Chapter 155 The Dragon
Gui Che didn't understand what she said, and scratched his head irritably.

Ever since he learned to practice, it was like entering a bizarre world.

Let him be like a babbling baby who doesn't understand anything.

"Wait, you'll find out soon."

Long Yao watched the originally calm sea began to stir up waves.

In the quiet night sky, dark clouds began to cover the moon.

The moon, which was originally like a crescent, is not very bright.

In the blink of an eye, it was covered by dark clouds.

Accompanied by the start of a strong wind.

Gui Che was staggered by the wind.

This gust of wind came too suddenly!
"Old, uh, big!"

Gui Che, who was blown by the strong wind, was unable to speak.

A gust of wind nearly suffocated him.

If he was talking, the wind could easily pierce his lungs.

Gui Che covered his mouth and nose, and was staggered by the strong wind.

Long Yao stood there motionless like a mountain.

Seeing that Gui Che, who was standing unsteadily, set up an enchantment around him.

Gui Che was enveloped by the barrier, and he couldn't feel the wind for a moment.

Gui Che was completely messed up by the wind, his hair almost bald!
He squatted on the ground and panted heavily.

Finally regained a life!

This is even scarier than a tornado!
"Stay inside."

Long Yao stood on the edge of the island with both feet straddled.

A pair of slender phoenix eyes stared at the underwater creature.

Gui Che nodded fiercely!He must stay inside the enchantment and not go out!
Don't go out even if you are killed!

There were huge waves more than ten feet high on the sea.

Huge waves beat against the rocks with irresistible force.

The loud rumbling sound pierced people's eardrums.

The huge wave hit the barrier, and Gui Che reflexively raised his hand to block it.

Feeling that the huge waves couldn't break through the barrier, Gui Che stood at the same place with peace of mind.

Long Yaofei stood in mid-air with her hands behind her back.

There are huge waves on the sea, and it is difficult for those huge waves to be one meter away from Longyao.

The strong wind also had no effect on her.

It was still clean, and there was no mess at all.


hoo hoo hoo!
Painful roars made Long Yao slightly frown.

Under the bottom of the sea is a flood dragon, and it is it that makes the painful roar.

Hearing this sound, Gui Che made his hair stand on end.

The sound is terrible!

The sound was mixed with the roar of the strong wind, and no one could distinguish the voice of Jiaolong at all.

At this time Zhumeng ran out from Xingyun Island.

Watching the Jiaolong on the bottom of the sea flying up and down excitedly.

"Yaoyao, quickly cut open Jiaolong's stomach, there is a red bead in its dantian."

"Because it can't bear the power of Chizhu, it is suffering from burning pain."

Chizhu represents fire, not ordinary fire.

It is the fire of purgatory, which can burn the soul of a person.

How could an animal that had just turned into a flood bear this kind of burning fire?
"The red bead is on it?"

This flood dragon has only been a flood dragon for a few hundred years, so it must not be able to withstand the burning of the red bead.

The dragon flew up and down on the bottom of the sea, setting off huge waves.

The pain this time was more unbearable than the pain it had endured before.

The dragon sprang out from the bottom of the water, bringing huge waves to the sky.

Jiaolong looked up to the sky and howled, hoping that this would relieve the pain on his body.

Long Yao saw Jiaolong's appearance clearly, the snake's head hadn't changed, only the limbs had grown in front of it.

There is an obvious bump on the snake's head, which is the symbol of Huajiao.

His ruthless eyes were as red as blood.

Black dragon scales covered the whole body, suffocating in darkness.

The huge dragon's body is as long as [-] meters away.

The roar from the bloody mouth turned into gusts of wind and waves.

There is a red light shining from the body at its dantian.

In this dark night, it is particularly conspicuous.

It seems that it is the light emitted by Chizhu.

(End of this chapter)

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