After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 295 Nine Heavens Mansion

Chapter 295 Nine Heavens Mansion

The guard was dumbfounded, when did their young master smile so brightly?

I used to be cold like ice, but now I smile like a flower!

"Master Long, I have been waiting for you for a year, and I thought you would never come!"

It has been a year since Jiu Tianxue returned to Kyoto.

During this year, everyone in the Jiutian family fell silent.

I'm afraid that if one accidentally shows off too much, it will arouse the suspicion of the emperor.

Jiutianxue stayed in Longji Mountain for three years, and the emperor tried to find excuses to get rid of Jiutian's family many times.

In order to protect everyone in the family, Jiu Tianxue never dared to deviate a step.

After returning to the capital, he lived in seclusion and rarely made friends with courtiers.

Now that he finally waited for Long Yao to arrive, he could breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as the dragon balls are taken away, the emperor will have no more thoughts.

At that time, the emperor should consider the people's livelihood in the world, right?

Otherwise, they would really be overwhelmed by always staring at them generals who had been stationed at Longji Mountain.

The generals who had been stationed at Longji Mountain before all had accidents after returning to the capital.

He didn't want to be the next person to be solved secretly.

The emperor was too suspicious, because he was afraid that the generals would go to Longji Mountain to get the dragon ball and not turn it in.

Jiu Tianxue knew that she would not be spared either.

So after returning to Kyoto, keep a low profile as much as you can.

The family property is also quietly sold off.

Jiu Tianxue had planned it long ago. After Master Long took the Dragon Ball, he planned to take his family away.

After thinking about it, could it be that the world is the king's land, where can they go?
Jiutianxue's worrying hair has turned gray these days, and she didn't think of any good solution.

Long Yao went to the upper room and sat down, the servant girl came in with tea and Jiu Tianxue sent the attendants out.

"Master Long, this is the gold and silver prepared for you. Have you seen enough? If not, someone will send it over."

Jiu Tianxue put boxes of gold and silver on the ground from the Qiankun bag.

Long Yao clicked, and there were a lot of them, but a lot more.


"I came to you not only to collect money, I also need you to take me to Longji Mountain. Don't worry, I will guarantee your safety. I can send them away as well as your family's safety."

Long Yao could guess what he was thinking.

She can't bring so many people back to another world, but she can send them to a safe place to live in seclusion.

Jiu Tianxue gave a grateful salute, "Thank you, my lord!"

Jiu Tianxue's originally handsome face turned slightly red with excitement, as if rouge had been applied to her face.

It made him even more handsome and delicate, with the breath of a living person.

"You don't have to be polite! I don't know anything here yet, and I still need you as a guide! These days we will check the situation in the capital first, and then set off for Longji Mountain."

Since she wanted to keep the Jiutian family, she naturally wanted to keep her word.

Jiu Tianxue also understood what Long Yao meant, and he would not be afraid of anything with her words.

"I don't know where the adults want to go to play? I will definitely accompany you!"

Jiutian Xue looked at Long Yao with a smile.

It really is a fairy appearance, which makes people feel pleasing and happy at a glance.

"I want to buy some rare things in the capital to take back."

Long Yao's tone was tinged with playfulness.

Such a tone made Jiu Tianxue slightly taken aback.

Such a change did not match the image of a fairy in his heart.

Long Yao just wanted to bring back some antiques when she went back.

Who told her to still have an antique shop to run!

Bringing these things back can also earn energy points, which serves multiple purposes!
"Okay! I will definitely accompany you around more."

Jiutianxue's brows and eyes gradually softened.

Are all gods so innocent?
(End of this chapter)

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