Chapter 231
Tan Baoqing stared blankly while sleeping, when he was suddenly woken up.

"What happened to Brother Chi?"

Glancing at the sky outside, it was too dark to see clearly.

"The person who took us away is here, hurry up and clean up."

Chihe picked up a bag next to him and left the room.

"Hey! Come on!" Tan Baoqing jumped up from the bed.

The lights in each room were turned on, and a hundred people quickly gathered in the courtyard.

It felt like when they were in the barracks again.

Long Yao stood in front of them.

Hundreds of people were taken aback.

"Uncle Mo already told you, right? Then I don't need to say anything more. Those who don't want to follow me have time to regret it now!"

Looking at the neatly lined up team, Long Yao nodded in satisfaction.

Sure enough, he was trained by Uncle Mo.

"We will only obey! We will only advance! We will not back down!"

Hundreds of people roared in unison, and the veins on their necks swelled because of the roar.

Chihe is no exception.

Since he was introduced by the old captain, he will never break his promise.

"Good! You won't regret today's decision!"

Long Yao was right.

Not only do they not regret today's decision, but they are also grateful for today's determination.

"Okay! Let's go then!"

Without saying a word, Long Yao turned around and walked in front.

Chihe waved, and the hundred people walked in unison.

Outside the manor, three large trucks were parked on the side of the road.

"Get in the car! Follow me!"

Before Long Yao went to the manor, she asked the security guard in the pharmaceutical factory to drive three large trucks.

"Yes." The hundred people quickly jumped onto the car.

Da Kui led Long Yao in an off-road vehicle.

Behind are the three big trucks.

"Boss, what are these people doing?"

Da Kui can feel the same kind of breath in them.

"I used to be soldiers just like you. I want to take them to Peach Blossom Island."

Long Yao also plans to take Da Kui and the others to visit the island.

"Boss, is that island really yours?"

Now the name of Peach Blossom Island has spread all over the country overnight.

Now that the Internet is so developed and the place is so beautiful, it's hard not to be noticed.

Da Kui and the others naturally knew the name of this island.

"It's mine. In the future, the connection between the island and the pharmaceutical factory will depend on you."

She will often live on the island in the future and try to show her face as little as possible outside.

She needs to practice as soon as possible.

Therefore, the affairs of the pharmaceutical factory must be taken care of by reliable people around.

"Thank you boss for your trust, I will definitely live up to your trust."

Da Kui's heart was full of enthusiasm.

In the past two days, the island was called Xiandao.

Everyone wanted to go up and have a look, but they didn't know where it was.

It is really an honor for them to be the first to land on the island now.

The vehicle drove smoothly on the road, and arrived at the beach after a day and a night.

After getting out of the car, Chihe looked at the wide sea and was a little dumbfounded.

"Boss, what are you doing at the beach?"

Chihe also followed Dakui and they started calling the boss.

Dakui and Chihe get along when they eat, and they feel that they hit each other very well.

Now he has become a good buddy directly.

Chihe also followed Dakui and the others to call Boss Longyao.

"We'll be on board in a while."

Long Yao has already seen that Jiaolong's boat is approaching.

on board?Hundreds of people don't know why.

"Master!" Jiaolong stood at the bow and waved desperately.

Da Kui blinked, who is this person?
Why are you still wearing an ancient costume?
"Here!" Long Yao smiled and waved his hands.

Huge ships docked at the pier by the sea.

Jiaolong jumped and ran to Longyao's side.

"Master, are these people entrusted to me for training?"

Jiaolong looked at the eyes of the hundred people in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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