Chapter 200 Something is wrong

The more Long Yao heard something was wrong, she threw the fruit in her hand to Jueying.

He stood up and walked in front of Yang Liu.

Long Yao is a little shorter than Yang Liu.

Long Yao pouted in her heart, she is so short?No momentum!
"Sister, what's wrong with me? Why can't I help him in his pharmaceutical factory?"

"Do you think your Yang family is the only one rich in the whole world?"

"People don't like you! You should turn around wisely and leave! Instead of recommending a pillow seat here! It's really embarrassing for you to do this!"

Long Yao made Yang Liuqi's chest heave up and down, her face flushed red.

Yang Yong frowned tightly, his daughter was spoiled too much by him.

"Let's go!" Yang Yong could see that the few people here were not simple.

Especially the white-haired man, he felt very dangerous.

If his daughter continued to pester her, she would definitely get no benefit.

But Yang Liu didn't understand her father's good intentions.

The originally good face was distorted, pointing at Long Yao's nose and scolding, "What qualifications do you have to talk to me, you little bitch?"

"A poor ghost who doesn't know where he came from, trying to get close to Linchen for money, isn't it just for money? I'll give you 500 million to leave him!"

Yang Liu took out a card from her bag and threw it at Long Yao.
Long Yao raised her head and smiled faintly, her eyes covered with scarlet, "What are you? How dare you talk to me like that?"

Before Yang Liu could react, she felt that her body had left the ground.

The hand on the neck tightened more and more.

Yang Liu felt like he was about to suffocate to death.


Yang Yong saw his daughter being strangled by someone, his eyes were red, and he raised his hand to fan Longyao.


Yang Yong's burly figure fell heavily to the ground.

He felt like he was going to be useless now.

The leech retracted his feet lightly.

Slowly knelt down and patted Yang Yong's face, "Old man, don't even think about being disrespectful to my master! Otherwise, I'll let your daughter lie on the street and be raped! I'll let you watch your daughter become a person that everyone loves. Riding slut!"

"Now you just lie on the bed for the rest of your life!"

Turning around to stare at Yang Liu, her red lips curled slightly, and she made a gesture of wiping her neck.

Yang Liu was pinched by Long Yao, and the muddy liquid flowed out from under her body.

Seeing the action of the leech, he rolled his eyes up in fright.

Long Yao saw that her eyes were rolled up, she let go of her hand, and let her fall to the ground.

"Let me see you again, and I'll throw you to the dogs!"

Long Yao smiled harmlessly.


Ji Qingqing was so frightened by this wave of operations that she yelled and passed out.

Yang Yong, who was lying on the ground, was foaming at the mouth, twitching all over his body, and his eyes gradually lost focus.

Yang Liu was so frightened that she lay on the ground unable to move.

Her mind was blank, only a voice told her to get out of here quickly.

But the legs and feet don't listen.

Jueying frowned in disgust, and called the housekeeper, "Send the people back properly! Just say they are sick."

"Yes." The butler tactfully didn't ask anything, and the greeter dragged the three of them out of the villa.

"Jueying, that little aunt of yours has already been scared out of her wits, it looks like she's going crazy again!"

The red light in Long Yao's eyes disappeared, and she became that harmless little girl again.

Jueying smiled slightly, "Just right."

"Let's go! Change the place to live, the smell here is too bad!"

"That's right! By the way, donate the money in this card to the orphanage!"

Long Yao hummed a ditty and left Jueying's villa.

Someone actually sent money to do good deeds for free. The weather is nice today!
"Do as the boss orders."

Jueying ordered his bodyguards.

"Yes!" A bodyguard picked up the black card on the ground and planned to send it to the orphanage.

(End of this chapter)

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