Chapter 308 Rescue

The longer the silver leaf grass is and the more it is in quantity, the stronger the toxicity on the auger yarn will be.

Today's twisted dragon yarn has turned black, which shows how toxic it is.

"You stay outside!"

Long Yao staggered into the cave alone.

The temperature in the cave almost melted Longyao.

Suddenly a cool force flowed through her whole body, and she couldn't feel a trace of heat.

This is the black dragon ball protecting her.

The corners of Long Yao's mouth raised slightly, and she walked to the stone pillar at the end of the cave.

A large fiery red bird is tied to the stone pillar by an iron chain.

The big bird is like a phoenix but not a phoenix, with a graceful body and gorgeous and colorful feathers.

Suzaku, the head of a chicken, the jaw of a swallow, the neck of a snake, and the tail of a fish, has a magical appearance and is the king of all birds.

The red bird and the phoenix are colorful, the red is a phoenix, the purple is a phoenix, the white is a phoenix, and the blue is a black bird. They come out of the southern sky and have phantoms in all directions.

Suzaku is a fire bird that leads souls to heaven, also known as a phoenix.

Regardless of whether Suzaku is burned to ashes or not, as long as it encounters a little flame, it will be reborn from the ashes, immortal and immortal.

Suzaku is one of the four spirits. The south belongs to fire, and it is in charge of the south. It is called Lingguang God.

The Suzaku in front of him was covered in flames, and his slender phoenix eyes were reddish with black, which was a sign of being possessed.

A black iron chain was tied to Suzaku's golden eagle claws, and another iron chain passed through its blade and fixed to the stone pillar.

The flames on his body splashed more than ten feet, and the sparks falling on the ground would burn the ground into pits and pits.

"What a beautiful bird!"

Now Suzaku is in a bit of a panic, and Long Yao has no choice but to sigh at its beauty.

She has never seen what a real phoenix looks like, and this is the first time she has seen such a beautiful bird.

Suzaku stared at Long Yao closely, his eyes full of tyranny, "Human?"

Suzaku's voice was hoarse, probably because he hadn't spoken for a long time, and it wasn't so crisp.

Long Yao was taken aback, she didn't expect Suzaku to be a man.

"I'm not human, I'm here to save you."

Long Yao doesn't want to talk nonsense, she is also seriously injured now and needs a quick fix.

"Hahahaha! Ridiculous! You are seriously injured and still want to save me?"

"No! Why do you have the breath of that dragon ball on your body!"

Suzaku's expression changed drastically.

Long Yao innocently shrugged, "That's my Dragon Ball!"

She also wanted to understand why her Dragon Ball was used to suppress Suzaku?

"Your dragon ball? How is this possible! You can still live without the dragon ball? It's ridiculous!"

Suzaku didn't believe what she said at all.

Make him trust a human?It's not that easy!
Dragon balls are only available to the dragon clan, and dragons cannot survive without dragon balls!

"There's nothing you can do if you don't believe me! I only wanted to save you after I promised Yuan Jun!"

Long Yao also has her own plans, she has seven fierce beasts by her side, and there are no spirit beasts yet!

He just took four of them for his own use.

"What? Where is Yuanjun?"

Suzaku was not calm now.

They separated ten thousand years ago, and he thought they were all dead.

"Sleeping and recuperating in my place, it was seriously injured, and I gave it a drop of leech blood to heal its wounds."

She has visited Yuan Jun, and the injury is being repaired.

"It's not dead! It's really not dead! That's great!"

Suzaku finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At least two of the four of them are still alive.

Turning to stare at Long Yao with unbelievable phoenix eyes, "The leech is a wild beast, how could you have his blood?"

"He's my subordinate, so it's easy to get some blood!"

"Besides, I promised Yuan Jun to find the four of you and let you get together!"

Long Yao took out a long knife and slashed at the iron chain on Suzaku's body.

Crash!The chain broke.

(End of this chapter)

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