Chapter 238 Rebirth
The rest of the people were also very surprised to hear Long Yao's words.

They have read many books in pawnshops, and they know that as long as the soul of the gods is immortal, they can practice and be reborn again.

Is the person in front of me a living reborn person?

But he is obviously an ordinary person, how did he get reborn?
"Boss, who is he?" Hua Ling was very puzzled.

Did the two of them have anything to do with each other?

"This gentleman can be regarded as someone who is favored by heaven! You should know how to cherish the opportunity you have today, and you should not go back to the old way and provoke people you shouldn't provoke."

"You should feel it after waking up. Are they different from the people and things in your previous memory?"

"Of course, the woman you like in front of you is also different, isn't it?"

Long Yao's words struck his mind like a bolt of lightning.

Let him instantly understand what he was confused about.

Looking at Hualing again, Cai Wenting was hit hard, and he staggered back two steps.

"No! It's not like this! I know I'm wrong, Hongyan! I'm going to make it up to you when I come back this time! Will you go home with me?"

Cai Wenting grabbed Hua Ling's arm violently, and looked at her beggingly.

Hua Ling withdrew her arm, with a displeased expression on her face, "It's really impossible for us! We are just a cooperative relationship."

Hua Ling saw him with a complicated expression, so he was born again?

She was very curious, did she have a previous life?
Do you still have a past with him?
"That's not the case! You obviously love me very much! Hongyan, I know I was wrong! I have divorced the engagement! She will never destroy us again!"

Cai Wenting looked at her with tears in his eyes.

They shouldn't be doing this!She obviously loves him!

Hua Ling took a deep breath, "Mr. Cai, everything is your wishful thinking. To me, you are just a partner. I have no friendship today, and there will be no intersection in the future."

"Even if I loved you to death in the previous life, it was also the previous life!"

"Since we don't know each other now, why bother to force something?"

Hua Ling's heart is as hard as iron now, and she only wants to practice to go to the God Realm.

What kind of love, what kind of man, they are nothing in her heart now.

Respect the past with a glass of wine, no matter how much you love, you will never look back!
This is a sentence she often said to herself!

Be it love or life, don't look back!
Because when you look back, among the thousands of lights you see, none of them will be lit for you.

Only by going straight ahead can you see the bright light that shows you the way.

"No! I regret it! I came back to make up for you and our children!"

Cai Wenting thought of the child who was killed because of a misunderstanding, and his hands trembled in pain.

"Have you ever had children?"

Hua Ling's face became even uglier.

If the two of them had children in the previous life, he would allow himself to be wronged, so it's worth noting such a man!

Long Yao couldn't stand it anymore, she stood up and went to Cai Wenting.

"This gentleman, it's useless! You two have no destiny in this life, do you know why?"

If Long Yao didn't see that his soul was clean in this life, and he wasn't a treacherous person, she wouldn't talk so much nonsense with him here.

"Why?" Cai Wenting said in a daze.

"Do you remember what she said before she died in the previous life?"

Long Yao had seen Hua Ling's previous life, and she was too aggrieved to die.

Cai Wenting's body swayed, it was a scene he never dared to dream about.

Hua Ling was also curious as to why.

"Boss, what did I say?"

Hua Ling still couldn't hold back her curiosity.

Long Yao felt sorry for Hua Ling, and said lightly, "She said that she will never love her forever, never see her again!"

(End of this chapter)

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