Chapter 323 Unknown Words

Song Zhen asked the waiter with a reddish face, "Brother, there are many fonts in this book that I don't recognize, can anyone here understand?"

The waiter took the book and found that it was a book in simplified characters.

He smiled and said, "My lord, please follow me."

These people have all accepted the inheritance given to them by Long Yao, so they naturally understand these fonts in their minds.

"Okay!" Song Zhen politely followed the waiter to a tea room on the side.

When we arrived at the tea room, there was a man lying on the table and recording something.

The waiter saluted slightly, "Sir, this young master doesn't understand many characters, please teach me a few words, sir."

Lu Chu raised his head from a pile of books, "Master, you want to exhaust me to death, don't you? Where is the husband she said is easy to find?"

Lu Chu used to be a scholar, but he gave up the exam because he was dissatisfied with cheating in the exam room.

From then on, he was just a teacher.

He worked as a bookkeeper and as a teacher in a private school, wandering for several years.

When he was about to die of starvation, he was rescued by Long Yao and brought him back to Taolin.

Together with those waiters, he recognized Long Yao as his master, accepted the inheritance together, and then managed the accountant of the pawn shop.

"Hey! Mr. Lu, didn't the master not find it? You should suffer for a few days first."

The waiter is also helpless, this is Mr. Lu's most leisurely place.

Lu Chu rolled his eyes, "I want to read too!"

Seeing the pitiful look of the waiters, he couldn't bear to sigh, "All right, all right! I'll teach them first."

Turning around and smiling politely at Song Zhen, "Sir, please sit down, if you don't understand anything, just ask me."

Song Zhen saluted, "Mr. Thank you."

The waiter smiled and left the room.

Not long after, more than a dozen people were sent in by the waiter, all because they didn't know the characters on the books.

All four of them are included.

The place selling shops outside was also almost squeezed through the threshold.

Jiu Tianxue and Li Shaoming sat leisurely under the peach tree and played chess, while the waiters were doing the rest.

The two white tigers lay obediently on the ground and played with their paws.

The falcon stopped on a tree where Long Yao was lying.

"Tianxue, you said that your lord has left everything to us, is your lord going to leave?"

Li Shaoming looked up at the tree, Long Yao was sleeping on that tree, he was really reluctant to let Long Yao go.

Jiu Tianxue paused the hand holding the chess piece, "Hurry up, if this place is on the right track, you should leave."

Lord Tianlong has been in and out of Longji Mountain frequently these days, and every time he goes out, he will bring some people back.

Think of everything here.

It not only guarantees their safety, but also ensures the prosperity here.

Rather than saying that they make money for the adults, it is better to say that the adults support them.

Now there are as many as five hundred people working as waiters here.

They are basically orphans and helpless people.

They met Master Long, which was the luck of this life.

"Why don't you want me to go!"

A teasing voice reached the ears of the two.

Then there was an alluring woman next to the two of them.

Long Yao is cute and playful in a pink Confucian dress, with two cute dimples on her smiling face.

"Ouch! Lord Long, your sudden appearance scared me to death!"

Li Shaoming patted his chest exaggeratedly in fright.

Jiu Tianxue shook her head with a smile, "Is Master Long really leaving?"

He didn't expect Master Long to have such a mischievous side.

They have always thought that gods are putting on airs and dismissing mortals.

Master Long is not like that, she is kind and approachable.

(End of this chapter)

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