Chapter 222 Crucian Carp
The carp circled Longyao twice happily, and finally swam away reluctantly.

Looking at the empty bucket, Long Yao pouted, "No fish to eat today!"

Jueying is funny.

It's really a child's heart.

Mrs. Song smiled kindly when she heard that, and said, "There are fish to eat! There are fish at home, wash and go eat at home!"

Long Yao's big eyes lit up when he heard the food.

"Children go home for dinner!"

Long Yao greeted a group of children to put on their shoes and run wildly on the country road.

It's so fun to chase after me.

Laughter floats in the valley with the early autumn breeze.

Jueying followed Long Yao, smiling and shaking her head.

Looking at the wet clothes on his body, he was a little speechless.

There are green crops on the side of the road, and a few white goats are grazing in the distance.

There are also a few old scalpers, followed by a calf, walking slowly on the path in the mountains.

An old farmer in a bamboo hat and a white towel around his neck is working in the field.

Jueying looked at the beautiful picture scroll with beautiful mountains and rivers in front of her.

These days are really good!

It was the boss who gave them a chance to see the sun.

"Boss, here I come! I've caught up with you!"

Jueying quickly ran two steps to catch up with Long Yao and the children.

"Ah! Let's run! Brother Chen, I'm back!"

Ha ha ha ha--

Soon, Jueying and them got into a fight again.

The women and Mrs. Song who followed laughed heartily when they saw their fight.

When the picture is zoomed out, it is a picture of farming children laughing.

Years of wind and dust, fireworks in the world, fleeting years are quiet and beautiful.

After eating, Long Yao gave the child an injection.

Looking at the little guy's eyes has become agile.

When you see something curious, you will show a innocent smile.

Long Yao felt that everything like this made her nostalgic.

Long Yao, who has never experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings, is greedy for such human fireworks.

Long Yao suddenly had an epiphany.

There are tens of thousands of ways to practice, and not only the way of ruthlessness is the way to practice.

Being sentient is also the way.

Tao is also ruthless, and Tao is also sentimental.

Whether it is ordinary people or gods, it is because of love that they can be continued.

It is precisely because of love that human beings can prolong.

The taut string in Long Yao's sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be broken.

Let her mind be clear.

The boundless sea of ​​consciousness was originally a calm blue sea.

Now pink peach blossoms are flying all over the sky.

Nebula Island is also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the changes in her body, Long Yao raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

These things happened in an instant, no one noticed Long Yao's strangeness.

"Sister-in-law, the child is recovering very well! Let him drink this liquid medicine."

"Drink it for another month or two and it will be fine."

Long Yao didn't expect the little guy to recover so quickly.

Probably the dew from the Holy Spirit tree played a role.

"Great! Doctor Long, I thank you!"

Mrs. Jiang said that she was about to kneel down to Long Yao.

"Auntie, get up! Your eyes are just able to see, so don't cry any more."

The old lady's eyes can already see clearly.

After a few more days of medicine, you will be completely cured.

"Okay, okay! I won't cry! I still want to watch my grandson grow up!"

Mrs. Jiang wiped the corners of her eyes, overwhelmed with joy.

Li Cuilan also held back the tears in her eyes.

Looking at her son lovingly, her family finally has hope.

Long Yao looked at the harmonious family and left with a smile.

Walking on the small roads in the countryside, everyone who sees her will greet her warmly.

Jueying silently followed behind her.

What kind of responsibility does such a small body carry?

(End of this chapter)

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