smoke.

Long Yao stood motionless like a mountain, and whispered to Lu Shang, "Don't get too far away from me when you fight later."

This guy hasn't formally practiced martial arts yet, so he doesn't have any force value.

Lu Shang whispered: "Master, don't worry, I have practiced judo and can protect myself, so be careful!"

Long Yao turned to stare at Zheng Biao, "Zheng Biao, even though it's night, is it too early to dream?"

"Oh! The little girl is crazy!"

He threw the cigar in Zheng Biao's hand on the ground and crushed it twice with his toes.

"It's crazy! After today, you will know that I can be even more crazy!"

Long Yao didn't want to talk nonsense.

Different road non-phase plan.

"Go!" Zheng Biao ordered, and men in black surrounded the two of them.

Long Yao's red lips hooked lightly, and she moved her wrist.

She didn't know how many years she hadn't fought.

It's been itching for a long time!

Long Yao swung his fist with lightning, and one person flew more than ten feet away.

A group of people were knocked to the ground by their accomplices.

He quickly got up and drew out his weapon and pointed it at Long Yao.

Bang bang bang!There was chaos in the dark alley.

The stick in the man in black's hand was like a chicken rib to Long Yao.


Every time Long Yao punched, he never failed.


With one punch, one person's ribs were completely broken.

The men in black flew upside down for more than ten feet, fell heavily to the ground and couldn't get up again.

Seeing Long Yao's fists has psychological shadows.

What is this tender fist made of!
A punch on the body is like being hit with a hammer.

Whoever gets beaten will know that sour feeling!

The man in black raised the baseball bat in his hand and swung it at Long Yao's head.

"Master, be careful!" Lu Shang dodged a stick and came to Long Yao's side.

"Take care of yourself!" Long Yao faced the man in black's stick with his fist.

Click!The baseball bat directly shattered into slag.

The man in black looked at the handle of the stick in his hand and was dumbfounded.

Boom!Well!Stomach cramping, the whole person flew out of the alley upside down.

Lu Shang's judo skills are not enough.

Well!After a while, Lu Shang lost his strength and was surrounded and beaten by several people.

"Go away!" Long Yao pulled him behind her, avoiding the attack of a stick.

Long Yao kicked out both feet, and the men in black flew out of the alley one by one like sandbags being thrown.

Lu Shang, who was protected by her behind him, was fine.

Zheng Biao's pupils shrank sharply.

This person really has some skills.

Long Yao's soft waist bent into a terrible arc, dodging the bullets fired from Zheng Biao's pistol.

Standing up and looking at Zheng Biao, "You are really jumping over the wall!"

Long Yao flashed to Zheng Biao's eyes, and the gun in his hand blinked into Long Yao's hand.

Boom!Well! "I let you shoot!"

He punched Zheng Biao in the eyeball.

what!Zheng Biao screamed.

"It's okay to be idle and arrogant!"

"You want my old lady to follow you? It's impossible in the next life!"

Every time Long Yao said a word, he punched him.

Zheng Biao was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and he was helpless to fight back after being punched by Long Yao.

Zheng Biao passively endured Long Yao's beating with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Long Yao kicked out with one last kick.

Zheng Biao flew out like a broken rag.

"Boss!" A group of men in black quickly surrounded Zheng Biao.

"Me!" Zheng Biao pointed at Longyao, his head tilted and he passed out.

The men in black looked at each other, turned around and carried Zheng Biao and ran away.

This little girl beat dozens of them until they couldn't get up.

A stick is as easy as twisting in her hands.

What kind of monster is she?

Long Yao moved her arms and legs.

He looked at the man in black lying on the ground.

"Dare to speak big words in front of me? You've been beaten so badly that you can't take care of yourself!"

As he spoke, he waved his fist fiercely.

"Don't dare!" The man in black lying on the ground squirmed back.

Some were so frightened that they peed their pants.

Long Yao waved her hands in disgust to dispel the unpleasant smell in the air.

With a wave of his hand, a cloud of powder floated in the air.

All the men in black fainted.

Lu Shang beat one person unconscious and got up from the ground.

Covering his beaten face, he looked at Long Yao in disbelief.

She was spotless from top to bottom?
"Master, do you really know kung fu?"

Lu Shang has decided, he wants to learn too!

Wasn't it cool to beat someone up just now?

"Nonsense! Otherwise teach you something?"

"Let's go! The police uncle will be here soon."

Long Yao just knocked those people unconscious and didn't kill them.

Waved a wave of spiritual energy into the minds of those unconscious people.

They won't remember what happened tonight when they wake up.

Long Yao stepped on a person's chest and walked over.

The unconscious man let out a muffled grunt as he was stepped on.

Why is he so unlucky?

Passed out and got stepped on?
Tilting his head, this time he was really unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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