Chapter 140 Shocked and Stupid
Mr. Qin had seen this pill once, and he was not as surprised as Mr. Gong.

When I saw the true face of the pill again, I still couldn't help but feel short of breath.

This is the stuff of legends!
It just appeared so suddenly, no one can calm down.

Seeing his friends for many years, he was shocked and dumbfounded by this pill, and wanted to cover his face.

What a shame!

How old are you!Still so restless!

In fact, when he first saw the elixir, he didn't feel much better.

"Master, money is easy to talk about! As long as the pill can cure my grandson, half of my property will do!"

hiss!Mr. Qin gasped.

Half of this old guy's property is quite a lot!
"Just follow the price on the black market. I want to negotiate a deal with the old man."

Long Yao took out another crystal bottle, which contained ten white pills.

hiss!Mr. Gong also gasped.

So many pills?
"Master, what kind of elixir is this?"

In addition to the dark brown medicine, there is also this emerald green one that appeared on the black market.

Why is it still white?
"This is the longevity pill, a pill that prolongs life for ten years, and each person can only take two pills in a lifetime."

Long Yao's words were like a blockbuster, causing several people in the room to feel dizzy.

Is there such a medicine in the world?

"Grandpa Gong can eat one."

Seeing the expressions of disbelief of a few people, it is better to let them see it with their own eyes.

"Can I eat?" Old Man Gong stood up tremblingly.

Who doesn't want to live a few more years?

His current body is not good enough to live for a few years. If he takes a life-prolonging pill, he can live for ten years.

"Of course." Long Yao poured out one and handed it to Mr. Gong.

Gong Xiangtian was holding the pill in his old hands, his whole body was trembling.

Old Master Qin's eyes were burning, and he couldn't even take off the eyeballs when he saw the elixir in his hand.

"I, I ate?" The corners of the old man's lips trembled, and his words were a little lame.

Long Yao nodded lightly.

Gudong!The old man raised his head and swallowed the elixir, only feeling the fragrance of the medicinal materials in his mouth.

"Amazing!" Mr. Qin stood up in shock.

Qin Wuyue rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

Mr. Gong, who was originally a haggard old man, is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The gray hair is gradually receding, and the wrinkles on the face are slowly stretching like a facelift.

The age spots on the face are visibly receded and disappeared.

"I'll go! So awesome?" Qin Wuyue bluffed.

What's the difference between this and a living person?

"Master, can you sell me one?"

Qin Tianming looked at the pill in Long Yao's hand, wishing he could take two more.


Long Yao took out one and handed it to Qin Tianming.

Mr. Qin couldn't wait to eat it.

Qin Wuyue once again witnessed the miracle of a great transformation of a living person.

Gudong!Qin Wuyue swallowed hard.

Mechanically turned to look at Long Yao.

"If I eat one, will I become younger?"

Qin Wuyue's fugue sounded.

Long Yao rolled her eyes, "What are you thinking? Why are you taking longevity pills at such a young age?"

"That's right! What is the brat thinking?"

Qin Tianming looked at his hands and laughed.

Hearing what his grandson said, he interrupted.

Mr. Gong suppressed the turbulent waves in his heart. After all, he is a person who has seen storms, so he quickly calmed down the turbulent waves in his heart.

"I don't know what the deal the master just said is?"

Mr. Gong now feels that he has no pain in his body.

The whole person is in high spirits.

Sure enough, his body was no different from ten years ago.

The voice of speaking also became louder.

"I want to ask Mr. Gong to help me sell this elixir on the territory of your hidden family."

The territory of the hermit family cannot be entered by ordinary people.

It is said that the place where the hidden family lives is very secret, surrounded by the yin and yang gossip formation.

No one who went in could come out alive.

Long Yao didn't plan to go for a walk in the hidden family, so she had to find someone to sell it on her behalf.

"What? Really?" Mr. Gong stood up excitedly again.

Seeing his old friend lose his usual calmness, Mr. Qin cast a disgusted glance at him.

"You don't plan to do this business, can I do it?"

It's a bastard if you don't do such a good deal.

Qin Wuyue looked at Long Yao with an aggrieved face, "Why didn't you tell me such a good thing?"

Their Qin family has many businesses, including auction houses all over the country.

(End of this chapter)

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