Chapter 218
Long Yao looked at the others and also looked at her with burning eyes.

They also want to see what the boss's body looks like.


The legendary dragon!
Are they excited?Their hearts trembled!

Long Yao raised her forehead with a headache, these pieces will be damaged by leeches!
At this time, the leech came over again knocking the melon seeds.

"Master, I know you don't want them to know about you, it's only a matter of time."

"It's good to tell them now! Let them know that the God Realm is not so easy to go to."

Zhizhi looked at Longyao with complicated eyes, even the master was a little naive, let alone them.

How cruel is the God Realm!

Long Yao understood her good intentions.

Probably because of the quiet life these days, she slowly relaxed her vigilance.

These ordinary human beings are not high in strength and will not cause her harm.

People in the God Realm are different.

What's more, she still exists like that.

"Thank you, leech! It's because I thought too simple and took it for granted."

Long Yao also felt that she shouldn't be involved in mundane matters.

She needs to practice hard, her path is not so easy.

"Boss, we will become stronger together with you!"

The eight Jueying people said in unison.

At this moment, they no longer complained about the hard training.

"Okay!" Long Yao turned to look at Hua Ling.

Hua Ling was slightly taken aback by her look, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Boss."

"Hua Ling, I know you are a descendant of the Dragon Slaying Society, do you still plan to slaughter my dragon?"

Long Yao joked.

Jueying and the others looked at Hualing together.

She is a descendant of the Dragon Slayer Society?

They just found out too!
"Boss, don't make fun of me!"

"Dragon is a fetish. It's too late for us to like it. Why should we slaughter it?"

"At that time, the ancestors were all ignorant and ignorant."

Hua Ling was speechless about the persistence of her predecessors.

A long time ago, the dragon was a fetish in their hearts. They were all legendary fetishes. Who would dare to slay a dragon?
Now that she sees the real dragon, it's too late for her to like it!

"Actually, your ancestors are right! I have seen a dragon do harm to the world. A thousand years ago, a dragon slaughtered an entire city."

"The Dragon Slayer Society was also established at that time. In fact, your Dragon Slayer Society has existed for thousands of years, not 500 years as you know."

Long Yao killed a black dragon thousands of years ago.

That dragon was practicing sorcery, so she naturally didn't want it to continue to cause harm to the world.



The sound of Qi Qi swallowing saliva.

"Boss, how old are you?"

Ming Ruofeng asked stupidly.

Others also want to know this question.

"Five thousand years old!"

Long Yao spoke lightly.

All of them are weak at the same time. Humans have only existed for 5000 years, right?

"Emma! Old old old old old!"

An innocent voice.

"5000 years is nothing more than human beings! Why are you making such a fuss!"

Long Yao stared angrily.

is she that old

"Ahem! Boss, you are still eighteen flowers!"

Ming Ruofeng saw that Long Yao's eyes were wrong, so he hurriedly smoothed things over.

Didn't you see that the boss was going to kill someone?
"Okay, you all know my details, keep your mouth shut! Come in for training every night."

Long Yao left angrily.

Did you say she was old?
pissed her off!

Let her transform?
The main reason is that she transforms like a cartoon dragon now, how does she transform?

Even if he is not domineering in transformation, he will definitely be ridiculed by them.

She doesn't change shape!

snort!Want to see her joke?no way!

"Hey! Goddess, let me see if you transform yourself!"

"Goddess, don't go! Wait for me!"

Jun Lan ran after Long Yao.

He couldn't care less about the wounds all over his body.

 Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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