Chapter 130 Shops
The shop that Mo Xun left for her is not small, enough for her to use.

"Find it? Let's go and have a look tomorrow."

Ouyang Qin has already put the stones in a warehouse.

Long Yao didn't plan to sell jade jewelry, and it would be too troublesome for a designer to sell jewelry.

Although she can design accessories herself, she is lazy!

She just wanted to sell rough jade stones like that.

Uh!Long Yao's thinking can be considered wonderful.

The value of jade made into jewelry would be higher, but she just didn't like it.

Many people who want to buy rough stones may not be able to buy good stones after spending money.

She just needs to cut a hole in the rough stone and sell it in the shop.

It is clear at a glance what kind of stone you want to buy.

"Yao'er, this kind of ghost idea is only yours."

Mo Xun thought it was funny, was this an excuse for his laziness?
Long Yao didn't care what he thought.

She is confident.

the next day.

Long Yao was taken by Lu Shang to the jade warehouse.

Ouyang Qin and Nalan Xiao were already waiting there.

Mo Xun originally wanted to follow Long Yao, but was driven away by her disgust.

Because he wanted to take back the authority to buy and sell pills in the black market, Mo Xun was kicked out of the house by Long Yao to help her earn money.

Now that Wu Xie has given the authority over the pills, there is no need to continue to cooperate with the black market.

Mo Xun went to help her deal with the aftermath.

There is a little girlfriend who likes to cause trouble, and Mo Xun said that he likes the feeling of helping her deal with the aftermath very much.

"Boss, you are here."

Seeing Long Yao's figure, Ouyang Qin greeted him happily.

Nalan smiled and raised his eyebrows slightly.

This is the boss who publishes his own novels?

Are you kidding me?
Still a child?
"Thank you for your hard work! I have found the shop, and I will leave the rest to you."

Long Yao felt that it was not suitable for her to do the business of the shop herself.

It is important for her to refine the Myriad Realms Shop on the island as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, boss, leave the matter of jade to me!"

"It's just that there is no jewelry designer yet."

Ouyang Qin snorted the back of his head.

He's been worrying about it for the past few days.

"What kind of designer do you want? I don't plan to sell jewelry?"

Long Yao looked at the pile of stones in front of her and said.

"Huh? What are you selling?"

Ouyang Qin is a little silly.

Nalan frowned slightly with a smile. If you don't sell so many stones, why keep them?

"We only sell stones, and put a hole in the stone and sell it somewhere."

As soon as Long Yao explained it to Ouyang Qin, she understood.

"Boss, will it not be worth the price?"

So far, there is no such shop.

"I don't just sell stones, I also sell a lot of antiques."

When she travels through various interfaces in the future, it is inevitable that she will bring back some other things.

No matter what, a channel for buying and selling is also needed.

Ouyang Qin's eyes lit up, "Boss, you can have this, but I don't understand antiques."

Although this idea is very good, he really doesn't understand antiques.

"We only sell genuine antiques, and we don't accept antiques. What I can let you sell must be genuine."

Lu Shang's grandfather is an archaeologist, and when the time comes to ask him to come out of the mountain to help sit in the town, I believe someone will buy it.

"I understand." Nalan said suddenly with a smile.

Ouyang Qin looked at himself in disbelief and said, "You understand? Why didn't I know you understood this stuff?"

Nalan smiled and rolled his eyes, you know what a fool!
Long Yao was a little surprised, "Do you know antiques?"

Nalan nodded with a smile, "My grandfather is an expert in antique appraisal. I have learned from him since I was a child."

Long Yao found that this person had a purple aura on his head, mixed with evil aura.

This shows that the person in front of him has a life in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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