Chapter 262 Collection
Intersection of Nanhai Expressway.

Lu Shang and the others parked their cars and waited by the side of the road.

But what happened to that group of people?

A group of old men waited beside the car with their families.

His face was full of radiance, and his face was wrinkled with a smile.

Lu Shang and Bai Guo'er looked at the group of old men unrequitedly.

"Lu Shang, do these old men really want to retire?"

Bai Guoer bumped him with the shoulder.

Lu Shang rolled his eyes to the back of his head, "Master said he took the old men up to have a look, but what did you see? They all dragged their families aside, take a look at the luggage in the car? Does this look like an outing? It’s just for retirement!”

Puchi!Bai Guoer laughed when she saw his bitter face.

"Lu Shang, I didn't expect you to have such a side?"

It was the first time she saw Lu Shang roll his eyes.

Probably because he has been cheerful since he recovered from his illness!
Lu Shang was a little dizzy from the sun, "This Ming Ruofeng is going to die! Why don't you come so late!"

Bai Guo'er was also a little impatient, "This is like the wind!"

Drop drop!
A horn sounded, Ming Ruofeng stopped the car, and stuck his head out of the window.

Seeing a group of people twitching out of the corner of their eyes, they got out of the car.

"I've seen you grandpas."

Ming Ruofeng smiled mischievously.

"You Poor Monkey are late!"

Several old men laughed together.

Ming Hongnan and his wife also got out of the car and saw that they were all familiar relatives.

He smiled and greeted the old men.

Mo Tianxiang laughed, "Since we're all here, let's go? I've already felt itchy!"

"Hahaha! We can't wait to go to the island to see!"

"Let's go! Hurry up and go!"

A group of old men boarded the RV with their housekeepers and bodyguards.

Ming Ruofeng opened the way ahead, and the six RVs followed the sports car in front onto the expressway.

Mo Zhenting and Dai Hu were already waiting at the beach.

He also wanted to follow the old men to visit the island.

Dai Hu scratched his head and looked at the empty beach, "Captain, what are we doing at the beach?"

Mo Zhenting looked at the calm sea in the distance, "Go and see the island, haven't you always wanted to go and see the island?"

"Really?" Dai Hu smirked and looked at the sea in the distance.

Turning around and looking at Mo Zhenting, "Captain, let's go quickly! What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for someone." Mo Zhenting's unsmiling face was full of seriousness.

Dai Hu rolled his eyes, "Captain, who are you waiting for?"

Nobody on their team knew they were out.

If they found out that they were going to Peach Blossom Island, they would definitely boo and follow.

"Here we come." Mo Zhenting raised his head and saw the convoy in the distance.

Dai Hu took a look, so many cars?

The car arrived in front of Mo Zhenting in the blink of an eye.

"Uncle Mo."

"Uncle Mo!"

Ming Ruofeng was the first to get out of the car, and when he saw Mo Zhenting, he showed his big white teeth.

Lu Shang also yelled.

"You two boys are here too? Are your parents here?"

Seeing that it was Ming Ruofeng, Mo Zhenting said with a smile.

"They're all here! Over there!"

Ming Ruofeng and Lu Shang's parents went to the RV together in order to chat with the old men.

Ming Ruofeng and Lu Shang were the only ones left in the leading car.

"Okay! I'll go say hello to them."

Mo Zhenting was dumbfounded when he saw the people getting off from the car.

Is this a tour group?

Not to mention dragging your family and bringing your luggage here?

Even the butler and bodyguards were brought.

Seeing the elders one by one, Mo Zhenting greeted them one by one.

Seeing Ming Hongnan, Lu Fengnian, and Bai Qi smiled and patted the shoulders of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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