Chapter 117 Can't Touch

Seeing that Bai Guoer was fine, Gui Che finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If someone is killed by Yuan Jun, it will be over.

At that time, the boss will go crazy.

Hualing is a woman who also likes this small animal very much.

Looking at the fluffy ball, I wanted to go up and touch it.

Seeing its ferocious appearance now, I quickly dismissed the idea.

Talking furry is no ordinary thing.

"Winged white tiger?" Jueying said silently.

Gui Che nodded, "You haven't practiced and don't understand these ancient beasts, you should have heard of the four ancient beasts, right?"

"This is the white tiger, one of the four great beasts."

At the beginning, Gui Che didn't believe that such a small group could be the white tiger, the god of killing?
But in fact, it is still the white tiger!
hiss!Several people gasped.

Are there really ancient beasts?
Yuan Jun curled his lips in disgust, a bunch of ignorant kids.

Looking at his small body, he continued to lie on his stomach in a decadent state.

Now it's nothing to be proud of either.

The four of them were separated by the great war that year, and they don't know where they are until now!

It was injured so badly, those few must have been injured too.

After Gui Che took a few people to visit the Wanjie pawnshop, it was already three days later.

As soon as Long Yao came in, she saw Yuan Jun lying listlessly in her den.

"What's wrong with you?" Long Yao held it in her arms and stroked its hair.

Yuan Jun scratched her with his paw in disgust, "I'm not a cat!"

Long Yao smiled and said, "You are a cat now!"

Yuan Jun lay listlessly in her arms.

"I was thinking, the four of us have been separated for many years, I don't know if there is a chance to reunite."

Yuan Jun has given up struggling.

If you want to touch your own fur, just touch it.

"Are you all injured? I will definitely heal your injuries."

"I will also help you find other partners."

Long Yao took out a pill and fed it to him.

It is still a bit reluctant to treat its injuries with top-grade pills.

When she refines the divine elixir, its wounds will be healed.

Yuan Jun took a elixir, although the wounds on his body could benefit, it was too slow after all.

"Okay! When I go out here, I will be by your side to protect you, and we will look for them together."

Yuan Jun was moved to tears.

No one from the previous owner told it to look for the long-lost partner with it.

She is No.1.

So it decided to protect this woman and not let her burp too quickly.

Long Yao walked into the pawnshop with Yuan Jun in her arms, and scanned with her spiritual sense.

I saw them all in the library on the third floor.

Gui Che, Jue Ying, Wu Xie, Hua Ling, Jun Lan, Lu Shang, Ming Ruo Feng, Bai Guoer, all eight of them sat on the ground holding a book and watched it attentively.

They don't know many fonts, so they all read books with translations.

The more they look at it, the more they desire to cultivate and strengthen themselves as soon as possible.

"Do you understand?"

Long Yao saw that they were holding some story books in their hands.

They cannot get the books on cultivation.

"Boss, we don't know many of these words."

Now that Hua Ling has shed her guard and hostility, she is as peaceful as a big sister next door.

The eyes looking at Long Yao also became very soft.

The rest of the people looked at Long Yao in the same way.

The older ones looked at her as if they were their own sisters.

For those who are about the same age as Lu Shang, looking at Longyao is admiration.

Lu Shang no longer doubted his master's strength this time.

As a teacher, he worshiped a god as his teacher.

He is grateful for his decision.

(End of this chapter)

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