Chapter 317 Dreamland
Long Yao's dream was full of blood, and the double-ended long knife in his hand was covered with blood.

Bright red blood dripped down the blade to the ground, exposing Sen Han's white blade.

The battlefield was filled with blood and flames shot into the sky.

Long Yao's golden armor was stained with blood, and the red cloak was also darker because of the blood.

"Long Yao, you are not tolerated in the world, and being alive is also a disaster!"

"Damn you! You have driven so many human beings out of their wits, you will have to die."

"You are just a monster, how can you decide whether human beings become gods or not!"

"go to hell!"


In the dream, the flames were flying, the dusk was dark, and a person fell at Long Yao's feet dripping with blood.

Long Yao's eyes are scarlet, it's not like this!

She is the Nine Color Dragon Emperor!She is the Dragon Emperor who created the world!Why should I be threatened by you!
Why is she incompatible with heaven and earth?Why!
"Then you all go to hell—"


The nine-color spiritual power in his hand rushed into the crowd with a destructive force.

Everyone annihilated everything in the dream!
Long Yao sat up abruptly, everything in the dream left her with lingering fears.

"Is this the memory fused with that dragon ball?"

Long Yao stepped out of bed, stood by the window, staring at the setting sun that was about to set in a daze.

Was the self in the previous dream too arrogant?
Otherwise, it wouldn't have provoked so many people to try their best to kill her.

No matter!In this life, she just doesn't care about those nosy things.

Some things really cannot be forced.

"Hey! The Dragon Emperor is awake?"

Ye Yu walked over holding a stick with a fish on it.

Long Yao's temples twitched, at first he thought Suzaku was an elegant young man, but after getting along for a long time, he realized that this guy was a brawler and unreasonable bastard by nature.

He was wearing a crumpled red dress, with his sleeves and trousers rolled up, holding a dark stick with a burnt fish in his hand.

This image!
I missed it!

"Do you still want to look like a handsome boy?"

Long Yao supported her forehead.

"What kind of image do you want in front of you! Try my grilled fish!"

Ye Yu handed the black lacquered fish to Long Yao as if asking for credit.

Smiling and wiping his face, all the ashes from his hands were wiped on his fair face.

A handsome face turned into a tabby cat.

He smiled, revealing a mouthful of big white teeth.

Long Yao slapped her forehead, this big fool!Didn't see it?

"Are you grilling fish? You won't die, right?"

Looking at the horrible black fish, Long Yao just wanted to throw it away.

"How is it possible! I put a lot of effort into it to replenish your body, so hurry up and eat it!"

Ye Yu poured a glass of water and placed it in front of her.

"Yaoyao, don't eat it! It's so unpalatable!"

"Ouch! Cough cough cough!"

Zhu Mengfei ran into the room.

The mouth is black, and it is disgusting while flying.

"It's unpalatable! Don't talk nonsense!"

Ye Yu snorted and landed on Pearl Dream.

"It's just unpalatable! The outside is burnt! The inside is not yet cooked, and the fish is still bitter!"

Zhu Meng vomited so disgustingly that she couldn't eat for several days.

Whoosh!Zhu Meng flew out of the room to find a place to vomit.

Long Yao laughed loudly, "Hahahahahahaha!"

Seeing Ye Yu's black and blue face, Long Yao laughed out loud.

Ye Yu gritted her teeth, she really doesn't know good people!

Looking at Ye Yu who was blushing and running away, Long Yao patted the table and smiled facelessly.

In this unfamiliar world, being able to have these two live treasures by her side also eased her homesickness.

I don't know if Uncle and the others are doing well?
(End of this chapter)

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