Chapter 298
The next morning, the entire palace was filled with cries of each other's ups and downs.

When everyone woke up, they found that the entire palace had been robbed.

All the concubines went to the emperor crying together.

Make sure to catch that daring thief!It is impossible to dismember him!
As a result, when I arrived at the emperor's palace, I heard that the 21st daughter of Emperor Ye Yu had suffered a stroke and was unable to speak.

A group of harem women cried together.

At noon, another bad news came from Wei Guogong's mansion.

I heard that Wei Guogong was getting old and strong, and Ye Yu's daughter died of exhaustion on the woman's belly.

Jiu Tianxue was sitting on the carriage, occasionally taking a sneak peek at Long Yao.

Even though Long Yao was closing her eyes and resting her mind, she could still feel his burning gaze.

"Say something."

Long Yao's red lips parted slightly.

Jiu Tianxue coughed awkwardly, "My lord, did you do these?"

The emperor was deposed overnight, and Wei Guogong died of horse wind.

I heard that the palace was looted and it was horrible.

If anyone had such a great ability to come and go in the palace without a trace, and let these two powerful figures in the world be abolished and the other dead, he couldn't think of another person.

The two of them were like this the day Long Yao first arrived, and he wouldn't believe it was a coincidence.

"Of course it's me! I've been starving and dying all this way, and these two old bastards are still enjoying themselves in the wine pool and meat forest, discussing how to deal with your Jiutian family, and what makes me even more disgusted is that they are still coveting my dragon balls ?”

"It would be strange if I could bear it!"

Long Yao's teeth itch with hatred when thinking of the inaction of this foolish king.

The emperor ate, drank and had fun in the palace, but the common people lived in dire straits.

Not only did he not solve the problem of food and clothing for the people, but he even wanted to get the Dragon Ball to rule the world?
He thinks beautifully!

Jiu Tianxue frowned and said worriedly: "My lord, if the emperor dies, the world will be in chaos."

"Now that the royal heirs of the Qingling Kingdom are withered, and the emperor has no heirs at all, Duke Wei, who has power over the government, is also dead. If you want someone to come out and preside over the overall situation, there is no suitable candidate."

"The country can't be left alone for a day, I'm afraid Qingling country will really be in chaos."

Jiu Tianxue once cared about the world, and thought that her knowledge could show her ambition and serve the country.

It is the most chilling thing when your passion is feared by the faint king.

When Jiu Tianxue didn't meet Long Yao, she only felt that dying on the battlefield was also a kind of service to the country.

But if his whole family was implicated in the crime of treason after his death, then his death would be too embarrassing.

He was lucky to have met Long Yao.

It seemed that as long as Lord Long was by his side, he felt at ease.

"It won't be messy! Doesn't the current emperor still have a brother?"

After Liao became emperor, he sent his brother to the imperial mausoleum.

Now that many years have passed, no one has mentioned His Royal Highness the King of Qing who was a world-shocking talent.

Fan Yun, king of the Qing Dynasty, was gentle, refined and knowledgeable.

The former crown prince should have belonged to him, but he was executed because his mother and concubine were framed for having an affair with others.

The first emperor didn't affect his son because of his mother and concubine, but he didn't want to see him again.

The position of prince naturally fell on the category of nothing.

Not long after the late emperor passed away, Kuang ascended the throne as emperor.

According to the last emperor's edict, the children of the royal family are not allowed to kill each other.

The category did not dare to disobey the late emperor's last edict, so he sent Fan Yun to the imperial mausoleum.

I thought the world would be peaceful when the new emperor ascended the throne.

But I didn't expect that the new emperor would start a severe drought in the second year after he took the throne.

In order to prove that he is the real dragon emperor, the field has been fighting for years.

Now that the people of Qingling are full of resentment, it is time to choose a new monarch.

Wei Guogong died and the emperor was deposed. Those ministers and relatives of the emperor have not yet reacted.

If the Jiutian family came forward to support the new monarch, she believed that many people would respond.

 Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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