Chapter 288

Long Yao knew that this guy was bored.

"Okay! I'll take you with me when I go."

Long Yao waved her sleeves again, and the original mainland map returned to its original state, and turned into the whirlpool Milky Way again.

Jiutianxue opened his eyes violently, and he raised his hand to block the dazzling light.

The eyes slowly adapted to the dazzling light, and only then did they see the situation in front of them clearly.

The quaint room is simple yet elegant, with two white beds side by side.

He is sitting on one of the beds.

There is a small coffee table next to it, and the things on it are strange?
Is this a lamp?How can it be so bright?

Jiu Tianxue touched his arm, "Is my injury healed?"

"Of course your injury is healed." Long Yao came in with a meal.

Jiu Tianxue raised his eyes, his eyes were full of astonishment.

What a beautiful girl!

Then, his fair face was like a boiled shrimp, and it turned red all of a sudden.

What is this girl wearing?
All the arms and legs are exposed, how decent!
"Girl please respect yourself!"

Jiu Tianxue turned her head away from looking at Long Yao.

See no evil!

Puchi!Long Yao laughed, "Why do I respect myself? All the girls here dress like this."

Seeing his blushing face, Long Yao knew what he was thinking.

Is it normal to wear short-sleeved shorts in summer?

Jiu Tianxue didn't believe it at all, and said with a blushing face: "Girl, thank you for saving my life, I will definitely repay you if I have a chance in the future! I'll go first!"

Cover your eyes and leave.

Long Yao reached out and grabbed his cloak and pulled it back, "Sit down for me!"

There are still many things she doesn't understand!What to go!

"Girl!" Jiu Tianxue's face was red, but she didn't dare to open her eyes to look at her.

The temperature on Peach Blossom Island is constant all year round. Long Yao is wearing a simple white short-sleeved T-shirt, paired with aqua blue denim shorts, and a pair of clean white shoes.

The long straight legs are almost white and glowing.

When Jiu Tianxue saw a girl wearing such naked clothes, she naturally didn't dare to look at her more.

"Eat! After dinner, I have something to ask you."

Regardless of his struggle, Long Yao turned his head away to make him look at her.

"Girl? You you you you!"

Jiutianxue's face was hot.

He stuttered when he spoke.

Long Yao raised her eyebrows, "Eat! I have something to ask you after eating."

"Oh." Jiutianxue said stupidly.

She was a little scared to be stared at by her vicious eyes.

Zhu Mengfei ran over, "Hey! Yaoyao, you will scare people if you are so fierce."

Jiu Tianxue looked at Zhu Meng dumbfounded, what kind of animal is this?
How can you still talk?

"This?" Jiu Tianxue's tongue was already tied.

Who is this girl?

"What is this, this is my pet, hurry up and eat!"

Long Yao turned around and took Zhu Meng out.

Jiutianxue was stunned for a long time before recovering.


The growling in his stomach brought back his thoughts of wandering in space, and the smell of rice made him even hungrier.

"Oh! It's delicious!"

Pick up the bowl and start gobbling.

He has not had a full meal for several months while fighting outside.

Suddenly remembered that he was fighting on the battlefield.

He was fighting against the enemy general when suddenly an arrow came in front of him.

I thought I was going to die, but I was pulled away by a suction force and took my life.

A hole was pierced in his chest by the enemy, and he hadn't had enough to eat for several months, and it was very difficult to resist the enemy.

Suddenly the suction increased, and he passed out.

When I woke up again, I saw the girl with no clothes on.

Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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