Chapter 135 Photos
Fang Jingshu, formerly Mo Shu, wearing sunglasses, walked into the hotel lobby under the compliments of a group of people.

Just as he was about to enter the elevator, he met Long Yao.

Hearing her muttering and looking around, and seeing her curious look, I didn't bother to sneer in my heart.

He really looks like a bumpkin who has never seen the world!

Seeing Gui Che following Long Yao, Fang Jingshu's eyes flickered slightly.

Seeing the two talking and laughing, they secretly took a few photos.

The angle was found very well, as if two people were having an affair head to head

Fang Jingshu sent out the photo, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

If he saw such a photo, would he still like you so much?

snort!Let's see!
Thinking that Mo Xun would rather like a little girl than her, she panicked.

No matter who you like now!

Sooner or later you are mine!

Her status is different now, sooner or later you will beg me one day!
Fang Jingshu thought about it for a long time, and the distorted facial features were all shifted.

Fang Jingshu put away her distorted face, smiled and twisted her waist, and walked in front of Long Yao.

After seeing Gui Che's appearance clearly, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although not as good as Mo Xun, he has a different temperament.

"Sister Yao, is it really you? I thought I was wrong."

"Isn't it very luxurious here? Ordinary people can't get in."

Fang Jingshu felt disdainful when she saw the appearance of Long Yao's bumpkin.

On the face, they still greeted each other amiably.

What he said was soft and thorny.

Fang Jingshu was talking to Long Yao, her eyes kept looking at Gui Che.

Looking up close, he was indeed a handsome young man.

No wonder she came out on a date behind Mo Xun's back.

After all, the man in front of me is younger than Mo Xun, isn't he?

It is not allowed to come to this hotel to open a room.

You are really shameless at such a young age!

Long Yao smelled an unpleasant smell, and took a step back in disgust.

Looking up, she saw a gorgeous woman standing not far from her.

Who is this person?

Long Yao stared at her with big eyes.

"I don't know which young master this is? He is very suitable to be a star!"

"Do you want me to recommend some directors for you? It's a pity not to act with such a temperament."

Fang Jingshu has been at ease since leaving the Mo family.

It turned out that there was Lu Qingzhao's repression, she was not allowed to accept too explicit scenes, she was not allowed to kiss scenes, and she was not allowed to have too much contact with other men.

In short, Gu Qingzhao has to take care of her in many things.

After all, she is a daughter-in-law prepared for her son, and bad rumors are absolutely not allowed.

Now that she is separated from Gu Qingzhao, Fang Jingshu has many financial backers behind her to support her. She feels that the life she is living now is life.

After being depressed for a long time, this kind of free life is what she wants.

If she had a boyfriend like Mo Xun by her side, she would be satisfied for the rest of her life.

It's a pity that Mo Xun was occupied by the little bitch in front of him, and she was not allowed to step into the Mo family's manor.

During that time, the hatred in her heart made her almost explode.

Today I saw that the hatred in Long Yao's heart almost turned into reality.

Looking into Longyao's eyes made her panic again.

Suppressing the panic in his heart, he thought about mocking Long Yao.

The moment he saw Gui Che, he wanted to hook up.

If it is another rich second generation, then there will be another financial backer behind her.

With so many benefactors behind her, is it possible that she is no match for one Mo Xun?
Gui Che glanced at her lightly, then turned around and ignored her, as if there was no such person in front of him.

Long Yao blew the bubble gum and looked Fang Jingshu up and down.

"Auntie, who are you?"

Long Yao never remembers those who are not worth it.

Who this person is has long been forgotten by her.

It's just that he wanted to poach someone in front of her?
This is absolutely unbearable!

Fang Jingshu's heart was blocked.

The assistant who was following her couldn't help but screamed, "What are you talking about, you brat? Don't you know the queen of romance? You're really blind!"

Suqin is a middle-aged woman in her 40s who is both Fang Jingshu's manager and her personal assistant.

It was she who discovered Fang Jingshu's acting talent.

Without her, Fang Jingshu would not be where she is today.

"I don't know her! Why should I know her?"

Long Yao blinked innocently.

Fang Jingshu almost died of anger!

How could someone not recognize her?
(End of this chapter)

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