After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 122 Six Winged Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 122 Six-winged Ancestral Dragon
From then on, the six-winged dragon clan lost the protection of the Dragon King and was imprisoned in a secret valley, not to be seen in the world.

Thousands of years have passed, and the six-winged dragon family has always been a legend.

People in the God Realm have only heard of the six-winged dragon family, but have never seen it.

Other dragon races have also been in the God Realm for 10 years and have not appeared before the world.

Some say that the Dragon Clan is extinct.

Some also said that the ability of the Dragon Clan was too against the sky, which annoyed Tiandao and was imprisoned.

In short, there are different opinions, and many people in the fairy world have never seen a real dragon.

Long Yao was picked up by a person from the fairy world when she was still an egg.

When the shell broke out, the man found out that it was a legendary dragon, and he was ecstatic.

Long Yao was secretly imprisoned in a dark place, and became a medicine primer for that person's cultivation.

The man took the blood every day and took it for cultivation.

Pulled out the dragon tendon as his magic weapon.

In the end, she cultivated to the Ascension God Realm, and wanted to strip Longyao's Dragon Balls and take them for herself.

But what he didn't expect was that Long Yao's Dragon Ball was unusual.

As soon as it was taken out, it disappeared in a mess.

The man was distraught.

With the disappearance of the Dragon Ball, Long Yao has no use value, and was used as a sacrifice by that person.

On the altar, Long Yao remembered that person's appearance in her mind.

It is deeply engraved in my mind.

Even if she died, the appearance of that person would still linger in her mind.

At the last moment of dying, Long Yao was hit by Xingyun Island and brought to this interface to be reborn.

The inheritance in Dragon Ball has been absorbed by Long Yao little by little, and her strength is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Long Yao, who was meditating, had a small horn on her forehead slowly protruding, and her body was also covered by a layer of golden dragon scales.

This time Long Yao didn't turn into a dragon body, only the horns appeared, and her body was covered with dragon scales.

"Not bad! The strength is growing very fast."

Zhu Meng flew back and forth in front of Long Yao, and was also happy for her.

Long Yao opened her eyes, and the pupils of her eyes turned golden.

Then it disappeared and turned back into black pupils.

The dragon scales on her body receded one after another, the dragon horns on her forehead disappeared, and she became that cute girl who appeared harmless to humans and animals.

"Zhumeng, my strength has been upgraded!"

Long Yao happily felt the surging power in her body.

With her leveling up, the Nebula Island outside is also quietly expanding.

The aura inside became more intense.

The cultivation level of the dragon race is different from that of the human race.

The cultivation level of the human race starts from the Qi training period.

Only when you reach the Ascending God Realm will you be consistent with the Dragon Clan's cultivation system.

The Dragon Clan only started to cultivate after 1000 years of birth, and the level is directly the level of the gods.

This is why humans are jealous of dragons.

The dragon race is born 1000 years ago and is only equal to a human child, but its level is already at the level of the gods. How can it not make humans jealous?

In addition, dragons already live longer than humans, so it is difficult not to be jealous.

Longyao's current realm has been upgraded to the level of the Celestial Immortal, which is two steps higher than that of the God Transformation Realm.

Zhu Meng nodded in satisfaction, "You are only five thousand years old and you are already a high-ranking celestial being, you are no less than the Nine-Colored Dragon Emperor!"

Some human beings who practiced for thousands of years may not be able to transform into gods and ascend.

She is only five thousand years old, which is not too young according to human age, but she is already a high-level celestial being, and she can already be described as a monster.

Long Yao wasn't very happy, she couldn't return to the God Realm for revenge with this level of strength.

The person who snatched her dragon ball had already ascended to the God Realm, and after so many years, his level was naturally much higher than her.

Interface: human world, fairy world, god world, demon world, underworld.

Cultivation level: Qi training, foundation building, bigu, Jindan, Yuanying, crossing the catastrophe, transforming the gods.

Cultivation levels in the fairy world: Purple Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Supreme Immortal, and True Monarch.

The level of cultivation in the God Realm: Shangshen, Shenjun, Shenzun, and Shendi.

[Immortal world levels are divided into low-level, intermediate, and high-level]

(End of this chapter)

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