Chapter 320
Jiutianxue felt the same way as him.

This is a paradise isolated from the world.

"Master Long, will it be only the two of us here from now on?"

How would they do business if it was just the two of them?
"How is it possible? You can do some publicity so that other people can also come here to do business. You can open or close the enchantment at the door as you like. It is also possible to open the door for a long time to do business."

The enchantment of Longji Mountain was modified by Long Yao.

Now as long as the token control is fine.

Hearing that business can be done here, Jiu Tianxue was satisfied.

He used to be willing to go to the battlefield, but now he is willing to be a businessman in order to save his family's life.

Li Shaoming followed Long Yao to the pawn shop, and when he saw those miraculous things, he couldn't move anymore.

"Shall we discuss our future plans? You all sit down."

Long Yao brought the three of them under the tree, and a tea set appeared on the table after waving.

The four of them sat down separately, admiring the beautiful scenery and smelling the aroma of tea and fruit. It really was a great enjoyment in life.

"Master Long, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Jiu Tianxue knew that Long Yao must have something to say.

"What I want to say is that if the items here are sold out, you need to go to my place to pick them up in person. I think you all understand the reason why it is a crime to conceive a jade."

"The sudden appearance of these things in your Qingling country will attract the covetousness of other small countries sooner or later, so what I mean is that businessmen who come to do business do not restrict businessmen from other small countries to come. This is the simplest solution."

The legend of a single dragon ball can attract multi-country melee, let alone such a treasure house.

It's good for her to say here, once she leaves, it will be a matter of time before this place attracts covetousness.

"That's exactly what I mean. This place is too good and against the sky. Human nature is mostly greedy. There is a shortcut to the sky here. It's no wonder they don't covet it?"

Li Zhaoming didn't expect such a scene here.

It is more appropriate to say that this is a pawn shop, than to say that this is a place where immortals live.

Who doesn't want to live forever?

He was shocked by the things here, let alone others.

"Master Long, I think the things sold here should not be too heaven-defying."

Jiu Tianxue pondered for a while before coming to a conclusion.

"The things I give you will not be too against the sky, you can rest assured."

Long Yao didn't intend to give them anything too heaven-defying, after all, this is a very small interface.

It is also an interface where immortals will not appear.

Long Yao has seen it on the universe star map, this interface is too small.

"That's good!" Jiu Tianxue felt relieved after receiving an affirmative answer.

Ye Yu took a sip of tea and said, "Yaoyao, is this going to be too abrupt?"

Long Yao knew what he meant, she changed Qingling Kingdom's emperor in just one year.

A pawn shop was also set up here, which would be awkward to anyone.

"It's okay, since my mission has been completed, I'm not afraid to be more high-profile!"

After Long Yao accepted the inheritance of the black dragon ball, her whole person changed drastically.

Temperament already has some shadows of the Dragon Emperor.

Ye Yu smiled lightly, "You! I don't know how they could stand your temper before."

Ye Yu could imagine how worried Qiongqi and the others were.

The four of them stayed here for five consecutive days, and they were not idle these days, and publicity in the form of leaflets was distributed everywhere.

Long Yao and Ye Yu are in charge of distributing leaflets in other small countries, while Jiu Tianxue and Li Shaoming are in charge of Qingling Country.

(End of this chapter)

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