Chapter 191 Opening the Seal
Long Yao looked at the sleeping Zhu Meng and her eyes twitched.

This little thing has adapted to the temperature here, and has nothing to worry about. It's good to sleep after eating.

"I miss the old days!"

Thinking about it, she used to eat and sleep, living a happy life.

She is going to be exhausted now!
"I don't believe it anymore!"

Since the aura couldn't draw the sigil, she would try with her natal flame.

The flame on the fingertips is red gold, and the fiery temperature seems to be able to melt everything in the world.

This is the natal flame that she transformed after fusing two dragon balls.

Long Yao named it Gilded Fire.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Long Yao plans to fight this seal!

The flames on the fingertips of both hands were jumping happily.

Each rune is slowly outlining the outline of the seal.

When he finally sketched half of it, Long Yao held his breath.

Those sigils just now were scrapped when they were half outlined.

In front of Long Yao, a red golden flame symbol was slowly forming in midair.

Seeing that most of the runes were formed, Long Yao didn't dare to breathe.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, it will be scrapped again.


The seal is still scrapped again.

"I'm exhausted!"

Long Yao squatted on the ground.

The underground palace was as cold as winter, but Long Yao was already sweating profusely from exhaustion.

There is not much aura left on her body, and if she can't draw anymore, she can only wait for her to recover before continuing to study.

"the last time."

Thinking of Yuan Jun's injury, Long Yao was full of fighting spirit.

Looking at the ten-meter-tall statue in front of her, Long Yao began to practice the soul-suppressing seal again.

again and again.

Seeing that the sky outside is about to light up.


A dazzling golden light shot from the statue.

An ancient and long voice broke through the sky.

Long Yao raised her hand to block the dazzling golden light.


Zhu Meng fell directly from the big feet of the stone statue.

"What's wrong! What's wrong!"

Zhu Mengmi stared and squatted on the ground.

Rubbing his little butt, he looked confused.

The dazzling golden light made it difficult to see the situation in front of him clearly.

The golden light flickered for a quarter of an hour.

A thick white tiger claw stretched out from the golden light.

Boom!When the foot stepped on the ground, cracks appeared everywhere.

The entire underground palace shook accordingly.

Then the entire fox-shaped behemoth came out of the golden light.

The body is like a fox, the limbs are like tiger claws, and the feet are on auspicious clouds.

The nine tails fanned out, swaying like silk.

The upturned fox eyes are slender and beautiful, and the ends of the eyes seem to be rosy from the white hair.

A body of smooth and lustrous hair shone with a faint silver light.

The huge body is strong and powerful, with smooth lines.

Long Yao opened her mouth wide and looked up at the big fox in front of her.

What a beautiful fox!

Lizhi stared at Longyao with blood-red eyes.

A white light flashed, and the huge fox gradually shrank in size.

A man in white clothes and white hair stood in front of Long Yao.


Long Yao swallowed in disbelief.

What a beautiful beauty!

Long Yao looked at the man in front of her.

The man was dressed in snow-coloured clothes, with delicate patterns embroidered with silver thread. He was holding a white jade bone fan in his hand, which was adorned with a wreath tassel made of gold thread. It was gorgeous and beautiful.

His white hair and waist are like the crystal clear first snow, clean and spotless.

A pair of long, slender phoenix eyes are passionate and cold, and a tear mole under the corner of his eyes makes him even more unique.

The bridge of the nose is as tall as that of Yuan Shandai, and the crystal-clear pink thin lips are tightly pressed, full of abstinence.

Lizhi suddenly knelt down on one knee, bowed his head respectfully, "Lengzhi has seen the master!"

The voice is magnetically deep and extremely pleasant.

Long Yao blinked, she was ready to fool the handsome man in front of her.

Why did he suddenly call himself master?

What kind of drama is this?

(End of this chapter)

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