Chapter 341

Seeing that his base was annihilated in the fire, Fang Ming didn't intend to make the last struggle.

Without it all, he couldn't live.

"You have to atone for the sins you have done! I will not let you die so easily."

Long Yao stuffed a pill into his mouth.

There are not many people on the island, and the most are those thermal weapons controlled by computers.

In order to prevent these thermal weapons from being useful, Long Yao arranged for Hua Shaoqing to control the background of these computers on board, making those thermal weapons a display.

The remaining supernatural beings are not enough for them to slaughter.

Gui Che kicked the last person away, and led them into the underground research room.

Looking at the person soaked in the medicine, Gui Che's back molars creaked.

He used to be one of the people soaked in these potions.

"I'll go! What is this thing?"

Ming Ruofeng staggered and rushed in.

Seeing the person soaking in the potion, he couldn't help howling.

Jueying and the others looked up and down the underground laboratory, it was basically a killing field.

"These people are nothing!"

Wu Xie was glad that they followed the boss back then and didn't agree to come to the prison.

If they come, they should also be one of the people soaked in these potions.

Hua Ling tilted her head and looked at Gui Che, "What are these things?"

Gui Che gritted his teeth and punched the glass container, vigorously wiping the blood on his face.

Then he murmured, "These are all medicine men. The medicine men created don't know pain and have no thoughts. A chip will be put into their brains, and they only obey the orders of the Fang family."

"I was one of them at the beginning, but I didn't lose my consciousness like them, and I escaped when I was sent out to do a mission."

"In that dark basement, I endured the pain of myriad insects eating my heart and lingered for five years."

"Fortunately, I met the boss, he made me live like a human again!"

Gui Che recalled the past again, as if it was yesterday.

All the past can no longer splash any ripples.

"These things are in the past! This place will never exist again!"

Jueying patted Gui Che on the shoulder to comfort him.

Gui Che nodded, "I know! Everything is over here! Let's deal with the follow-up quickly."

"Okay!" Several people went to deal with the follow-up separately.

Long Yao looked at everything that was destroyed by the fire without any disturbance.

Here they can come in so easily, all relying on Long Yao's enchantment.

caught them off guard.

This is the gap between the strong and the weak.

The Fang family thought they were the strongest with many supernatural powers, but it was a pity that they met Long Yao.

They are doomed to failure.

Mo Xun arrived in the dungeon where he was locked up.

"Help, save us!"

"Give me water, please!"

"Eat! Eat!"

"Let us die! Please!"

"Kill, kill me!"

The person inside was ragged, disheveled, and skinny, lying on the ground wriggling with difficulty.

Only fear and despair remained in his eyes.

Look carefully, some people are missing arms, some are missing legs, some are blind, and some have only one leg left.

Among all kinds of disabled people, there are only a few whole people.

The stench in the underground dungeon was terrible.

As soon as Long Yao came in, she was stunned by the situation in front of her.

This place is simply a purgatory!
Mo Xun was already used to such an environment, and there was no wave in his eyes after seeing it.

Like these people, he was almost cut off with a leg.

(End of this chapter)

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