Chapter 162 Blood Drops
Jueying's eyes flickered slightly, it would be best to use that kind of grass instead of blood lotus.

"So it turns out that the weeds in the boss' place are treasures."

Jueying was convinced, in a place like a fairyland, weeds are precious!

"Your pharmaceutical factory should have farmers who specialize in growing medicinal herbs?"

Long Yao raised her head from a pile of documents and said.

"Yes! Some of the farmers supplying the pharmaceutical factory have withdrawn, and people in one village are still insisting."

"Boss wants to hand over these grasses to reliable farmers for planting?"

Jueying also agrees with Longyao's decision, if this is the best.

Only reliable farmers can guarantee the follow-up supply of medicinal materials in pharmaceutical factories.

"That's what I think. The troublemakers outside seem to be peasant households. They are just out for money. Will we make trouble again after we solve their problems?"

Long Yao saw the man lying on the ground, he was not dead at all.

It's just that he's terminally ill, so sick that he's dying.

Standing beside that person was a child, who seemed to be from a family with no financial resources.

It may be that there is no money for medical treatment, and it is a last resort to make trouble.

"Boss really has piercing eyes, he can tell what's going on at a glance."

Jueying smiled and poured her a glass of water.

"Go and call their leader in, let's discuss it."

Long Yao continued to read the information.

This large pile of information is all about the status of the pharmaceutical factory in recent years.

Even if she can see ten lines at a glance, she needs to look at it for an hour.

"Okay! I'll call."

Jueying turned and left the office.

"Boss, in this case we won't be able to return to Nanhai City temporarily."

Gui Che was also looking up information on the computer, and said inadvertently.

"I won't reply now, I have already sent Mo Xun a message."

Long Yao looked at the phone without looking back.

She could imagine the color of Mo Xun's face.

Hearing that Long Yao would not return to Nanhai City soon, Mo Xun's handsome face was as dark as ink.

"Yeah." Gui Che was monitoring the progress of the small satellite manufacturing.

He is busier than Long Yao now.

Fortunately, with a computer, he can deal with emergencies at any time.

Otherwise, running around with Long Yao all day will delay everything.

"How about Ouyang Qin?"

Long Yao hasn't received any message from him these days.

"The shop has been renovated, and they didn't intend to invite the masters who untie the stone. With the dagger you gave them, they can untie the stone by themselves."

Ouyang Qin and the others took the dagger Long Yao gave them as a treasure.

Isn't a dagger that cuts stones like tofu a treasure?

Ouyang Qin and Nalan Xiao each carry a handful, and they never leave their hands every day.

I took a fancy to that stone, so I picked it up and cut it twice.

It is better than the machine used by Master Jieshi.

"Well, that's good! If you let the two of them pay more attention to the matter over there in the shop, I won't ask about it."

Long Yao finally finished reading a large pile of documents, and when she looked up, she saw the smoky green mountain outside the window.

The mountain was covered by dense trees, and it was shrouded in white mist from a distance.

"Okay." Gui Che picked up his phone and sent a message to Ouyang Qin.

Jueying led the three of them into the office.

"Boss, they are here."

Jueying said lightly, and found a seat to sit quietly.

The three who entered looked at each other.

Is the little girl in front of me still a child?
Liu Laifu is the head of Daliu Village, and his cloudy eyes are full of vicissitudes.

He felt that this little girl was not simple.

"I don't know how you want to solve the matter between the grandparents and grandchildren?"

Liu Laifu straight to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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