Chapter 150 Too Difficult
Mo Zhenting looked at Long Yao helplessly.

"Look! Your black shark is too difficult to understand."

Turning around and talking to Long Yao, he put on a loving face again.

When he spoke to his subordinates just now, it was not in the same tone at all.

Song Yun looked at Long Yao unexpectedly.

Was the chief's words correct just now?

It means the black shark researched by such a little girl?
How is this possible?
Song Yun was hit hard.

"It's easy to understand, tell me what you don't understand."

Long Yao looked at Song Yun with a smile.

On the console is a light blue transparent floating control screen.

Long Yao can understand the strings of data above at a glance.

Song Yun returned to God and said: "We have used the tracking system before and basically know it, but this protection and personal tracking are not very clear."

Long Yao understood immediately.

"This is very simple. As long as you open the @ account for the protection system, all electronic products in your base will be automatically implanted into this protection system to fully protect your computers here."

"There is another system that controls your laser cannons, and it will automatically monitor for you."

"This personal tracking is even simpler. As long as you input the image of the person you want to track, he will have his location even if he gets into a mouse hole."

"The personal tracking system can also be used to track each other's electronic product programs."

"All electronic products can be traced! As long as he has electronic products, he can be traced."

Long Yao's ten fingers tapped on the keyboard with crackling noises.

In the blink of an eye, the electronic product system of the entire base restarted.

All the databases have undergone a major overhaul.

All the data inside are strictly protected.

"Uncle Mo, here you can scan your whole body and enter your genes. Without your instructions, no one can open the information in this database."

Long Yao left the console and stepped aside.

Point the camera at Mo Zhenting.

"This should be okay?"

Song Yun blinked, saw a blue light scanning Mo Zhenting's whole body, and looked at Long Yao in disbelief.

Mo Zhenting was still in a dazed state, the scan had been completed.

'The scan is complete, do you want to save it? '

The cute child's voice sounded, making everyone in the control room startled.

There is no artificial intelligence in it?

Where did the sound come from?

Even if there is artificial intelligence, it's not such a cute child's voice, is it?
Mo Zhenting looked at Long Yao puzzled, "Is there artificial intelligence in here?"

Will the voice of this artificial intelligence be too childish?

Moreover, it sounds like a real child's voice.

'The Lun family is not artificial intelligence, and Lao Tzu is a black shark!Don't guess! '

A cartoon version of a golden dragon appeared on the blue LCD screen.

Xiaolong's chubby arms were wrapped around his chest, and his cute eyes rolled mischievously.

Seeing Long Yao's figure, his eyes immediately turned into a heart shape.

The little dragon's tail wagged like a dog wagging its tail.

Flowing halazi said: "Beauty Yaoyao, the Lun family misses you very much! Come and have one! Trojan horse!"

Long Yao had a black line on his forehead, why did this guy come out?

"Black Shark, your image is gone! This is the base, where you will stay in the future, please be more reserved?"

Long Yao poked its forehead.

The blue screen is instantly filled with pink bubbles.

Hei Sha wagged its tail, and said nympho: "Short oil! Yaoyaohu touched me! I'm happy!"

Gui Che had a headache and raised his forehead, is this guy so unreliable?

When designing this cartoon character, Long Yao said that it would have its own consciousness.

Compared with artificial intelligence, this is more like the steward of the Black Shark safety net.

Ask it whatever questions you have, especially the safety net set of questions.

Originally, Long Yao thought that Zhantuan was a serious place, and it was not appropriate to set up this little thing.

So it is closed in the system.

Unexpectedly, this guy ran out as soon as she opened the system permissions today.

All the people in the control room left their jobs, watching the little golden dragon on the blue screen very much.

It's very boring for these people to stay here all day long. It would be good if there is this little thing to adjust the atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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