Chapter 279 Ren Daoyuan

In the office on the highest floor of the school.

The middle-aged man sitting in the front row had a majestic face, a straight body, and a pair of deep eagle eyes staring at the huge screen on the wall.

"Yao girl, is this really okay?"

Ren Daoyuan turned his head to look at Long Yao who was sitting beside him.

In the office, apart from the seven Xiangliu people, there was also Mo Zhenting who had returned from a mission.

Sitting next to Long Yao was Ren Daoyuan, the supreme commander of the war zone.

Ren Daoyuan also bought a house here, and he was reluctant to leave after living in it for a few days.

Seeing the teaching facilities of the college, I decided to cooperate with Longyao.

As long as they are the top talents trained by the college, they will be the first to enter the major positions.

Long Yao also agreed, and now they are in a cooperative relationship.

"Uncle Ren, they are not only training their physical fitness, but also training their minds. I don't accept those who walk in crooked ways."

Long Yao tilted her head and smiled.

"You are too strict, aren't you?"

Ren Daoyuan squinted at her.

Long Yao rolled her eyes, you are so demanding!

Want her top talents here, but also want to pass the character test, but now you think she is too strict?

"I said Uncle Ren, let's not take such sarcasm? You are always demanding too much! You still want top talents! I haven't started here yet, and you have already booked my people first. I can't be strict. Some early to send you old talents?"

Long Yao said a lot.

Ren Daoyuan laughed loudly, "You girl, I was bullied by you for a long time before I said anything!"

The rest also laughed and shook their heads.

"The talents I cultivate here must not be worthy of your old trust, right?"

Long Yao started to laugh.

Her cultivation of talents here is also for herself, and she will definitely take care of it.

"Okay! I can't beat you!"

Ren Daoyuan also shook his head with a smile.

This girl is really different.

After getting along for a while, Ren Daoyuan found that he liked this girl's temper.

Mo Zhenting has been sitting behind Ren Daoyuan, this is the first time he has seen the leader smile so heartily.

Qin Ying pulled Wanyan Su and fell into the illusion gate, and the two of them stood in a big forest after being dizzy for a while.

"I'll go! What is this place?"

Qin Ying was dumbfounded looking at the lush plants in the forest.

Wanyan Su blinked, feeling that the air here is so fresh.

"This is probably the place of trial?"

Wanyan Su scanned the depths of the forest with Shun's eyes, and found that it was quiet here.

"Go! Let's go and see."

Qin Ying picked up a branch and beat it on the grass.

This is to scare the snakes, insects, rats and ants hiding in the grass.

Wanyansu followed suit and followed suit.

"Look! There are people there."

Wanyansu saw that the person walking in front of him seemed to be an old man.

"Don't go! Why would an old man suddenly appear here? Be careful."

Qin Ying grabbed Wanyansu who was about to step forward.

"Okay!" Wanyan Su remembered that they were in a trial.

Anything that pops up will be a trap.

"Old man, what's wrong with you?"

The two stepped forward cautiously, only to ask when they saw that it was really an old man.

"Ouch! Young man! Do you know where this is?"

"I can't get out."

There was a bag beside the old man, which was bulging.

"Old man, we don't know either, or you can go with us."

Qin Ying took a special look at the bag.

Wanyansu gave Qin Ying a wink, and the two nodded calmly.

The old man did not notice the eye contact between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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