Chapter 127 Returning to Nanhai City
Mojia Manor in Nanhai City.

Mo Zhenting looked at his son with a worried face.

"You mean Yaoyao hasn't come back yet?"

How many days have you been out?
Mo Xun nodded, "Don't worry! He'll be fine. Do you have anything to do with her?"

He knew that his father would not go home if he was fine.

Mo Zhenting sighed, "Your mother is fine, but she doesn't want to go back to the Mo family. She wants to become a monk."

Mo Zhenting still has feelings for his wife.

Now that he no longer wants to go back to the Mo family, he also understands her.

"I see." Mo Xun just said lightly.

He didn't forgive his mother in his heart.

"I hope you forgive her."

Mo Zhenting didn't want to see the two closest to him continue the cold war.

"I have not decided yet!"

"Where's Mo Shu?"

Since his mother has become a monk, there is no need for the adopted daughter to stay in the Mo family.

"She has already moved out of the Mo family. She is a big star now and doesn't need to rely on our Mo family anymore. She has also changed her name and is now called Fang Jingshu."

When Mo Zhenting mentioned this adopted daughter, he had a sneer on his face.

His wife raised her since she was a child, not only didn't go to see her, but immediately broke up with Mo Jiayun after her accident.

Now his wife is a monk in the nunnery, and she doesn't even bother to go to see it.

Mo Xun sneered, "This is her beloved daughter?"

The red light in his eyes flashed away.

That woman is not a good bird either!
"You have to be careful, she doesn't give up on you."

Mo Zhenting didn't like that woman as his daughter-in-law.

"I know! I belong to Yao'er, no one can take it away!"

Mo Xun's face is full of embarrassment that only a man in love can have.

The corners of Mo Zhenting's eyes twitched a little, what kind of trouble is this smug look going to do?

Shout out!

"Tell me! Why are you looking for Yao'er?"

It must be no good for my father to find Yao'er.

"I came to her to talk about that safety net."

"The main reason is that this thing is too easy to use for us."

Mo Zhenting's special department has greatly improved its efficiency after using this safety net.

I always feel that this safety net is not only useful for this.

He just wanted to come and talk to her about the safety net.

See if you can buy into this exclusivity.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, "Are you going to buy it with money?"

"Let's say it first, if it's cheap, don't sell it!"

My dear father also has to settle accounts.

"Your father is not a robber either!"

"I've applied for funding specifically for this safety net."

"Don't worry! Her money is indispensable!"

Mo Zhenting looked at his son amusedly.

Mo Xun nodded in satisfaction, "I want the island in BH City, not far from your base, have you asked your leaders for instructions?"

Mo Xun found an island with a good location.

The island is oval in shape, just in line with what Long Yao wanted.

Mo Zhenting frowned slightly, "What do you want that island for?"

Their special department wants to use that island as a secret training ground for the base.

There is a huge karst cave underground on that island, and building a hidden base will get twice the result with half the effort.

"Yao'er wants to buy it and build a Ten Thousand Worlds pawn shop there."

Mo Xun didn't intend to hide it from his father.

It's established there, and sooner or later they'll all know it.

"Pawnshop? Who would go to a pawnshop to pawn things in this day and age? It's still built in such a remote place?"

Mo Zhenting didn't understand what they were planning.

"Don't worry about this, you just need to help me get the ownership of that island."

"The pawn shop is built, and it will be good for you!"

People in their special departments are the most vulnerable to injuries. With the backing of the pawn shop, the number of sacrifices will be reduced a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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