Chapter 269

Looking at the brightly lit Peach Blossom Island at night, a group of people are reluctant to sleep.

Qiqi gathered in the square outside Wanjie Pawnshop to drink tea and chat, and enjoy the night view of Peach Blossom Island by the way.

Long Yao stood on the shore of Peach Blossom Island, facing the calm sea.

The moonlight shines on the sea surface.

"An'an, let's start recruiting students in the next few days!"

Long Yao plans to settle down in the school first, and then open the authority of Peach Blossom Island.

The shops on Peach Blossom Island should also attract foreign investment.

These days her energy points have reached 8000 million.

"Leave the recruitment to me."

Mo Xun answered.

Long Yao shook her head, "The Fang family is already eyeing you. I will attract most of the Fang family here. There will be no one behind the Fang family. This is the best time to catch them all."

Mo Xun frowned, "Yao'er, I'm not at ease here."

Thinking of the entanglement between the two in their previous lives, his heart clenched tightly.

He had no memory of what happened later, he just wanted to watch over her and not leave half a step away.

"Do you think those people can hurt me? This is not the God Realm."

Long Yao smiled and comforted him.

Mo Xun thought about it too, he was the one who was nervous.

Ever since I heard what he did in the previous life, I don't understand why he did that in the past.

It was he who hurt Yao'er in the past, and he will make it up no matter what in this life.

"I'm too nervous, Yao'er, then I'll solve the Fang family's affairs, so that you don't have to worry about the future."

Mo Xun figured it out, first get rid of those people who are staring at Longyao.

Long Yao knew that he wanted to make up for the past.

Neither of them had any memory of what happened before.

It would be too arbitrary to conclude that it was all his fault based on the simple narration of the leeches.

The tragedy of two people is not necessarily caused by one person.

"An'an, you and I don't have any memories of the past now. Why don't you think about the truth? If you are destined to love each other in this life, then start from the beginning."

Long Yao also realized that she had different feelings for him.

It's just that I haven't loved too deeply.

"Yao'er, you really don't care what I did to you before?"

Mo Xun couldn't believe that she would let him go so easily.

Puchi!Long Yao laughed, "Are you stupid? How many years have passed in my previous life? I have been reborn several times myself, and I don't know who killed the Bai family that caused me before. This proves that everything at that time has been wiped out." .”

"I thought that trying to go back was not to earn some god position, but to avenge the skinning and cramping in the previous life."

Since that person has gone to the God Realm, she will go back.

She remembered the enmity of the previous life very clearly.

"I'll accompany you." Mo Xun felt sorry for her, who could bear that kind of pain?

"Then you should practice quickly, the road to becoming a god is not so easy."

Long Yao didn't need to think about it, how could the ladder to becoming a god that she guarded before be so easy to walk?

"Okay! No matter what, I must take the path of becoming a god."

Mo Xun chatted with Long Yao at the seaside all night.

The next day a news shocked the whole country.

The School of Traditional Chinese Medicine enrolls students who want to learn Chinese medicine for free.

"is this real?"

"Free? It's not a gimmick, is it?"

"Traditional Chinese medicine is gone, who wants to learn it?"

"Even if you don't want to learn Chinese medicine, it's not bad to visit Peach Blossom Island!"

"Why do other disciplines spend money?"

"Who knows if the teachers who teach other subjects are famous teachers?"

"I'm afraid this is a gimmick of the boss behind Peach Blossom Island."

There are overwhelming discussions on Peach Blossom Island on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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