Chapter 159 Other Beads
The beads are particularly conspicuous red in the morning sun.

"Zhu Meng, there are already two beads in this plane, will there be other beads?"

If the beads are all on this plane, she doesn't need to look for them elsewhere.

"What are you thinking? The existence of two beads in this plane is already against the sky."

"One more bead, this plane can't bear the power of the bead, and it would have collapsed long ago."

Pearl dream white eyes.

This guy is daydreaming.

Hope shattered, Long Yao let out a long sigh.

The road to revenge is really long!
Seeing her lost look, Zhu Meng comforts her.

"It's been 5000 years, so is it still a few hundred years away?"

Zhu Meng murmured in her heart, maybe it won't last a few hundred years.

"It's okay, I can afford to wait, but I'm afraid that person can't afford to wait, what if he is killed?"

Going to the God Realm doesn't mean you can't die.

The competition in the God Realm is even more bloody.

"How could it be? He has your dragon's blood on him, so he can't die easily."

Dragon blood has the effect of bringing the dead back to life, let alone the blood of the Nine Color Dragon Emperor.

Even if that person is seriously injured, he will recover soon.

Zhumeng feels sorry for Longyao.

She was taken alive to take blood, and dug out the dragon ball alive, that kind of hatred, that kind of pain, even if she was reborn once, she would never forget it.

Gui Che listened to the communication between one person and one beast, and was always in a fog.

Long Yao is very satisfied with Gui Che's quiet and quiet temperament.

Although Gui Che didn't understand what the two said, he didn't ask a word.

He knew a truth, the more he knew, the sooner he would die.

It's rare to be confused, it's better to keep your mind in your stomach.

Long Yao stayed on the island for a day and roughly figured out the situation on the island.

The island covers an area of ​​about [-] hectares, which is equivalent to the size of ten Forbidden City.

Except for sporadic plants, there are no special and precious plants on it.

Occasionally, seagulls rest on the island.

Other large animals do not.

The island is fairly flat, and it doesn't take too much effort to tidy up the usable area of ​​the Wanjie pawnshop.

If this place is further transformed, it would be quite good to become a small village.

The most important thing is that there is a huge empty cave under the ground of this island.

The temperature inside is very low all year round, like a large natural ice bank.

The meat and fish stored in the future can be kept fresh in there.

Longyao is satisfied with everything in this island, except that there is no electricity.

This is not difficult for her.

"Boss, Jueying wants to see you."

Gui Che looked at the information on the phone and showed it to her.

"Then let's go! Just go to see his pharmaceutical factory."

Jueying must have encountered some trouble there.

The two left the island and rushed to the outskirts of BH City.

Jueying's pharmaceutical factory was established on the outskirts of the city, covering an area of ​​more than 3000 mu.

The name of the pharmaceutical factory is 'Deyi'.

It is a well-known pharmaceutical factory brand that is well-known throughout the country.

However, the word-of-mouth has been declining year by year in recent years.

Because Jueying is not in the mood to manage the pharmaceutical factory, it allows those small shareholders to deceive them.

The quality of medicines has also been declining.

I heard that in the past two years, people were killed.

When Jueying returns to the pharmaceutical factory this time, those minority shareholders will never compromise easily.

In the minds of those small shareholders, the pharmaceutical factory was devoted to them, so why should he point fingers when he just came back?
It's really not going well here.

A group of people gathered around the gate of the pharmaceutical factory to make trouble.

Two security guards have been injured and sent to the hospital.

Jueying has never managed a company, and she doesn't know the way of doing business.

But these people in front of them seemed to be guided by someone who deliberately let them come here to make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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