Chapter 205 Reconciliation
Long Yao had already guessed this situation, "It's okay, let's pay them the difference first!"

"You also take out the account book, and we will check the accounts."

Long Yao took out a large stack of documents.

All are the accounts of Dahanzhuang selling medicinal materials in the past ten years.

"Hey! Go get it now!"

Han Dong ran two steps happily.

Run to a box and look for the bill.

Several villagers who were waiting to watch the excitement came to Han Dong's side.

"Village chief, are you really here to make up the difference?"

"How do they make it up?"

"Is it cash?"

Several villagers were dubious.

"Everyone is here, what else do you have to doubt?"

Han Dong found out the accounts of these people.

"You guys are the ones who get the price difference first! Go and shout about the rest when the time comes."

As long as one person receives the difference in the price of the medicinal materials, those people still have to run back like burning their butts?

"Hey! Let's go! I didn't expect such a good thing to happen!"

Five or six people followed Han Dong and surrounded the cart.

Long Yao handed over the ledger to Dakui.

"You guys check the accounts!"

She is still suitable to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Okay! Boss, you can rest! These things are left to us."

Dakui and the others moved a few tables and chairs out of the car and began to reconcile accounts with the village chief.

"Old village chief, come and sit down, let's drink some tea."

Long Yao found another table with tea still brewing on it.

This posture is like going on an outing.

"Hey! Good."

Han Linfeng sat down with a smile.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and the old village head is full of energy when he sees the hope of his village.

"Miss, I didn't expect you to really come."

Han Linfeng picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of tea.

It happened that he was thirsty after waiting here for a long time.

After drinking a cup of tea, Han Linfeng felt that his breathing became smoother.

Wei Wei is a little dazed, this tea is really delicious!

"I said I would come, so of course I won't break my promise. I still count on your village to help me grow medicinal herbs."

Long Yao poured another cup of tea for the old village chief.

These teas are all from her Nebula Island, and the old village chief's drinking it is also good for his tuberculosis.

"Speaking of this, you need to take your time. I discussed it with my son last night. If you really fulfill your promise and make up the difference, our family will be the first one to help you grow medicinal materials."

Han Linfeng also considered the pros and cons, they are used to planting medicinal materials.

If you change it to something else, you have to re-grope for planting.

Not to mention the increase in cost again, there may not be any benefits.

"Then I would like to thank the old village chief for his support!"

Long Yao thought that she would waste her words today.

"Hey! There's nothing we can do. Who doesn't want to earn two dollars? I've been so poor these years."

The old village head regretted his original decision.

If he hadn't signed such a long-term contract with the pharmaceutical factory, the whole village would not have been implicated by him.

"Old village chief, the medicinal materials I planted for you this time don't need to cost much, as long as you use the water from the Dalius River when you water them, and you don't need any fertilizer."

The water in the Daliu River contains spiritual energy, and the blood drops will grow well with only water.

"Is there really such a worry-free medicinal material? It turns out that those medicinal materials are precious! Water must be used, and farmyard manure must be used."

"When there are worms, you can't use pesticides, and you have to use the potion prepared in the factory to deworm."

"The medicine in the pharmaceutical factory is too expensive! We can't afford it these few years."

Mentioning the experience of planting medicinal materials in these years, the old village chief seemed to open up the chatterbox.

(End of this chapter)

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