Chapter 236 Unidentified
The grandfather and grandson looked at each other, as long as they didn't know their real identities.

"Masters, thank you for your maintenance. Yao'er will take you there when she comes back in a few days."

"There is a Chinese medicine college on Peach Blossom Island. I hope the masters can help us to promote it."

Mo Xun felt that this academy needed to be promoted.

Long Yao did not send out the photos of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

So people outside have never seen what the academy looks like.


The old men were all shocked.

"There is still a school on that island?"

Mo Tianxiang didn't understand.

There is a pawnshop on the island, so how come there is a Chinese medicine school?
Are the two related?

Mo Xun took out his mobile phone and forwarded the photo Long Yao sent him to several old men.

The old men also gasped.

Such a place is a school?
This is Asgard!
When old man Lu saw the last photo, his eyes lit up.

The schools were arranged in the shape of a seven-star dipper, which reminded him of Feng Shui.

He is an archaeologist and is very interested in these things.

"Is this the Big Dipper?"

Old man Bai also noticed something different.

Mo Xun smiled faintly, "Will you take a look at this one again?"

Mo Xun sent another photo arranged into a gossip diagram to several old men.

There was another sound of inhalation.

"Bagua map?"

Several old men were shocked.

This girl is really not simple!
The houses are arranged to form a gossip array, and the houses are arranged to form a Big Dipper.

Today's Feng Shui masters don't have this ability!

Gossip is inherently changeable and obscure.

Astrology is even more esoteric.

She used it to build islands?

This island corresponds to the law of heaven and earth!
The old men were right.

The Yin Yang Eight Diagrams represent all things on earth.

The height of the school is a hundred meters higher than that of Wanjie Pawnshop.

The shape of seven stars is arranged as the sky.

The whole island is day by day, yin and yang are harmonious, and she has transformed it into a unique geomantic treasure.

There is a lot of aura here, and with the existence of the Dragon King Longyao, the whole island has become a cornucopia.

The hollow karst cave under the island was reinforced by Longyao and became a natural big ice cave.

That big freezer is the bottom of the cornucopia.

Looking down at the entire island from the sky now, it feels like looking at a fairy palace of astrology.

"Hahahaha! Yaoyao is not easy!"

"I can't wait to see the whole of the island."

Old Man Mo Tianxiang laughed happily.

His granddaughter-in-law is Niu Cha!

Mo Xun smiled and said, "Now the old man is willing to help promote the school, right?"

"Of course! How can we miss such a good thing?"

"Yes! I didn't expect that girl to have such a heart, okay!"

"The decline of Chinese medicine is a fact, and we are very pleased that someone can take the lead!"

Several old men made a big publicity on their online platforms.

These old men just put the photos of the school on it, which caused another wave.

ten days later.

Long Yao sat in the car and closed her eyes to rest.

Jueying was driving the car, and Gui Che sat in the co-pilot.

"Boss, did something happen to Hua Ling?"

During this period, Leech let them rest for a few days, so they didn't see Hualing and Wuxie in the illusion room.

They haven't seen each other for a whole month.

"Hua Ling said that there was a man who was always pestering her and made her tireless."

Long Yao has a headache.

The affairs of men and women are their own affairs, and it is not easy for her to intervene, so what can I do with her?
(End of this chapter)

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