Chapter 164
"Uncle, I think it will work! The important thing now is the condition of the old aunt, whether we can plant medicinal materials will be discussed later."

"There are no medicinal herbs in our village, and our ancestors have been here for so many years."

Liu Zhuang thought about it, it's more important to treat Aunt Song first.

Liu Laifu also thought it made sense.

His old sister-in-law is also a miserable life, her son and daughter-in-law are all dead, and only one granddaughter is left.

The grandparents and grandchildren depend on each other for life. If something happens to the old sister-in-law, the child will suffer even more.

"Uncle Fu can't do it! She said to help my aunt to treat her illness, who knows what will happen? What if she is cured to death?"

"That big factory manager said that whether the people in our village can eat depends on these medicinal materials?"

Seeing that the village chief was about to waver, Duan Cheng was very anxious.

Liu Laifu suddenly couldn't make up his mind.

In the past few years, the crops in their village have been reduced year after year due to natural disasters.

Young people have gone out to work, and they can only live a tight life at home.

"Duancheng, you've eaten shit! How could my aunt die? People in our village can live without planting that person's medicinal materials. This lady also said that we can let our village grow medicinal materials and sign a contract!"

"Did that factory manager you mentioned ever sign a contract with our village?"

Liu Zhuang's simple and honest face was suffused with anger.

This Duancheng gambled all day, maybe he got some benefits from that person!

Long Yao looked at Liu Laifu motionlessly, waiting for him to make a decision.

He said lightly, "I said I would help you to cure him, but I didn't say to put him to death. That old man's illness is not a serious illness."

The old man's heart disease is not serious, he has been taking heart disease medicines for many years.

The blood all over the body is seriously viscous, and sooner or later the blood vessels will be blocked.

If she hadn't taken heart disease medicine so early, she wouldn't have had this result.

At the beginning of heart disease, as long as the Chinese medicine formula for regulating the heart is appropriate, there is no need to take medicine all year round.

In order to save money, the old man bought medicines that were not good medicines.

There are more natural side effects after eating.

Liu Laifu sighed, and made up his mind: "Let's treat the old sister-in-law first! Let's talk about whether we can grow medicinal materials."

"Uncle!" Duan Cheng was sweating profusely.

If this matter is not handled well, the money in his hand will have to be returned.

The main thing is that he has already spent half of his gambling.

"Okay! Since Uncle is so straightforward, I will do what I promised you. You, Jun Linchen, print the contract. The planting of medicinal materials will be handed over to the people in your village."

"Go and carry that old man into the room, and I'll treat her."

Long Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

It is best to resolve this peacefully.

Taking a look at Duan Cheng, I'm afraid this guy is about to suffer.

"Okay!" Jueying began to print the official contract. '

Gui Che went out to find someone to carry him to a lounge.

Liu Daya followed closely beside her grandmother.

She was afraid that her grandma would disappear into this world in the blink of an eye.

Liu Daya is only a ten-year-old child.

His eyes were full of cowardice, and he lowered his head in fear when he saw a stranger.

Long Yao went to the lounge, looked at the old lady lying on the bed and frowned slightly.

Take your wrist and feel your pulse.

"What else did the old lady eat?"

Long Yao asked the little girl beside her.

The big girl raised her head and shook her head, then nodded again.

Liu Laifu said anxiously: "Big girl, has your grandma ever eaten anything else?"

Da Ya timidly glanced at Duan Cheng who had a fierce look on his face, then quickly lowered her head.

She dared not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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