Chapter 311 Fierce
Suzaku looked up at Longyao, who would have thought that such an alluring beauty would be so cruel?

"Lord Dragon Emperor, have you ever thought about changing Tianti Road?"

Suzaku asked his thoughts out of his mouth in a strange way.

Long Yao was also taken aback, she really hadn't thought about this matter carefully.

"Don't call me Sir, just call me Yaoyao like them! Tell me what you think."

Long Yao also thought a lot these days.

In her previous life, she was the Dragon Emperor, controlling the ladder path of the Ten Directions God Realm.

He is obviously noble but hated by everyone.

This is the sticking point.

Suzaku's heart skipped a beat, is this the meaning of discussing friendship with his peers?

His heart was boiling with enthusiasm.

Immediately said: "Yaoyao, although the Tianti Road is majestic and inviolable, it is not controlled by the Dao of Heaven. The thunder tribulation on the road is too powerful, and very few people pass through it."

"But there is also an advantage. The strength of the gods who pass the Tianti Road cannot be underestimated! It is because of the difficulty of passing the Tianti Road that there are too few humans who become gods later, which arouses dissatisfaction. It should be able to gain the favor of many gods."

After Suzaku finished speaking her thoughts, she leaned against the wall with her arms around her chest and looked at Longyao.

Long Yao paused while she was digging the silver-leaf grass, "You should know, if you reduce the strength of the thunder tribulation, what is it like to ascend to a god?"

Many immortals whose strength has risen rapidly through opportunistic tricks will become gods because of Lei Jie's relaxation.

It is an unfair treatment for those immortals who have really ascended.

"I've also thought about this question. There are everyone in the Great Thousand World, so why should Yaoyao care about so much?"

Suzaku didn't want her to take care of so much right and wrong, wouldn't it be good to take care of herself and the people around her?

Long Yao understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "I will consider your suggestion. After reliving twice, I think about everything, and the people around me are the most important."

Seeing that she had listened to his words, Suzaku smiled softly and said, "It's fine if Yaoyao wants to open it! I only wanted to open it after these years."

The four gods and beasts also have their own responsibilities, and sometimes they ignore their friends because of their own responsibilities.

When you lose it, you will understand that there is nothing better than having friends and relatives around you.

"I only wanted to open it in these years."

Long Yao jumped down after collecting the silver leaf grass on the wall.

Suzaku is noncommittal, and only knows how to choose after experiencing it.

"Are we going out?"

Suzaku walked behind Long Yao.

Looking at the potholes that had been dug on the wall, the corners of Suzaku's mouth twitched slightly.

Long Yao waved her hand, "Don't go out yet! I'm going to set up a pawn shop here."

Suzaku didn't understand, what kind of pawn shop should be established in this place where no shit?
Long Yao planned to have Jiu Tianxue to run this pawn shop, as long as the passage here is established, the energy points in her pawn shop will continue to grow.

Soon Long Yao reached the entrance of the passage where they fell.

Looking up at the entrance of the cave, which was so high that it couldn't see the top, Longyao was a little crazy.

So high, there is still a huge suction below.

If someone wants to fly out of this hole, suction will suddenly appear below, making it difficult for you to fly.

"We can't get out above! Come with me!"

Suzaku led Long Yao and Zhu Meng into another passage.

Long Yao turned around and walked behind him, "Can your spiritual sense be used here?"

Suzaku was puzzled, "Is your divine sense useless? Then how did you find this place?"

It is almost impossible to find here without divine consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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