After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 152 Not Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 152 Not Artificial Intelligence
After all, artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence, and it is also made by human beings. It will not be like human beings.

Those sci-fi films are nothing more than people's imaginations.

"I don't want to be a human being! How nice of me to be like this!"

"Don't think about it all day long! Dude, it's easy to get old!"

Xiao Jinlong stared at Mo Zhenting with big eyes, trying to persuade him.

The corner of Mo Zhenting's mouth twitched, "Okay, I believe you!"

"It's just that you like to play so much. My system does not allow any mistakes. Are you sure you can do it?"

This little dragon is like a naughty child.

Xiao Jinlong snorted coldly, "Of course! Do the business when it's in front of you. Can you still gossip when you have nothing to do?"

Otherwise, how boring is its dragon life?

Mo Zhenting no longer wanted to refute anything.

Maybe with this little thing around, those bastards will be more energetic.

"That's good! Let's get down to business first. We haven't been able to find this woman. Do you have a solution?"

Mo Zhenting found a photo from the computer and posted it on the screen.

Shen Yan, female, 36 years old, married.

A photo next to it.

The woman in the photo looks very ordinary, with big buck teeth.

Despite his humble appearance, he turned out to be the leader of a poison nest organization.

They tracked her down for two years before disappearing without a trace half a year ago. '

It's like the world has evaporated.

They ruled out the possibility of being destroyed, but they still couldn't find anyone.

Xiao Jinlong looked at the photo with a serious face.

Suddenly vomited twice, "Is this a woman? She looks so ugly!"

The corners of Mo Zhenting and the others twitched.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell us the result."

Long Yao was about to be pissed off by it.

"Okay, okay! Who told me to be an obedient dragon!"

"Let's get down to business first! By the way, let's gossip about this female banker!"

"Shen Yan is now aliased as Hu Mei. Half a year ago, she had a full-body plastic surgery. She has a slim waist, big breasts, fat buttocks, and long legs. Oh my god! The whole man-made beauty!"

"Dangdang! This is it!"

A photo of a beautiful woman on the blue screen, plus the current detailed information, her address, and even a red dot flashing on a map.

hiss!Everyone in the room gasped.

Too awesome!

How many minutes to find them all?
"Do you want more details?"

Xiao Jinlong smiled triumphantly.

"Any more details?"

Mo Zhenting couldn't believe it at all, what more detailed information is there?

"Of course! Hu Mei, nicknamed Yehu, has many wild men around her, and her daily nightlife never fails. She likes to go to nightclubs to find fresh meat for spring dinner."

"Although he is a little fresh meat, he is still that kind of macho! Hoho! The kind with bulging muscles!"

As he spoke, he shook his little arm.

"I have a great desire in that area! I like to watch porn! I am a senior member of a porn/porn/net/site, and I watch it for an hour every night. Of course, I don’t need to say more about who I watch it with!"

"What's more, the three/dots/styles I wear are all red! Do you know why? Because red is her lucky color, she thinks red will make her excited, it will make her excited!"

"Loves to wear three/dots/style even when killing people, never dress properly!"

"and also,,,,,,"

Long Yao coughed twice in embarrassment, what are you talking about?

Hastily interrupted its nagging.

"Stop, stop, stop! No need to introduce any more details! Enough details!"

Besides, I don't know what's there yet.

The rest of the people also looked up at the sky together.

The corners of the mouth are a little cramped.

Where is this going?

(End of this chapter)

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